Why bother with resonance?
Posted by ArtIficiarius 9 years, 9 months ago to Going Galt
I am a graduate physicist. Resonance, with positive feedback will break just about anything. All stable systems have negative feedback mechanisms embedded in them to keep them stable. Break the negative feedback mechanism and the system will blow up.
The productivity gatekeepers today are real but invisible to their organizations and governments. John Galt, anyone?
Check out Rudolf Starkermann, then post your reactions.
The productivity gatekeepers today are real but invisible to their organizations and governments. John Galt, anyone?
Check out Rudolf Starkermann, then post your reactions.
In some ways this reminds me of the work of Bruce Buena de Mesquita.
Feedback issues are an AS embedded theme, z.B., the Xylophone, remember?
The invisible hand that suppresses productivity is Administratium. The only place in any organization where Administratium can be excluded is the workface and first tier supervisor/foreman. This is invisible to the organization. Only here can no BS productivity be found, and here it is the easiest to kill. Do you hear me, John?
Project X was not the only AS instance, by far.
The interpretation takes a willingness to throw off the blinkers
Your statement about negative feedback mechanisms is correct.
"The productivity gatekeepers today are real but invisible to their organizations and governments."
that the positive feedback associated with productivity
is inherent and functional, these days, though it is not
understood within the private sector nor the government
enough to inspire harmonious actions like incentives
for improved quality, productivity or customer appeal.
I justified millions of dollars' worth of productivity improvements
in a previous job and received no more money for them,
just a general "good boy" comment in an otherwise
good evaluation. . this nation began with the private-property
incentive from Bradford and company ... and has been
retreating from it ever since. . we're stupid! -- j