Membership Upgrade?
Posted by BenjaminGrimm 11 years, 10 months ago to The Gulch: General
I became an Objectivist before I knew that word even existed, much less it's meaning. The joy I found in reading The Fountainhead and seeing my own thoughts and opinions translated into a novel is beyond words. I tore through the book a just a few days. As soon as I'd finished, I went out and bought Atlas Shrugged. I read it even fast than Fountainhead. Then Anthem, and finally, We The Living. For this reason, I don't actively "preach" Objectivism, but anyone who knows me knows I live by it. I think finding it on your own makes a much greater impact than being led to it and having your mind changed to it, but that's just me. Then I found this site after seeing the first movie.
When I first found this site, I was rather disappointed with much of the content I found and that most of the posters here were basically Objectivist in name only. I know being an Objectivist isn't exactly popular in America today, but post after post seemed to be made by people who thought they were riding some bandwagon, but didn't bother to pick up on the core beliefs along the way. I was pretty let down by all that, wondering if that was all there was left of Objectivism today. So I took a break from the site for a while. These last few weeks I've found my way back, driven back by the insanity of the rest of the world, looking for comfort in the logical mind. I find better posts and links now than in the past, which gives me hope. What do you think Gulch members? Is it time to upgrade? Is it worth it to come here regularly? Has this sight become a beacon for modern Objectivists?
When I first found this site, I was rather disappointed with much of the content I found and that most of the posters here were basically Objectivist in name only. I know being an Objectivist isn't exactly popular in America today, but post after post seemed to be made by people who thought they were riding some bandwagon, but didn't bother to pick up on the core beliefs along the way. I was pretty let down by all that, wondering if that was all there was left of Objectivism today. So I took a break from the site for a while. These last few weeks I've found my way back, driven back by the insanity of the rest of the world, looking for comfort in the logical mind. I find better posts and links now than in the past, which gives me hope. What do you think Gulch members? Is it time to upgrade? Is it worth it to come here regularly? Has this sight become a beacon for modern Objectivists?
to which type of posts are you referring? what "bandwagons"?
congratulations, you are the first in the Gulch to get four yeses from an administrator in one comment.
Perhaps I had inflated expectations and/or maybe joined a the wrong time. As I said, I see more and better posts now. We seem to be an endangered species and having a place to come and find others of the same mentality is something I've been looking for for quite some time. I'm hoping to find it here.
I felt the same way when I discovered Atlas Shrugged. And I experienced the same feeling after reading your post;
"I became an Objectivist before I knew that word even existed, much less it's meaning. The joy I found in reading The Fountainhead and seeing my own thoughts and opinions translated into a novel is beyond words. I tore through the book a just a few days. As soon as I'd finished, I went out and bought Atlas Shrugged. I read it even fast than Fountainhead. Then Anthem, and finally, We The Living. For this reason, I don't actively "preach" Objectivism, but anyone who knows me knows I live by it. I think finding it on your own makes a much greater impact than being led to it and having your mind changed to it, but that's just me. Then I found this site after seeing the first movie. "
Very pleased to see some are thinking exactly what I am thinking or have thought.
Glad to have you back Benjamin.
not as many yeses..
point is, there are tons of posts in here. they will not all be Objectivist academic. there are many sites for you to explore which are pure. In here, this is EVERYONE who loves the movies. and real galters. yes, real ones. ask the right questions, Ben.
Do not revolt against reality
It's a personal thing - and it speaks to your *true* core philosophy. ;)