Music that moves the soul.

Posted by tkstone 9 years, 10 months ago to Entertainment
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Can you name a song that speaks to you as an objectivist and one that makes your blood boil. I will start with Tom Petty and "Running Down Dream" and juxtipose that against Egdar Winters "Free Ride".....Needed something light to think about after this week.

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  • Posted by cksawyer 9 years, 9 months ago
    1. "2112" by Rush. Explicitly based on Anthem, with the electric light replaced by electric guitar.

    2. "Awaken" by Yes - not explicitly objectivist, but artistically congruent.
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    • Posted by jpellone 9 years, 9 months ago
      When I bought the LP 2112, I took it home and put on my headphones. Started side one while reading the album cover, by the time side one ended I was in awe.

      This is from Wikipedia:
      In the year 2062, a galaxy-wide war results in the union of all planets under the rule of the Red Star of the Solar Federation. By 2112, the world is controlled by the "Priests of the Temples of Syrinx," who determine the content of all reading matter, songs, pictures — every facet of life.

      A man discovers an ancient guitar and learns to play his own music. Thinking he has made a wonderful discovery that will be a boon to humanity, he goes to present the guitar to the priests of the Temples, who angrily destroy it and rebuke him for unearthing one of the "silly whims" that caused the collapse of the previous civilization. He goes into hiding and dreams of a world before the Solar Federation. Upon awakening he becomes distraught and commits suicide. As he dies, another planetary battle begins resulting in the ambiguous ending "Attention all planets of the Solar Federation: We have assumed control." (This spoken section was created by Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson reportedly "messing around with a tape recorder.") On the "2112/Moving Pictures" episode of the television series Classic Albums, Neil Peart confirmed that he intended the ending to be a happy one as the people of the Solar Federation are liberated.

      On the album, Peart credits "the genius of Ayn Rand." Rand, a Russian-born, Jewish-American novelist and creator of the philosophy of Objectivism, wrote a novella titled Anthem (itself adopted as the title of another Rush song, from the album Fly By Night) from which Peart borrowed the broad strokes of the plot. This caused the band significant negative publicity, the band often being labeled as right-wing extremist, the British NME even making allusions to Nazism, an insinuation particularly offensive to lead singer Geddy Lee whose parents survived a Nazi concentration camp.[4]

      This album inspired me from the time I was 17.
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      • Posted by jpellone 9 years, 9 months ago
        Oh, and on the other side of the argument, the song that has really bothered me is "War Pigs" by Black Sabbath. Love many Black Sabbath and Ozzy songs but War Pigs rubbed me the wrong way!!!
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  • Posted by elstonc 9 years, 9 months ago
    A song that speaks to me: "Headlong Flight" by Rush, from their latest work, "Clockwork Angels." I consider "Clockwork Angels" to be their masterpiece. "All the treasures, the gold and glory, it didn't always feel that way. I don't regret it, I'll never forget it. I wouldn't trade tomorrow for today." Indeed.

    A song that makes my blood boil: "Share the Land" by The Guess Who. "Maybe I'll be there to share the land they'll be giving away when we all live together." Yuck.
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  • Posted by BradA 9 years, 9 months ago
    From a post a made here a while back ...
    When Rand talked about Halley's missing 5th Concerto, I have always imagined it to be Keith Emerson's Piano Concerto No. 1 (from ELP's Works Vol 1.). There is a simple, up lifting melody that winds its way through the piece that is mostly carried by individual instruments which to me reinforced the importance of an individual's achievement against the backdrop of a supporting orchestra. This melody is then dropped into chaotic and dischordant movements, against which it fights and struggles until finally emerging as the dominant and heroic theme.
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  • Posted by $ puzzlelady 9 years, 9 months ago
    Song? Frank Sinatra's "I did it my way" is the manifesto. I'm surprised no one here has mentioned it yet. The other end of the spectrum: Streisand's "People who need people."

    Now for pure listening joy (my father was a classical concert pianist) nothing tops Liszt's Second Hungarian Rhapsody. Hardly anyone can play it well enough for my refined ears, though this Horowitz version ranks high:

    Thanks to all for sharing links to their favorites. I'm enjoying hearing them. What an amazing mix of tastes and talents.
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  • Posted by cksawyer 9 years, 9 months ago
    Oops. I forgot the yang to my yins. Doesn't make my blood boil, but definitely turns my stomach when ever I hear John Lennon's "Imagine". Blech! Then on the other hand, I really get a hoorah kick from the Beatles' "Taxman".

    Btw, I am really enjoying going through and listening to the music. Thanks all.
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  • Posted by waytodude 9 years, 9 months ago
    Rush 2112 entirely inspired by Fountainhead or Anthem I can't remember which. As mentioned in other threads here Clockwork Angels album or CD depending on how old you are. I'm a little bias but all work done by Rush and a big shout to Neil Peart whom I hope is here in this group hiding somewhere. Oh the book Clockwork Angels awesome read for the Objectionist would like to know how others thought about it also
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