Is America ready for Donald Trump as president?

Posted by gaiagal 9 years, 9 months ago to Politics
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Trump may really be throwing his hat in the ring this time. A very interesting group of people vying for the Republican nomination.

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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 9 months ago
    Trump is a clown. That doesn't mean that he's a fool. In the past, a clown was always taken as a fool. That hasn't been true for a long time. I don't think he would rise to the level as a politician to a Cruz or a Rubio, but the Repubs could do worse. A lot worse.
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  • Posted by JamesVI 9 years, 9 months ago
    Donald Trump is the least qualified potential candidate to serve as President of the USA. The Donald is just a self promoter like a circus barker tearing down his political opponents with his vicious verbal attacks trying to build himself and his image. Trump has more baggage than a Pullman train and for that reason and his inability to manage anything successfully he's not electable. Donald (Duck) Trump is a serial bankrupt-er who has built his wealth (if he has any) on the backs of compromised creditors including banks, investors, financiers, bondholders, lenders, labor unions, pension funds and real estate investors all of who bought the Trump dream and got the Trump shaft (in the end). Trump has bankrupted his projects in Panama, Mexico and Florida plus bankrupted his Atlantic City Casinos because of gross mismanagement. We can do better than Trump for President as he would bankrupt the USA and have us in WW3 with China in his first 60 days in office as President. John Galt would turn over in his grave at the thought of Trump as President. John Galt lives in all of us and we know Donald Trump is not man enough for the job at hand.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 9 months ago
      I have noticed that, in the media, the bankruptcies are rarely, if ever, mentioned when reporting a potential Trump presidential run. I have been curious about that. It certainly seems worth mentioning - especially if "debt restructuring" is one of his main tools.
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  • Posted by ProfChuck 9 years, 9 months ago
    Trump's ego is amusing and he certainly has gall and hutzpah. He does not hesitate to call a spade a spade, sometimes with more colorful language. My concern is that he appears to be easily distracted an very unpredictable. It isn't clear what to expect from a Trump POTUS. But it's bound to be better than what we have now.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 9 months ago
    Donald would be perfect as president today, and as unlike the founders as anyone could find. He is jealous of all the money others are stealing from the people that coulda been his! He wants a mainline connection to that addictive substance: other peoples money.
    America is ready, and has proven it by electing GWBush twice (arguably) and O twice.
    "I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death"
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  • Posted by fivedollargold 9 years, 9 months ago
    The Donald craves publicly, but hates losing. He will tease people with running for POTUS but is ultimately very unlikely to run for the simple reason that he couldn't stand being an also ran.
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  • Posted by cjferraris 9 years, 9 months ago
    Well, I see both sides of him becoming president. Yes, he does have an outlandish ego, sometimes buffoonish, and has thrown around the ideas of running for president for a few times, yet backing out of it. But on the other hand, almost all presidential candidates have had big egos. He is also NOT a politician where he's not running for his next office after winning the last election. He's definitely got more business experience than just about anyone else running. Part of running a business is knowing when to let a bad idea die. Sometimes you start a business with a great idea that just doesn't catch on and you end up closing it. That is part of running a business. The problem that I see is that we have too many candidates with "commitment issues", and by that, I mean they stick with something a whole lot longer than they need to. The Department of Energy started out as a great idea that quickly ended up overly regulating a good part of the economy without performing the task it was set to do. Department of Education, has allowed our education system to "dumb down" our populous. The list goes on. Like him or not, I do believe that if Trump becomes officially a candidate, he should be at least given a fair listen to before we make up our minds.
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  • Posted by term2 9 years, 9 months ago
    At least Trump would say it like it is. I would have voted for Joan Rivers for the same reason. At least they would stick up for the USA, as opposed to Obama who apologizes for us being alive. If there was gridlock in government as a result, so be it. If they cant vote, they cant either take from me or give to me- which is all government in the USA is now.
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  • Posted by scojohnson 9 years, 9 months ago
    He's not even close to being in the front of the pack. To get a single vote outside of New York, he would have to articulate his stance on religion, gun rights, etc. I don't see him having a chance at all.
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  • Posted by GaryL 9 years, 9 months ago
    What are these "Qualifications" so many mention?

    Lying, cheating, sneaky back door deals with an eye on the future money to be made is about all the qualifications I see Zero and HillBilly demonstrating. Ethics, honesty, character and some other important traits have been lost I fear forever because far too many who have the right to vote are either not informed well enough, are too dam stupid or just don't give a shit about who they elect to lead this country off the cliffs ahead. Donald Trump could be just the guy to get our financial house in order but don't think for one second that he or any of the other power mongers don't also have their eyes on the money.
    The right guy would be a tough SOB with a set of balls the size of a gorilla and an honest to God attitude where he just does not give a hoot about getting re-elected, mostly because such a fellow never would get elected. His own party dinosaurs would drive a stake through his heart.
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  • Posted by jabuttrick 9 years, 9 months ago
    I confess to being uninformed about Trump's politics. I vaguely remember that he ran for the Reform Party presidential nomination many years ago. What political principles does he espouse? What does he think the proper function of government is? I'll even settle for a couple of issue statements. Anyone have any info?
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    • Posted by $ Terrylutz3682 9 years, 9 months ago
      He has made many statements on where he stands on issues from debt to immigration. His biggest selling point is that he is not a politician. He will self fund his campaign and therefore not be beholden to any special interest groups "I believe this is a major selling point". He will not run to make more money because he could make more by not running. He believes in America and the Constitution and would become our best cheerleader since Ronald Regan. He has proven he is a great manager and entrepreneur. As an entrepreneur he is against bureaucracy. He would hire good people to reduce the bureaucracy and FIRE them if they didn't.

      He knows how to negotiate and would not let us be outmaneuvered in trade deals. He would stop China from manipulating their currency and therefore bring back good middle class manufacturing jobs to the USA. He is against the immigration debacle and would take swift action to secure our borders.

      He has great name recognition and would be a strong candidate against Clinton. Anybody that has been in business as long as he has will have a lot of baggage. We must look past some of that and his ego. I think everyone in the gulch should give the guy a chance to say what he will do if president before condemning him or writing him off. He is not the perfect candidate that we all want but he will be the best bet at this time. He will make chage happen.
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      • Posted by jabuttrick 9 years, 9 months ago
        Hmmm. He is going to "self fund"? It would cost several hundred million dollars to do that. Does he have liquid assets in that amount? Many have fallen for the non-politician businessman rhetoric before. It does not always work out. Willkie fooled Rand with such talk. The best Presidents in the last century all had governmental experience. Coolidge, Reagan. As for "change" we have one of those guys now. Finally, you cite negotiating trade deals as a strength. Personally I do not want the government making "deals" for me. How about free markets for a change?
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        • Posted by $ Terrylutz3682 9 years, 9 months ago
          By self funding I meant he will not need to take contributions with strings attached. He will still get contributions. I don't consider Regan to be a politician. Do we need someone with political experience or CEO experience? I agree on trade agreements, I also believe in fair trade but that is not what we have. I used a poor example of the need for someone who can negociate. In this world deals are made by the government all the time. I wish it was not true but if we have to have them, I want the best negotiator on my team.
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          • Posted by jabuttrick 9 years, 9 months ago
            They all say they will not have any strings attached to contributions. Reagan was elected Governor of California twice and failed at one presidential bid before getting the nomination. And he had virtually no business experience. He was an actor and pitchman for General Electric before going into politics. His resume and Trump's bear no resemblance to one another. As for Trump as negotiator, I really don't know how he would work out, but I know I do not rank that factor highly in voting for President. I'm guessing he has no respect for the Constitution or belief in limited government. I could be wrong. What does he say on those subjects??
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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 9 months ago
    There are some things about Donald Trump that I admire, but I will readily admit that I do not know much about if, or to what extent, Trump employs cronyism or acts as a looter. I saw freedomforall comment today that Trump is a looter's looter. If you think it is in your best interest, please educate me.

    I like what Trump did with NYC real estate, with his golf courses, and even the NJ Generals from the USFL in the 1980s. I haven't watched The Apprentice, but I do occasionally see him on Fox News on Monday AM's.
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    • Posted by H2ungar123 9 years, 9 months ago
      He is somewhat of a braggart, i.e. claiming to 'fix' America better than anyone else. So why doesn't he put his money where his mouth
      is and announce he's running? I did not
      appreciate his saying he's buddies with Al
      Sharpless, stating they go back a long way
      together and that Al is really OK, just doing
      his job. Trump has a lot of baggage, and
      adding Sharpless to it doesn't help..
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      • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 9 months ago
        Being a braggart is not the most virtuous of habits, but one that I am willing to tolerate from producers. For some of us, notably me, the balance between bragging and self-deprecation is not an easy one. This is an area that I will probably struggle with my whole life.

        His being friendless with Al (Not So) Sharpton was news to me.
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