Mike Rowe and having a good work ethic
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 9 years, 8 months ago to Economics
Mike Rowe handles this quite well! Why should he put forth effort to work with someone who doesn't have one clue about what hard work accomplishes and having the work ethic to be successful, no matter what type of work you're doing? Eloquent smack!
Thomas Sowell did not have everything going for him, but he picked himself up and made his way - to beocme one of the brightest men in the country.
As to "soft skills", today's youth are woefully lacking. From an inability to have a face to face conversation with a boss or co-worker, to their general attitude - it has to drive potential employers crazy.
I saw a lady fall at McDs this week in Ohio. The kid mopping the floor was mopping the same area over and over, and finding ways to kill time. He was acting goofy and failed to place a warning where the floor was very wet. When the husband asked him to put a stand there, the kid replied, "their ain't no more" - really. There were plenty of stands in dry spots. Not, is she alright, is she hurt, or not that he would find a stand to mark the slippery area. I felt like screaming at him! As far as he was concerned, the husband had interfere with his hanging out time. Later, luckily, the young manger heard what was going on, and came out from the cooking area and did everything like a good potential objectivist. Unfortunately, he was in a distinct minority for his age group.
I like the 'soft skills' term. Is there such a thing as 'medium hard skills' I wonder? That would be literacy, the ability to write an intelligent email, show up to work on time. (I assume that 'hard skills' are actual job skills.)
When Rowe offers to sign the poster, he sounds genuine, not as if he's being a jerk. He's making all good factual points.
1. He doesn't have a solution for people from such a bad background that they can't work.
2. He doesn't stereotype members of the rich/poor as greed/lazy.
3. The left/right media prating about greed/laziness is a zoo of stupidity.
4. There are *actual jobs* that need to be done right now, and people are going into debt for education/training in the wrong areas.
I think he overstated the thing that people don't want to work. I think most people do, and they're happy when they get into "the zone" of work. I also think he overstates the thing that we're "churning out" people with no skill, ambition, etc. People have said that since the beginning of time. I agree the problems are real, just nothing new.
Most of what he's saying is just the facts, just reality, not politics.
means that they are too selective about the jobs
and locations where they will work? . maybe they
went to school to be an accountant, and the job
is in North Dakota pulling pipe. . spoiled people. -- j
For me it means work requires you to push yourself forward through the parts that don't give immediate gratification, even if it's a labor of love.
that car ready to go, and then the calm and easy
vacation with it. . labor of love! -- j
a characteristic which cannot be faked. . just a few
interactions with a teammate will tell you how they
stick to the job, apply themselves, and identify with
successful work. . there is nearly no feeling as good
as sponsoring someone whom you know to be
strong in this area. . they will not let you down,
the best of them, regardless of what happens
in the workplace. -- j
I also bet the guy won't put up the money for the autographed poster.