Featured Atlas Summit Speaker: Kim Sawyer (cksawyer)

Posted by awebb 9 years, 10 months ago to Featured Producers
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Meet Kim Sawyer, an Objectivist since age 15 and a first time Atlas Summit speaker. Kim is a serial entrepreneur with a broad range of interests including spirituality, philosophy, poetry, science, and technology. He currently owns and operates theWealthSource, an executive coaching firm and is a professional speaker and writer.

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Q: What do you like best about the Atlas Summit?
A: The adventure of it and curiosity about it! I have never attended one before in 40 years of affiliation with Objectivism.

Q: What will you be talking about at the Atlas Summit this year?
A: The Technology of Celebration: Recognizing Value in a Powerful Way.

Q: Can you give us a sneak peek of your talk?
A: We will look at celebration as our spiritual filling station in life and at the relation of celebration to value. We will explore celebration’s deeper meaning and underlying concepts. And participants will walk away with a practical tool with which to turbo-charge the way we celebrate our world, our lives, and our successes along the way.

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Q: What is your favorite Ayn Rand book?
A: We the Living

Q: Who is your favorite Ayn Rand character?
A: Ragnar Danneskjöld

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Q & A

Q: When were you first introduced to Ayn Rand?
A: 14 years old (1973)

Q: How has Ayn Rand influenced your life?
A: How much time do you have? And it ain’t done influencin’ yet!! (Yes, I’m from Texas! :) )

Q: What passion projects are you working on right now?
- Being a dad to an awesome 2 ½ year old boy, Chase.
- A leadership development program called “Enterprise Coaching” that systematically builds a coaching culture within an organization.
- A Non-fiction book titled “Walk Away Wealthy.”
- A Sci-fi novel titled “Scientists Incognito.”
- A collection of poetry.

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Q: What do you enjoy reading, watching, or listening to other than Ayn Rand?
- Quality sci-fi films
- Books on Integral Theory
- Books on leadership
- Books on rational parenting
- Books on secular spirituality
- Diverse array of music

Q: If you could be the tycoon of any industry, which would you pick and why?
A: Aerospace. The solutions to the majority of our most troubling planetary and societal dilemmas reside in this realm of endeavor. Further, the existing un-utilized technological capability, artificially suppressed for years by layers of overlapping legal barriers, is huge so the potential for monetizable developments abound. Mainly the adventure, on every level of the experience, is irresistible

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Kim’s Gulch profile: http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/cksawyer...

Kim’s Atlas Summit speaker profile: http://atlassummit2015tas25thanniversar....

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Past Atlas Summit speaker interviews:

Dale Halling (dbhalling) - http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/posts/2d...

Vinay Kolhatkar (Vinay) - http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/posts/2e...

More Atlas Summit speaker interviews coming soon!

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Register for the Atlas Summit now: http://www.eventbrite.com/e/atlas-summit...

Remember, Galt’s Gulch members save 20%: http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/posts/2b...

Early bird rates end May 18th!

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