Seems Truth is now "Hate Speech"
Posted by davidmcnab 9 years, 9 months ago to News
Author Mark Steyn's confronting analysis, "America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It" is now the subject of a British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal. Apparently truth is a criminal offence in Canada unless it's watered down to nothing and infused with sweet-smelling perfumes. However, this reaction appears to have backfired, since the author and publisher are revelling in the media storm:
Jason Benham
Oops, I take that back.
Presidebt Opinocchio will only lie about that too.
Did I just commit a tell the truth PC hate crime?
Think I'll go draw a coddling Obooboo patting Muhamhead on his turban.
then our 1st amendment is outlawed. -- j
They're talking about changing the line "In all thy sons command".
They're offended by "sons".
Australia changed the first line of its national anthem from "Australia's sons let us rejoice" to "Australians all let us rejoice". It has no impact on the metre, and now includes 100% of the citizen population.
to represent humankind and everyone -- the classic
universal references. -- j
word which will fit -- kinda -- and not fit. -- j
So, by law, anyone expressing hatred for some book must be protected from it?!?
(Have to give Steyn credit for getting this free publicity from BC legislature)
One form of the Streisand Effect. :)
I would have told Burnett, "Yes, they lied about you. But you haven't shown any actual damages. The court awards you $1. Go home."
experience -- this must be good!!! -- j
MSNBC Says Black Cops Charged In Freddie Gray’s Death Are Actually ‘‘White African-Americans’’ This is even a new level of ignorance and race baiting.
We may not agree with what the guy down the street says, but unless he is threatening to burn my house down, I respect his right to say it. If your opinion of our current political administration is different than mine, I won't threaten to cut off your head or pour gas over you and light a match. I will respect your right to feel they way you do while remaining firm in my own personal convictions. We do not need to argue nor fight in order to disagree. Sometimes, disagreements uncover a greater truth than existed before.
The problem with Truth is that some people, to paraphrase a line in a famous movie, "can't handle the truth!". As in that movie, the truth is not always as it seems to be. When Truth comes wrapped in ideological bias or intentional distortion, it is no longer pure Truth. When speech is wrapped in anger and distrust, it may seem that it is now "hate speech", but maybe it's the real Truth trying to be heard. We live in the greatest country on the planet, one that ensure us the freedom to express what we see, feel and believe without fear of retribution. I would not have it any other way.
Truth be told, Truth when shared can only be an act of love and respect therefore, it is not hate speech or hateful. Grown-ups must learn to deal with the Truth, no matter how ugly or painful it might be. It appears that Liberals, Progressives, Democrats and RINO R's all suffer from the Hatemonger's syndrome.
Hate speech laws are about mind control. They will come to the USA....some embryonic forms are already in the Federal Register. What's next, Thought Police?
Roberto Rossford