Objectivist Rehab Program?
Posted by davidmcnab 9 years, 9 months ago to Education
The fact that so many people (even people of genius-level intelligence) spend their lives stuck in looter thinking is evidence of just how insidious, powerful and persistent that mind-set is.
Ayn Rand's novels tend to take a black-and-white view of humanity: you're either a producer or a looter and nothing's going to change. But there are some exceptions. For instance, the young man on the pushbike who meets Howard Roark, sees his new housing development, and is transformed for life.
I'm not interested in people who persist in a life-long choice to remain looters. To me, they're like meth addicts who persistently refuse all help, or babies with their insatiable mouths firmly clamped on the tit of State. But I am interested in those who feel, deep down, that something is wrong, that there must be a better way.
For such borderline cases, there is value to be gained from a program to help them migrate to a whole new perspective. Such people need and deserve support - not in the alms-given sense, but in the sense that we all profit when someone new comes into the Gulch for real.
As someone who was raised an brainwashed in a left-leaning family, community, school and university, I can testify that the looter brainwashing effort is nothing short of spectacular. It's about the only thing the looters are brilliantly capable of. So it needs tremendous ingenuity and persistence on our part to support willing people out of that mind-set. This also implies a view of looters not as moral degenerates (unless they persistently refuse all help), but as victims of endemic organised fraud, victims of philosophical injury who often need help to recover. Just as with a lifelong drug addiction, the barriers to escaping looter consciousness are harrowing.
So I wanted to start discussion here on what a "looter rehab" program would need in order to have the greatest possible chance of success with willing people. A healing program, for willing people to evolve out of looter consciousness into free, empowered, ecstatic producers.
Ayn Rand's novels tend to take a black-and-white view of humanity: you're either a producer or a looter and nothing's going to change. But there are some exceptions. For instance, the young man on the pushbike who meets Howard Roark, sees his new housing development, and is transformed for life.
I'm not interested in people who persist in a life-long choice to remain looters. To me, they're like meth addicts who persistently refuse all help, or babies with their insatiable mouths firmly clamped on the tit of State. But I am interested in those who feel, deep down, that something is wrong, that there must be a better way.
For such borderline cases, there is value to be gained from a program to help them migrate to a whole new perspective. Such people need and deserve support - not in the alms-given sense, but in the sense that we all profit when someone new comes into the Gulch for real.
As someone who was raised an brainwashed in a left-leaning family, community, school and university, I can testify that the looter brainwashing effort is nothing short of spectacular. It's about the only thing the looters are brilliantly capable of. So it needs tremendous ingenuity and persistence on our part to support willing people out of that mind-set. This also implies a view of looters not as moral degenerates (unless they persistently refuse all help), but as victims of endemic organised fraud, victims of philosophical injury who often need help to recover. Just as with a lifelong drug addiction, the barriers to escaping looter consciousness are harrowing.
So I wanted to start discussion here on what a "looter rehab" program would need in order to have the greatest possible chance of success with willing people. A healing program, for willing people to evolve out of looter consciousness into free, empowered, ecstatic producers.
The best experience I had, was with a died in the wool socialist, SDS agitator in college in NY, with a Masters in history in his early 30's. It took him 5 yrs to make the full transition to want to reread AS (he'd read it as a socialist from the viewpoint of a man with pride in his own accomplishment. He'd seen it on my bookshelf for all those years and in the first couple made a lot of derogatory comments, but in his reread, we'd often spend another hour or two at work after everyone else had left, discussing what he'd found that he could relate to in his own work and life.
I ran into him 2 or 3 years after he'd moved on and found him taking the mentoring role with a young man working with him. When I made a comment about it, he just turned to me and asked me, 'Was it worth it Jones? The time you spent with me?' I replied, 'Yes Jack, it was.' He came back with, 'It is with me too.' and pointed to his bookshelf with AS and a few others beside it.
That's how it happens. One at a time, several times.
For one thing, you have to approach the other person with respect, mind to mind. Not only will they be more receptive (you're not incidentally attacking their egos), but you're modeling what an Objectivist should be like, respecting the other person's individuality and independence. Giving them facts and arguments and doing it with empathy for their point of view - really listening.
And it especially helps to know what values drive them to be a socialist. That way, if any of the reason is based on objectively good values, you can show how your approach better fulfills those values.
BTW, in the '70's, I had opportunities to talk to Rand at Peikoff and Blumenthal's lectures in NYC. I was about 25, but she never, ever treated me in a condescending manner. She always took my questions seriously and spoke to me mind to mind.
and skill to "take any question" like Rand did. . I'd
heard of this, about her interviews -- the interviewers
were astonished that she did not block out areas
which she didn't want to address. . Strong Woman!!! -- j
The way to bring awareness of Objectivism to people is to Make Movies About It. Make superheroes endorse the individual (we are discussing this on another thread), make people who work for freedom the good guys instead of the good guys being cast as people who work for Mother Earth or World Union.
We will never make headway against the socialist ethos unless we have a strong image to present of ourselves. Too long have the capitalists been the Bad Guys of the movie - we need to be the Heroes now.
This Site is the result of a movie. It has had more effect on promoting the Randist philosophy than anything other than AS the book itself. More movies are being made, discussions on this (now huge) Objectivist site are lively. I think we are on the right track. We have to win people's hearts before they will be receptive to our engaging their minds.
If you have the chance, find Simon Blackburn's "Lust" (part of a series on Seven Deadly Sins, cosponsored by the New York Public Library and the Oxford University Press) and read Chapter 10: "Hobbesian Unity". You fill find a description of great sex and learn that lust really is not a sin.
And we do! Edit: clarity
Wikipedia says (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_fantas... “Studies have found rape fantasy is a common sexual fantasy among both men and women. The fantasy may involve the fantasist as either the one being forced into sex or as the perpetrator. Some studies have found that women tend to fantasize about being forced or coerced into sexual activity more commonly than men.”
Maybe Rand acted out her fantasy in her writing. But, as to more and better sex, I suppose it depends upon the fantasy of the participants.
handling" and I happen to think the opposite,
that tenderness and intensity that way are the
best glue holding intimacy together. . she went
back to her ex-husband who abused her. sad. -- j
p.s. it's not that I miss her that makes me sad;;
it's the abuse. . my wife is majestic and wonderful !!!
like in the strange story "bridges of madison county,"
that the couple engaged in intimacy had consented
before the fact, and enjoyed that in itself -- enjoyed
the sense of knowing which comes from extreme,
accurate perception. . that is the way I read it. -- j
p.s. the consent was know with the first eye contact, imho.
really counts very heavily!!! -- j
p.s. some of the beautiful yesses I've seen
have been cat-and-mouse things, and I was
the mouse!
rare. . good thing I got one;;; my map was going
obsolete fast! -- j
I know many socialists and socialist-leaning who are very concerned about protecting the rights of "the little guy," i.e. the guy with little money and property or power, against those with a lot of money who can buy favors. It's a real concern!
However, they're taught to think about it in terms of groups - disadvantaged groups. I like to approach it with : I'm for protecting the smallest minority, the individual. And explain my ideas from that vantage point.
Before I heard of Ayn Rand due to the AS movies, a huge tornado missed my home by a quarter of a mile, causing some damage, though the worst was a pecan tree falling across the street, ripping down all the power lines and almost reaching my front door. The power was restored in 3 days. I had no cable or Internet for a month.
I heard on the news the government was offering a card to cover about $400 for food for tornado survivors, but I knew a lot of people was worse off than me.
A next door neighbor with roof damage said I should get the card because I was having trouble making ends meet and looking for a job though receiving a pension.
I got to thinking OK that $400 would help. There was a huge line at that government building. I got the card and maxed it out buying groceries. I thought that was it.
Big Brother sends a letter to ask me why aren't I using my card EVERY MONTH.
That's when I realized I had electronic food stamps and received a quick education what an EBT card really was on the Internet.
What got me was that Big Brother wanted me to keep using that card bad enough to write an encouraging letter.
I shredded that sneaky backdoor into Obama dependency land.
Later I found a job that I had a while before I returned to fully retired.
I wonder how many people are still using that card but could by without it. Quite a few, I think.
1. It's hard work. There is no better cure for the looting mentality than simple, hard work.
2. It teaches pride in hard work. It is an awesome thing to watch plants grow and produce and to know you have had a hand in the process.
3. It teaches the value of investment and return. You till, you plant, you weed, you watch, you harvest.
4. It teaches one to be cognizant of where all food comes from and not to take for granted something we need every day.
5. If you do it right, it gives an opportunity for barter/trade, as you can usually make more than you need, giving you excess for trade with others.
Others are programs that send poor urban kids to farms and camps in the summer. Shows them a whole new aspect of life. Many have hardly ever been out in nature, or paid attention to it, but it can be very soothing and satisfying.
I don't see the corporate-owned right-wing media supporting either cold-turkey or weaning. The best I realistically hope for is freezing spending at current levels, with spending-to-GDP ratio declining slow enough to avoid withdrawal.
Just what media would this be?
Center from Hard Left is not right wing
All we can ever do is place the philosophical feast in front of them, it must be their choice to dig in.
Force feeding them if they balk is the looter way, they already suffer under the weight of public school indoctrination and brain washing. We cannot do the same.
Our goal is to set their minds free, not cage them in.
What a great post. This is the direction I wanted to lead to with my "free ride" post but I didn't know how to get there. I was pondering on how to reach those people.
I like this. It brings to mind a 12 step program, Gulch style. First they have to admit they have a problem (addiction). Then you show them a glimpse of what it could be like with that addiction out of the way. They would have to really want to "fix" themselves.
Help, whatever it is, is NOT there for people who "need" it, "HELP" is there for people who not only WANT it but will do what it takes to get it.
My wife's sister is a great example. My wife in the goodness of her heart wanted to help her sister, for no other reason than she loves her, and cannot stand to see her half starving with no perceived opportunities.
This is where "Rational Self-Interest" collides with "Charity and Altruism."
My personal self interest, and at my expense was to prove a point to my wife and "fix" her mind.
Her sister was attending school to be a CMA, has great grades, and completed her coursework in half the time everyone else did.
During the last 6 months of her training, I offer to let Penny live with my wife and I, complete her classes, and I would pay for her certification exam so she could get a very good paying job.
she graduated, never took her exam, moved in with her son. and went to work part-time at Home Depot, collecting welfare, and food stamps, and complaining about how unfair life is.
Last Thanksgiving Penny had NO money for food because they bought a horse and two goats.
My wife wanted to give them money for food, and I took the time to reason with her, about how that would do NO good other than take money from OUR lives.
The unfortunate aspect of this, is that while I did fix my wife's thinking, because it became painfully aware that money does not fix this issue, Penny has to make her own changes and the ONLY way that will happen is if she has to WORK it our herself. NO amount of charity or good will is going to "help" someone. Only the knawning hunger when their stomach is empty will their brain, hopefully, force them to realize what THEY need to do to fix their lives.
Most people do not have the discretionary resources to prove a point this way.
Now when Penny wants something my wife says NO. Did you get your CMA yet?
I feel the welfare system would benefit if people's "entitlements" were reduced by 1% every week. That would mean that after a year, they are receiving only 60%, and after 2 years, only 35%. They'd start to get a bit more motivated then.
How many psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb? Only one, but the lightbulb has to REALLY want to change.
For some it will take a deprogramming, program. Perhaps something like AA's 12 step program and the first step is recognizing and admitting you have problem. I believe once people open their eyes to the reality that they are contributing to the leftist, socialist mentality that is destroying rather than improving things, only then can they be redeemed. Some, as you have indicated, are and always will be oblivious, while others know deep down there is something wrong.
I have had some success and some disappointment. I think reaching out to others is the only way to really do it, and it takes time.
An example is the idea of taking care of the poor. The sales point of "we have to take care of the poor" is easy to make. Very few people want to see others suffer and stand around and do nothing to help. The issue is questions around this cannot be in a sound bite.
How do you define help?
Is it really helping to give someone a fish everyday, or is that destructive?
What costs are acceptable?
Is it worth helping that poor guy on the corner and getting killed because he is really a mugger that wants to rob you?
What are the boundaries?
Liberals think there are none but when posed with questions like this they start to think.
I once had a person form my church (church of Jesus Christ of later day saints) ask how anyone who believes in the church could not be in favor of welfare. My response was "I cannot understand how anyone who is a member of the church could be in favor of government welfare."
He said that Christ showed the example and we should follow it. I asked "Show one place where Christ forced anyone to help another, can you? I have never found it. Government welfare forces people to help others. Our religion teaches individual agency, in fact do we not believe that in a war in heaven, our god lost 1/3 of his children in war to maintain individual agency. How then can you support a system that would take that agency away?"
Two weeks later that person had read Atlas and was starting into the virtues of selfishness. He has completely changed and has been a friend for 8 years.
The successes are far less often than the failures on this though, and there are costs. A friend that I approached has not talked to me in 5 years. I have a sister who drank the looter cool-aid big time and she will not talk to me at all. A brother that did so less and I have pushed him largely out of my life by trying to share the concepts. These failures in particular had a heavy cost, but the cost would have been heavier not to try.
In my sisters case I and my father had helped her financially and in other ways. She simply did not change at all and I became fed up with it. I expressed exactly what she was doing, victimizing me for her benefit and I could see in her eyes that she knew it, and was scared that I knew it. She has not talked to me since.
We all have to be the rehab program for those around us, in whatever environment we can. We have to tolerate the looters a bit less, a whole lot less. All it takes for evil to win is for good people to do nothing. I define good to mean a person who will take care of themselves, and do all in their power to not inflict force on another of any kind. Respect the way in which others wish to live their lives so long as that lifestyle does not exert force on others in order to live it. This is what Christ meant when he said "love your neighbor as yourself."
Unless we do simply "go gulch", this is the most important group to reach.
Provide your "Charity" only to those who are worthy and provide "value."
Honestly the liberals are so bi-polar, they do not even understand that they betray their own ideology.
Look at what the lefty liberal Mika is doing...Rewarding hard work. This is a direct violation of the "unfairness" that people think poor people have.
Mika is pushing a "Know Your Value" campaign. Sounds like Ayn Rand right?
"Mika hosted a twitter conversation and answered questions on how to gauge professional value and balance work and home life. She also introduced her newest book Grow Your Value, a guide for women to assess and obtain their true value in the workplace."
WOW....isn't that totally opposite of the leftie ideology?
Churches and other private charities seem much better at telling which poor people are deserving and which are just moochers. Besides, shutting down private charity would mean even more beggars on the streets, and I hate having them around.
This is part of what I understand as the meaning of the "Gulch". A community immune to criminal attack from outside (and by "criminal", I'm including almost all governments). A place where persistent breaches of The Oath can result in expulsion, and where compromises such as that mentioned in the previous paragraph don't even have to be considered.
Whether the laws against pot are morally right or wrong, they still broke the laws, I shall not reward them for that.
Their freedom, expunged records, and apologies are sufficient in my view.
Speaking from the rational self-interest, 2 - 5 years in prison, would cost the taxpayers, 50 - 250K per inmate, so this would actually do two things.
1) Reduce the 5 year cost to the taxpayers,
2) Provide at least enough money for them to go to a tech school get some skill where they can provide value.
If all they did was squander it, and robbed, well then they stimulated the economy anyhow by spending it, and would be back in jail.
My bet is that if told to get some training a large number of the pot criminals might all go to Colorado and start their own grow houses, Free Market, and competition hehe.
I also will not call them looters! One of my daughters and her husband are devoted to the Olier. They are not looters! We discuss philosophy often! Sometimes I wonder if they are just teasing me!?!?!
Whether the addiction is to drugs and alcohol or bad philosophy, the spark of change happens when the person comes TO himself and puts his life on trial.
I myself tired of taking care of others who were perfectly capable of handling life without my constant presence and energy input...they just were content to sit and live off my good graces and hard work.
I bottomed out after a contested divorce left me broke and broken.
It was then that I was introduced to Ayn Rand and her Objectivism and I have never since been tempted back into co-dependency.
I think that a person must first express an interest in Objectivism. Once that occurs then let the learning begin. I like the way Branden did it. He formulated a 10 week course called "Basic Principles of Objectivism" and held classes in his locality. The sessions were taped, and people who were known Objectivists in various areas were selected to present the tapes on a weekly basis for the nominal fee of $10. I don't know if the course still exists in either Rand's or Branden's estates, or perhaps a new course can be formulated. In any case, I know that where I lived, it produced a group of people well grounded in Rand's philosophy.
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