scary thought -- 5-year-old walked home from school

Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 5 months ago to Culture
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oh, how this world has changed in my 66 years. -- j
SOURCE URL: http://jonathanturley.org/2015/05/09/child-walks-home-from-school-panic-ensues/

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  • Posted by slfisher 9 years, 5 months ago
    You've heard about the parents who keep having their kids seized for letting them play outside alone? That sort of thing scared the crap out of me as a single mom. I knew what I could trust my daughter to do and not do, but I never knew when some busybody would take it upon themselves to decide she was unsafe.

    I'm 55, and I remember when I just turned 6, walking half a mile to school on city streets to school, home again for lunch, back to school, then home again. When I was 7, I spent the summer walking by myself to the pool in a nearby park and spending the day there. By the time I was 8, it was 3/4 of a mile (different school). By the time I was 10, I was negotiating a city bus to school every day.

    Why is it that our kids are so mature in so many ways, but we no longer let them do things on their own -- and allow other people's judgment about what's safe for them trump our own?
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 5 months ago
    I've been sitting here at age 67 reminiscing the many times I rode to elementary school on a bicycle that had a wire basket for school books.
    I haven't seen a bike with a basket for ages.
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    • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 9 years, 5 months ago
      One of my earliest memories of school was arriving late my first week of first grade because I got my pants leg caught in my bicycle chain.

      I can still remember Mrs. Meisner coming out to greet me with a stern look.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
      if I had a nickel for every mile I rode my j.c.higgins
      and, later, my schwinn, I would be wealthy for sure! -- j
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      • Posted by H2ungar123 9 years, 5 months ago
        Ahhh!! How I miss my beautiful, trusty Schwinn!!!
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        • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
          hey, I still have my schwinn -- needs a little tlc -- and
          it weighs about 100 lbs. more than the bikes of today! -- j
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          • Posted by H2ungar123 9 years, 5 months ago
            Still have mine also. So we have a "twin-
            schwinn (try saying THAT 3 times fast!!!)
            situation. My schwinn rests in the basement
            with all the other goodies of yester-year...
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            • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
              I loaned mine out to a university student while I was
              on active duty, and unlike hundreds of other things
              which never came back, it actually did. . surprised
              me to the dickens when I got the call that I could
              come and pick it up. . still has the dymo label on it
              showing the date when I bought it with lawn-mowing
              money. . amazing things happen in this life!!! -- j
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    • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years, 5 months ago
      I'm 49, and recall walking/biking every day ~1/2 mile.

      When I was 16, I was dropped at my buddy's house, but his family had left for the weekend. I figured it out after a while. It was ~11:30pm, I had $10, and called to see how much a cab was...$10. No way! So I walked home ~20 miles, and arrived home at 4 am. My parents knew I was responsible and didn't even raise an eyebrow.

      When my children were little, I lived ~300 yards from the elementary school (ok, maybe 450 yds along the road) They were not allowed to walk or ride their bikes. They had to take the bus. The worst part was, for a while, the bus picked up going away from the school, and my kids spent 40 minutes on it to go 300 yds! The limits to society's risk aversion have no bound!
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  • Posted by marshafamilaroenright 9 years, 5 months ago
    Unfortunately, there is now a strange bias of fear about children in the culture. I think of it as the Precautionary Principle gone crazy and I'm not sure of all it's sources. One, however, seems to have been this fear of child molestation and abduction which started up in the early '80's. The blogger mentions the actual facts "Statistically, the boy would have a greater chance of being struck by lightning than being abducted. But the fear is that child molesters wait behind trees and mailboxes all day to pounce upon wayward children."

    I remember thinking "If that many kids were abducted by strangers, I should know a family that was affected." Then I discovered that most of the abducted kids were abducted by a divorced/estranged parent in a custody battle. And that's how that meme got embedded in the culture.

    Fortunately, there's some backlash against this - see Lenore Skenazy's blog "Free Range Kids." She got in trouble for letting her 9 year old ride of the NYC subway himself.
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    • Posted by term2 9 years, 5 months ago
      I wanted to be more free range and found out that if I showed responsibility my parents let me do more and more. That's how I got street smarts to take care of myself
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      • Posted by marshafamilaroenright 9 years, 5 months ago
        Exactly! And that's what so many kids are missing out on now. Skenazy had a newspaper great article from 1905 that celebrated the fact a 13 and 5 year old had traveled from the midwest to DC all by themselves to meet the president - then they traveled from the midwest to San Francisco themselves!

        Can you imagine what would happen today?
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 5 months ago
      ""Free Range Kids."
      The book has a funny story where she quotes something from Amazon about an adult-only video that makes it sound like a porno. It turns out the video is selections from Sesame Street from the 70s. Apparently the most offensive scene is when a kid is out playing in his neighborhood and meets an empty-nester couple who he hangs out with for a while. This is considered scandalous today.
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  • Posted by Temlakos 9 years, 5 months ago
    I used to walk to and from school. Watertown, Massachusetts. The old James Russell Lowell School. (Which, I understand, no longer stands.)
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  • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 5 months ago
    If a school doesn't want to let kids walk to-and-from alone, I wouldn't want to send my kids there (if I had any).
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  • Posted by Technocracy 9 years, 5 months ago
    How meek America has become.

    I walked to school every day through the 5th grade. It was the norm back then, if you were within a certain distance of the school, no bus for you.

    Edit for clarity - every day from first though fifth grades
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  • Posted by term2 9 years, 5 months ago
    In Las Vegas there are a lot of 15 mph school zones. Unintended consequence is that the high school students just dart out in traffic with no regard for cars. They don't learn personal responsibility when they are young as a result. Pedestrians need to have respect for 3000 lb moving objects and take responsibility for where they put their bodies- the earlier the better
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 5 months ago
    I went to what today would be called a magnet school. It was 4 miles from my house. I had to take a bus, but many tomes I rode my bike to school, carrying my books and a trombone. When I was 5, I was a free-range child. I wandered about as I pleased until I started getting hungry. By the time I was going to high school, I was used to being on my own and able to get anywhere by bus, by bike or by foot.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
      did the trombone go on the back end of the bike,
      I hope?! -- j
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      • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 5 months ago
        I had a big newspaper basket in front. 2/3 of the case fit in it and I only had to worry about it falling out on sharp turns.
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        • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
          fun to steer, huh?! -- j
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          • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 5 months ago
            I was a 'teen. I could do anything, so I thought. The school was located in a downtown area amidst all the crazy traffic that implies. Thinking back, I should have been scared to death -- but, as I said, I was a 'Teen.
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            • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
              yes, we were invincible back then -- not scared
              of anything except being rejected by That Girl ... ! -- j
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              • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 5 months ago
                Getting up the nerve to call her (pre-rejection jitters). Ah, sweet innocence. Seems like there's no such thing today. It's as if they know everything from the time they were toddlers. Like a friend of mine once said, "I don't need a computer, I've got a teenager."
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                • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
                  sweet wife and I never had kids, so I need a confuser .......
                  and this one has lotsa miles on it! . still runs well.

                  I am still friends with my "high school sweetheart"
                  and still feel a tinge of the jitters when I call her.
                  like on her birthday. . april 19. . especially when
                  her husband answers the phone! -- j
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                  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 5 months ago
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                    • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
                      they are retired like we are, and I asked if I might
                      drop by on the harley some pretty day. . "might be
                      uncomfortable" was the reply. . their marriage must
                      be different from ours. -- j
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                      • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 5 months ago
                        A high school friend of mine said she'd be in town and wanted to know If we could meet. I was only too happy. She was in the band and orchestra in high school with me, she played the flute. Unfortunately, she passed away before we could get together, a hazard at my (and her) age. I'm still questioning the weird look on my wife's face when I broke the news.
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                        • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
                          K and I are constantly looking up old friends. . we have
                          a solid marriage and intend to keep it, but we will not
                          live forever. . why not enjoy the present like it is ...
                          a present!!! -- j
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                          • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 5 months ago
                            The latter years have turned out to be the best, stress free of my life and if it is within my power, I intend to keep it that way. Actually, if it wasn't for infirmities I'd say, I've come pretty close to Eden. Now, if it weren't for those pesky politicians screwing things up.....
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                            • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
                              we can hole up here with all the comforts, yet the
                              outside influences (I retired from a prime-govt-contract
                              manhattan project site) keep doing the bait-and-switch
                              thing. . . . . our retiree healthcare has become a fund
                              into which DOE (energy) wants to dip for facility
                              upgrades. . . we're working on a class-action suit,
                              but it's like the Rs attacking the Ds -- they just
                              keep on coming.
                              I *am* getting to do some stuff which has been on
                              the "someday" list for a lifetime -- like, today, I got
                              a pristine pair of Shure 55s microphones in the mail.
                              these are the "Elvis" mics featured in his films and
                              on the Elvis stamp. . while I prefer other artists, the
                              mic is an old standard which will add to our 50th
                              high school reunion next year. . the "kids" will be
                              astonished to see one just like we had in the school
                              auditorium back then. . which works! . while they
                              dance to genuine sock-hop music from my collection. -- j

                              p.s. the mic::: https://www.flickr.com/photos/uncledave9...
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                              • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 5 months ago
                                They tore my high school down. Grand plans to build on the same spot, -- unrealized to date.
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                                • Posted by 9 years, 5 months ago
                                  argh. . sad what's happened up there. . it was such
                                  a bustling, successful city when I was up there in
                                  the seventies. . my first wife is kin to a woman
                                  whose husband was a detroit policeman. . what a
                                  city tour he gave us, back then!!! -- j
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                                  • Herb7734 replied 9 years, 5 months ago
    • Posted by term2 9 years, 5 months ago
      In high school I took the city bus to Newark NJ (about 30 min ride). Not long after I was taking the train and subway to New York City on my own. No big deal really
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  • Posted by waytodude 9 years, 5 months ago
    Ok let me show my age. My two sisters and I had to walk about a mile just to catch the bus my mom 2 as kind on rainy and snow and ice days. Mom's story was she had to walk 5 miles to school and when the snow was too deep they walked on top of the fence post (later I figured it was not true fence posts are about 8 feet apart). I'm 52 now with my little girl 6 years old and would freak out if I lived in the city and she played in the front yard. I thank my lucky stars I'm 26 miles from neatest gallon of milk where I know everyone in at least a 5 mile radius.
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    • Posted by marshafamilaroenright 9 years, 5 months ago
      My kids grew up in the city - Chicago - albeit in one of the safest neighborhoods in it, a place they call The Village in the City because it's so much like an old-fashioned town. But city still and close to some rough neighborhoods. They played outside themselves all the time, wandering around on their bikes pretty far. This was in the 80's and 90's. So city life isn't necessarily that scary and dangerous. They were friends with all kinds of people and it added to their strong sense of individualism as well as self-reliance and resourcefulness.
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      • Posted by waytodude 9 years, 5 months ago
        Sorry I don't feel your appreciation for city life. I can get news casts on net of various cities. Murders, rapes, car jacking, etc on a daily basis. Before shrugging I lived in LA and Phoenix not a life I would want to return to ever. I now live next to a state that borders Illinois where your state doesn't recognize my right to carry concealed weapons and the bad guys do illegally. I glad you feel the way you do and best of luck but I think I'll stay right where I'm at.
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        • Posted by marshafamilaroenright 9 years, 5 months ago
          Oh, I wasn't trying to convince you to move to the city, but only show that city life isn't necessarily dangerous for kids and even has benefits.

          Chicago and Illinois are a mess, doubtless - and much of that is due to the fact that we're such a great place to live, the pols get away with a lot. BTW, Chicago, as a place to live, is very different from LA and Phoenix, much more tight-neighborhood and friendly. Also, the crime is very, very neighborhood dependent. Huge majority of murders drug-gang related, so I can't wait for the legalization of marijuana, as I see that as the first domino to fall in getting rid of the drug war and therefore drug gangs!
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  • Posted by livefree-NH 9 years, 5 months ago
    We moved to Hawaii when I was 5, and in 3rd grade I got kicked off the bus for kicking the bus driver's seat (for 2 weeks, I think it was). My route to and from school was bus, bus, launch, and bus. The launch was a boat that went across Pearl Harbor, before they built the bridge.

    So here was this little 8-year-old, me, already branded a trouble-maker, now walking home from school in Honolulu.

    It worked out OK, and I even stopped being disrespectful to bus drivers, too. Win-win.

    [completely unrelated to this, my sister was born about that time, in Hawaii, and she is almost exactly the same age as Barry. Strangely, the two birth certificates look VERY different from each other.]
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  • Posted by RevJay4 9 years, 5 months ago
    I always walked home from grade(elementary) school. I seem to remember it being more than a mile.
    Kudos to this kid for his spirit of self-reliance. He is gonna be a handfull for his parents. :)
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