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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 10 months ago
    I don't get the interest in Polaha. He really has little to do with Objectivism except to play a role in Atlas 3. Actors wear and shed personalities like a duck sheds water. It's their job. It doesn't reflect anything about them.
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    • Posted by $ puzzlelady 9 years, 10 months ago
      Here is what he said in that interview that reflects him, not a role:

      "What we eat is what we are, so if you eat a lot of fast food, a lot of junk food, you’re eventually going to get overweight and you’re going to get sick. I think the same goes for what we put into our minds, through our eyes and ears – what we read, what music we listen to, the movies and the television that you watch. If you just keep putting in empty fattening dark stuff, eventually that’s going to be reflected in your thoughts."

      Sounds to me this actor picked up some good philosophy from his Atlas association or had some good ideas of his own.

      His new film is about "faith"; I don't know if it peddles religion or celebrates the power of hope. A recovering alcoholic and a Down's syndrome boy and a cute teenage girl -- no elitism here. Could give Forrest Gump a run for the money.
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  • Posted by BradA 9 years, 10 months ago
    FYI, Backstrom has been canceled.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
      Shame. 1/2 of one season. They should have moved it to a different night.
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      • Posted by BradA 9 years, 10 months ago
        Here's my Backstrom comment on a TV blog that I frequent.
        Another mis-fire from Hart Hanson and company. Like The Finder, the protagonist is supposed to have some special ability or skill that allows him to analyze things that others cannot. And so, there were comparisons to House MD before the season started. But in both cases, the portrayal of the abilities was mundane and uninteresting. Not to mention that the characters were, at best, 2 dimensional and also uninteresting. The actors were capable of and in fact deserved much better material than they were given (as evidenced by the final scene). The premise for both shows was intriguing and had potential, but with the execution we've been given, I'd be surprised if we get to see another season. (written shortly before the cancellation was announced)
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