Saving in bullion

Posted by jyokela 11 years, 1 month ago to Economics
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I have searched high and low for ways to easily save in bullion as we know the dollar can go away at any time. I also have the goal of bullion in hand since paper bullion is as useful as it sounds. :) I don't want to pay for storage, tax, shipping (or gas to drive to the local dealer), or a lot over spot and I want to by small amounts of bullion easily, if not automatically. Sounds like I want the moon and stars? Well, I do. The only place I have found to fulfill my desires is Northwest Territorial Mint. You automacicly by some billion each month and they ship it to you when you reach the minimum shipping for that kind of bullion. Depending on how much you buy, the shipment frequency could be every month to once a year, it is up to your preference! I love the program and I hope you do, too.

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