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  • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 8 months ago
    It is so simplistic to imagine that an elected President, the talking head of those imbedded throughout government, can really make any significant, real change at the individual voter level during one term, even two. Those that agree with the statist give freer rein to the agents of socialism, while those that might disagree strongly, if elected, will simply be killed if they attempt to effect actual change.

    We need at least one generation if not two to allow attrition to deplete the socialists that developed during the 70's and 80's, throughout the hidden government; the bureaucracies and agencies, the foundations, and the institutions that support or subvert what voters may voice through elections. While Libertarians and even Objectivist are seeing an increase in those that identify as such, they still are a very minor part of the population and nearly 0 of the hidden government. If you watch such groups, particularly the Libertarians, you will note a significant voice of naive pacifist anarchists and agorist, which only dilutes the intellectual and even emotional foundations of such groups.

    The strength to effect real change has to come from the citizenry. Nothing else will work.
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    • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 8 months ago
      That depends what you regard as real, significant change affecting the individual voter. A president could, for example, declare that he will not sign any new budget that isn't balanced. Or he could pardon the millions of people in prison for marijuana en masse. I'll grant you that actions that big, if the people who voted for him weren't expecting them, could get him impeached, but chances are that actions like those would stick even after he was out of office.

      Whether such "shocks" may be necessary or desirable depends on the extent to which libertarians "win" in politics. If Rand Paul is elected, does he think it's a one-off, not likely to be repeated, or do we expect the next Congress to be libertarian, too? I think you make the pessimistic assumption and hope it's wrong.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 8 months ago
        So is Rand Paul a Libertarian, a Republican or just goes with the wind?

        As for getting Obeyme impeached if taking the Oath twice then immediately announcing each time his intent to ignore and doing so isn't enough. I don't think the subject was even raised when the Constitutional Scholar showed his only knowledge was how not to support and defend the law of the land.Where were all the so called second party Republicans then? Noses in the trough? Two party system my ass. One party with two faces.
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        • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 8 months ago
          To me, Rand Paul is a libertarian with enough pragmatism to have a chance to get elected. He certainly doesn't have, and isn't seeking, approval of the GOP leadership. If they screw around with the rules enough that he can't be nominated, I hope he will stay in the Senate, where he's doing great things.

          I agree with your characterisation of the GOP leadership, but I don't think we've reached the point yet that someone running as an independent or minor party candidate has a chance. That may change very soon if the GOP continues to betray its base.
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          • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 8 months ago
            They have been doing that for a number of decades? how much is enough? It's a matter of perspective from a different age and many more years of watching hope remain betrayal. Or as some of the others would put don't have to eat s**t to know it tastes bad. Those who don't learn from history perpetuate the same history - Question is how long do you plan on supporting the left?
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      • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 8 months ago
        I don't think a president could get away with refusing to sign the actual spending/appropriation bills. The budget itself does nothing. As to pardons, he could only pardon those in federal prison and while I would love to see such an action, I fear that DoJ, FBI, DEA, ATF and several others would go nuts and probably rebel. It's those buried in the bureaucracy that one needs to worry about. If you haven't noticed this last couple of years, Congress can't even get one of them fired.
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    • Posted by Kittyhawk 9 years, 8 months ago
      Hi, Zenphamy. You said that "naive pacifist anarchists and agorist[s]" dilute the "intellectual and even emotional foundations" of Libertarian and Objectivist groups. Can you expand on that? Do you think "good" Libertarians and Objectivists are aggressive and/or warmongers? My understanding is that anarchism or voluntaryism is based on the non-aggression principle, which precludes initiating violence, but not defending oneself. It seems you decry the presence of those who aren't willing to initiate violence, is that correct?
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      • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 8 months ago
        No, I don't in any way justify the initiation of violence absent the need of self defense. The difficulty arises in the naive belief by many in the anarchy and agora movements, that everyone, given the opportunity to live in a free society, would respect everyone else's rights. My problem with such pacifist is in the limiting definitions of what is violence against them that justifies a response of self defense, and their refusal to take responsibility for their own defense, expecting others to do that for them. They remind me of many of the hippy utopians of the 60's and 70's,
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  • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 8 months ago
    This will be the first time I haven't voted since I was 18. 44 years
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    • Posted by SaltyDog 9 years, 8 months ago
      I'm with ya, Mamaemma! These last mid-term elections marked the first time I hadn't voted since 1972. At long last I finally realized that there's effectively no difference between the candidates or parties. They all preach campaign finance reform, yet it never happens. They all promise smaller, less intrusive government, yet it never happens. They all promise lower taxes, yet it never happens.

      I agree with Mr. Mark Twain who said, "If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it".
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      • Posted by $ CBJ 9 years, 8 months ago
        I'll likely be voting for the Libertarian presidential candidate again, as I've been doing since 1972. It's a louder statement of dissatisfaction with the "two-party system" than not voting at all.
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        • Posted by SaltyDog 9 years, 8 months ago
          At one time, I was a registered Libertarian. However, the Libertarian Party lost much of its credibility when it ran Howard Stern for governor of New York. That showed complete ignorance or indifference (take your pick) of and to political reality.
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          • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 8 months ago
            What it (and similar incidents in California) showed me was simply that the LP is unwilling to try, at all, to purge itself of kooks. This makes it a lot less likely that they'll elect anybody soon. In my view this is a good reason to avoid putting much effort or money into the LP, but not that much of a reason to refrain from voting for them, at least if there isn't an acceptable major party candidate. In the unlikely event that Stern had won, I'm not sure exactly what he would have done as governor, but I can't see how he could possibly be worse than the real governor. And it would be worth it just to really and truly f___ with the minds of the establishment supporters.
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            • Posted by SaltyDog 9 years, 8 months ago
              I agree in that I don't think he would have done any worse; maybe better. But to me it shows that the Libertarians can't be taken seriously, at least as far as a national political force.
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              • Posted by $ CBJ 9 years, 8 months ago
                There are many serious Libertarian candidates, compared to the number of "kooks". Gary Johnson, the 2012 and likely 2016 presidential nominee, is a good example of a candidate who is effective in spreading the libertarian message in a manner that encourages a respectful hearing by the voting public.
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                • Posted by SaltyDog 9 years, 8 months ago
                  And that's why I supported the Linertarians in the first place. But it's not the fine, upstanding candidates who make the's the kooks. And if you"re going to mount a serious third party challenge to the two party standard, you can't have kooks. And that's the practical reality.
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                  • Posted by $ CBJ 9 years, 8 months ago
                    If that's the "practical reality," then it's Republicans and Democrats forevermore. You can't keep kooks out of any but the very smallest political parties, but that hardly dooms them. Gary Johnson has gathered plenty of thoughtful news stories and articles. So have numerous Libertarian congressional and state legislative candidates, especially in races where they had the potential to affect the outcome. The word "libertarian" itself is being used, often favorably, to describe the positions of certain Republican presidential candidates, and this is due in no small part to the efforts of Libertarian Party activists during the past 40 years.
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                    • Posted by SaltyDog 9 years, 8 months ago
                      As I've mentioned several times already, I was one of those Libertarians trying to make a difference. I beat my head against that particular wall for a long time before I decided that I just wasn't worth it. But you keep up the fight for as long as you think you have to...I'm done with it.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 8 months ago
    Yawn. I was expecting an actual breakdown of how the author sees each candidate in relation to his values. This is a far cry from anything more than a complaint piece about the political system - albeit with a few really nice quotes thrown in.
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  • Posted by autumnleaves 9 years, 8 months ago
    I can't remember when I voted for the candidate that won. Oh yes, I can. It was Goldwater in the primary. And and a man who was running for Superintendent of Public Instruction. They both got plummeled.
    Do you have mailed in ballots? I do, and vote at home and Mail the ballot in. That makes it very easy to vote. I just hate to see others not voting.
    I live in a state where the primaries are all ready decided Before I get to vote.
    However, I do vote just to let those liberals know they are not getting my vote!
    I just hate to give up.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 8 months ago
    Yes. I love the quote attributed to Washington. As he says, we have four candidates and no one standing up for reducing the drug war, increasing legal immigration, and reducing trade barriers.

    "Most revealing are their policies concerning war and peace. Despite minor differences, all three (and those to come) want more military spending. Each thinks the United States can and should manage stability in the Middle East, on Russia’s border, etc. All three demonize Russia and Iran, countries that do not threaten us. Thus they would risk war, which would bolster government power while harming the American people and others."

    When he says "all three", though, I would say "all four" because I am not confident Hillary Clinton would significantly reduce the military industrial complex any more the President Obama has.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 8 months ago
    The only way I could see to improve the Guide is add some possibilities other than the left wing big two of the Government Party. For example those that believe citizens should control government. Are there none?
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 9 years, 8 months ago
    Citizenry must take up arms to destroy such a ruinous government. Of course that will be less than 10% of the nation. The rest will sit in their lazyboy's and either watch the TV or computer screen as the county goes into the toilet. Lock,load and Fire!
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 9 years, 8 months ago
    A new President may not make the big differences, but if he is an eloquent speaker (Obama is NOT), he can, at least, have a positive effect upon the citizenry...who may then elect better representatives.

    The Obama administration had one good effect on the populace...the last midterm election showed that someone was watching what was going on and decided to attempt a change for what was perceived as the better.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 8 months ago
      It doesn't matter if the POTUS is from the GOP or from the Democrats. They are the same party with only an illusion of choice. Perception of improvement is exactly what those looting scounderels depend on. For 50 years they have been tallking the talk, and they will NEVER walk the walk. Their actions are always on a statist program of more power for the fedgov and corporatocracy, and less rights for the sovereign people.
      If the non GOP, non Democrat POTUS is a statesman, then there could be a positive effect toward individual liberty. No POTUS from the DemRep party will produce anything but statist propaganda.
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  • Posted by samrigel 9 years, 8 months ago
    For my entire life I have voted in local, state and Federal elections. I believe voting for those in charge is a privilege, a right, and one's civil duty. We don't always get the candidate of our choice. There are many opinions as to who will do the best job. But I still vote. My stance has always been if one does not vote they give up their platform for discourse. One must participate to be a player. How can I voice my opinion of a particular candidate if I didn't vote for him or his opponent? Even if that vote turned out to be the lesser of evils.

    Voting is also a choice. That is as it should be in the Republic of America. However, with that choice comes consequences. Imagine, for a moment, how the years 2001 to 2004 would have turned out if Al Gore had won the 2000 election. That election came down to Florida and approximately 500 votes. It was a very devisive election. The State of Florida probably wouldn't have changed the election outcome but if all of those 537 people in Florida had said my vote doesn't count so screw it -- the country and posssibly the world would be a very different place today. Voting is how the people can effectively change the landscape of the society they live in.

    I am a member of a family with a long line of Liberals. Not sure how that happened. My Mom never voted nor did my sister. My brother only voted when someone he liked was the candidate. My step-father always voted also. We used to have some ummm discussions about voting. I also have those same discussion on Social Media. It saddens me the number of folks who don't believe the "idea" of America is worth fighting for. Progressives don't want Conservative minded folks to vote at all. They win.

    Conservatives outnumber Liberals in America but because of faulty thinking that a particular vote doesn't matter Liberals get the upper hand. In 2008 I voted for McCain even though I consider him a Progressive Conservative. However, because he wasn't Conservative enough millions didn't bother to vote. The same BS happened in 2012 with Romney. With that kind of thinking it will be decades, if ever, that America returns to the Founder's idea for the great American Dream of Liberty and Freedom.

    What I tell my kids and my family, meaning no disrespect, get off your dead ass and vote in all elections. America is to important to allow the Progressives to win. I don't want a world like Atlas Shrugged. I want all of the world to be Galt's Gulch.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 8 months ago
      Voting is important only if you cast your vote against evil. The Demrep one party offers two evil candidates to give you the illusion of choice. To paraphrase JFK's famous quote about Berlin, regarding the GOP and the Democrats, "We are all Progressives." Voting for any of those lying looters after the obvious results of doing so for the past 50 years is suicide for liberty.
      Vote for evil, you get evil. That is the history of presidential elections for the past 50 years with only Reagan as an arguable respite.
      N E V E R vote for the lesser of two evils.
      N E V E R make excuses like how much worse it would have been if the other evil looter had won, because you can't possibly know.
      Would Gore have been a horrible POTUS? imo, that is likely.Would he ever have gotten the support to destroy the Bill of Rights as Bush did? Not any more than Clintion did. Bush was a hard act to follow for worst POTUS in history. Had Gore been in office, it's unlikely that Obama would have had any chance to be elected and unseat Bush for that honor, imo. Unfortunately, America might have had Bush instead of Obama after Gore, so the worst president of all time prize would likely have been a close race between the looters.
      See how convoluted things can get. It's impossible to predict with any confidence.
      One thing can be predicted based on 50 years of history. Voting for evil solves nothing and evil continues to grow more powerful.
      If you vote, then vote rationally and only against evil, not for evil. Vote rationally against the DemReps. Their candidates can only be trusted to be statists and against individual liberty.
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      • Posted by samrigel 9 years, 8 months ago
        Yes I get this argument all the time and from both sides of the discussion. However, I simply cannot wrap my head around this argument for many reasons. If evil is voted for then it is because the people doing the voting are in themselves somewhat evil. None of this is new. People vote for what they want. So those that voted for Wilson, FDR, Johnson, and Obama, to name a few, wanted something for nothing. On the flip side voting for Coolidge, Eisenhower, Reagan and to a lesser extent Bush knew they wanted a Gov't that stayed out of the business to allow the economy to prosper. All those I have mentioned could be considered evil depending on one's perspective. To not vote on the lesser of what we may consider evil is to allow evil to flourish. Case in point the election of Obama – twice.

        We must always try to speculate on what a person will do once in office even though the truth will only come after that fact. There are simply too many variables. Who controls the House, the Senate. It is not as simple as the President of choice. I see Democrats and Republicans as the middle ground between Progressives and Conservatives. It is the middle ground that supplies the variables.

        The quote "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" rings true regardless of how one feels about Edmund Burke. My belief is the Founders put together America believing that it was their Gulch. It has been a struggle from day one. If everyone walks away from that struggle then we have already lost.
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        • Posted by 9 years, 8 months ago
          "If evil is voted for then it is because the people doing the voting are in themselves somewhat evil. "
          imo, illogical conclusion without any basis in fact. Please share the data that proves this is true.
          imo the propaganda of the party controlled media, and education system supports the illogical conclusion that the only choice is Dem or GOP. That doesn't make the targets of the propaganda evil in any way.

          "We must always try to speculate on what a person will do once in office "
          Yes, and if we don't consider the acts of the candidates and the history of the party and previous candidates of that party there is no way to make a rational judgement.
          The GOP and Dems have proven they are lying looters repeatedly. Voting for candidates from that party will continue the history of more state power and less individual liberty. There is no rational argument that can be made using the history of the DemReps that justifies voting for DemRep candidates.
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          • Posted by samrigel 9 years, 8 months ago
            Hmmm, I find your conclusions irrational. However what would be your solution? I stand by my remarks and conclusions.
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            • Posted by 9 years, 8 months ago
              You conclude that people are 'somewhat' evil becasue they vote for evil candidates, but you give no basis to make the conclusion. What is your rational basis for that conclusion?

              I have clearly stated that voting for either Dems or GOP is voting for evil based on the results of the past 100 years. One should not vote for the DemReps. Therefore, one who rationally considers the results of the past 100 years of being ruled by statists in the DemRep party should vote for a candidate outside the DemRep party, unless one wants to have less liberty and a more oppressive state.
              Unless people of conscience break the habit of voting for the lesser of two evils (usually promoted by the GOP) only evil will be elected, statists will continue to rule, and peaceful liberty in America will perish.
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              • Posted by samrigel 9 years, 8 months ago
                My conclusions are simple and in plain site. Those folks who want free stuff vote for those that take from hard workers and give to the welfare state. My neighborhood has them, my family has them. I have friends with that affinity no matter how much I try to explain the truth. They don't see the greater good of freedoms and liberties as being paramount. They only see what is in it for themselves without having to do anything but vote for Santa. They don't understand the idea of America.

                I have watched people of conscience vote for good people people who were champions of the Constitution and I watched their vote go for nothing. I have always attempted to vote for the most Conservative of candidates that put the Constitution ahead of big Gov't. I look for those candidates that aren't career politicians and I watched my vote go for nothing.

                I research all candidates to find those that espouse more for Liberty and Freedom and less for the welfare state. It may take longer but I believe it is doable if more people of conscience do the same. It works for me. I see not voting for anyone because they are not truly aligned with my views as not an option. Nor is staying out of the process an option. Attempting to educate my circle of friends and family seems to be a better option. It is frustrating at times but it is a task that needs to be done.
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  • Posted by autumnleaves 9 years, 8 months ago
    Mamaemma, why? I'm a hopin we objectivists can agree on one candidate and vote Enmas..
    Just to let the world know that we know what is going on!
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    • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 8 months ago
      Honestly, autumnleaves, I believe that the vote count has nothing to do with the actual votes, so there is no reason for me to vote. And even if I am wrong, and I wish I was, I live in a gerrymandered district so that the candidate I vote for never wins. It's a waste of my time to vote in this country today.
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      • Posted by edweaver 9 years, 8 months ago
        I agree, voting has become a waste of time. Brings to life..."Who is John Galt?".
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        • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 8 months ago
          And that is so sad, edweaver. But I'm tired of hearing people say that we get the government we voted for. Not me! I never had a say about any of the nonsense I am having to deal with every day.
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          • Posted by edweaver 9 years, 8 months ago
            It is very sad. The elites have taken over our country and IMHO the only fix is a re-start. And that in itself is very scary because it is unlikely that a re-start will look anything like what our founders set up.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 8 months ago
      Old dino has no intention of not voting,
      I'm too stubborn to set aside my principle that voting is my patriotic duty.
      But if faced with a Jeb Bush, I'm voting Libertarian or some other third party.
      I also have the option of sticking a blank paper ballot into the machine that stands beside the exit.
      .That last option also counts as a vote.
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      • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 8 months ago
        Old dino, when the time comes, I will probably vote, too. Old habits are hard to break.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 8 months ago
          you already confessed your sins openly by using the term DINO. Bad habits may hard to break but you have already taken the first step. From here on as with any disease or affliction it's easy
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          • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 8 months ago
            Old dino does not view voting per se as a disease or an affliction.
            Feeling forced to consistently voter for the lesser of two evils every four years could perhaps be characterized as such.
            This time I refuse to vote for a RINO such as Jeb Bush.
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            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 8 months ago
              See you are half way there. Rino is half the battle. Now for the Dino. Not doing as bad as you thought. Just a bit of positive encouragement. Once you have broken free of the Government Party things become much clearer and the choices far easier.The best thing is you don't have to choose any kind of evil anymore. Never again.
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              • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 8 months ago
                Half way for you may be as far as I'm going to go.
                I will vote for someone like Scott Walker.
                I do not view that as a compromise with evil.
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                • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 8 months ago
                  Is Scott Walker A Republican, a Democrat or???. Sorry to have to ask. Where I live we are not bombarded senseless on a daily basis. It's often easier just to ask and along the way find out way from reputable sources.
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        • Posted by 9 years, 8 months ago
          Never smoked and broke the voting habit after Clinton's first election, although it was Gingrich's flim flam that completely opened my eyes to the fraud of the one party system. Having lived o/s for some years, I now think that voting for any rational choice but the DemReps is the only possible chance for a peaceful return to the Jeffersonian founder's republic. If voters continue to choose evil statists (aka DemReps), America will continue to get evil statists until the great collapse (likely followed by world statist government and never ending war, pestilence, and slavery.)
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      • Posted by $ Terrylutz3682 9 years, 8 months ago
        I agree. I will vote. I do not agree with those of you that just sit it out. Why not help pick a candidate that has the closest philosophy as ours? Why not support a non political? Why not support Donald Trump?
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 8 months ago
          the hard part is finding a candidate that has the closest philosophy and track record of some sort. The old saying is the best are too busy doing something useful to waste their time on politics. You'll find examples of that on this forum.

          So find me someone who holds the Constitution as the center point of American politics with those who want more government and control of citizens to the left and those who want more citizen control to the right (it's an empty space why not use it for the moment) with those in the center willing to give on some points but not give on the iimportant points AND willing to form a coalition as the left wing has done. The list goes on but I choose the Cosntitution as it is a fine start point but yes does need some fine tuning as it was written for context of the times 240 years ago. Changing the census from people to citizens a good example.Perhaps amending the voting system from electoral college to direct vote. Either adding the word edcuation or disbanding the Department of Education, I'm in favor of the latter because it's not an allowed power. I would look hard at an implied power of setting standards. Road widths, number of lanes, The meaning of High School Graduate or Bachelors Degree. I would look at adding definitions so that one side or the other could get away with verbal murder. How about requirements to become a Supreme Court Judge? There are only two. Nomination by the President and approval by the Senate. Could be the former President of Mexico or a 12 year old from Mars and there is zero requirement for a Justice to be a lawyer. I would look at agreeing on some changes to make voting and elections honest. They aren't. I would look hard at dumping or changing the 17th and 18th amendments and making it a federal law for all localities to have initiative, referendum, and recall up to an including the State's Delegates to the national congress.

          The key point is the beliefs are too disparate and too many are unwilling to give a little to gain something and still not give too much or support any form of evil. Otherwise you become just another Government Party.

          I would consider earning the right to vote and not just by military service.

          I would ban the draft in any form but if it was kept demand women be included. They have no constitutional exemption.

          I would return the State Militias to the State instead of playing games with terms like National Guard as a way to describe a federal reserve force. They pay the bill they get first call.

          I would interpret the Second Amendment as it is written. a mechanism for the states to arm their state militias. by allowing any citizen to own a weapon which then automatically makes them a member (active, reserve, or on call) of the state militias.

          I would favor banning abortions at some point in the third trimester when competent medcial authority deems the dependent fetus is at a viable stage sufficient to be a candidate for premature birth and then grant it the same rights of protection of all citizens.

          But what I would insist on our some of the key points.

          Find me a candidate for that. So far they don't exist or don't care to participate or are too far to the left or the right (which is anarchism as long as I'm borrowing the unused area to define those who want citizen control of government as a base line.

          Number One. Have any beliefs you want as long as you keep one foot int he center, the constitution and be willing to work for change by amendment rather than letting some two bit Chicago shyster rule by edict, by ignoring the law and worse getting away with it. I guarantee such a person will publicly disavow all connection with the two current fiascos or better yet have never belonged.

          Find me someone even fairly close to that.
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          • Posted by 9 years, 8 months ago
            I wouldn't want anyone close to that. He would be gutting the heart of the constitution and of the republic if those were his beliefs.
            To hell with the "center." The "center" has moved so far left that it is socialist.
            "I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!"
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          • Posted by $ Terrylutz3682 9 years, 8 months ago
            Michael-why don't you run for president. If you won you would be able to change things to your liking- or maybe you won't be able to make all those changes. Our country is in distress but it didn't get this way overnight. It has been a slow march to the edge of the cliff. We are like a supertanker trying to turn around. What we need is some bow thrusters.

            A bow thruster must be radical but also electable. The only non politician that maybe in the race is Donald Trump. To radically change the direction our country is heading, it we take a radical, and Donald Trump is certainly a radical. There is nobody that is the perfect candidate that you desire but if you distill down your requirement don't want a politician.

            Donald Trump is not a politician and he believes in America. He can negotiate and manage a large company. He is the ultimate entrepreneur, I just wish he would tame his ego a little. We don't want to be called Trump America.
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            • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 8 months ago
              My oath to the Constitution does make me a radical and the eyes of the left guilty of some form of terrorism. Sorry I don't have the privilege. I can suggest changes that could be made but asked for those willing to discuss them. I was born a citizen but not in the country.
              Some are born to lead. Some are content to do other jobs that need doing. Electable these days means Republican or Democrat which means status quo. You need to do more than be elected
              Strike Two.However if for the sake of argument I could do such a thing I would first not utter the following words of the Presidential Oath. ''to the best of my ability.' From what I've seen it hasn't been good enough. Keep looking. I''ll give your effort a clue. Look in the realty of fiction for it's a better guide line than the fiction of reality we live in at the present and the foreseeable future. Sometimes it's the only way to keep hope alive for the benefit of future generations.
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