This evening's webinar
I hope some of you got to participate in the Atlas Society Webinar this evening - VERY good information brought forth, and it really showed we *do* have people who care, not just about Objectavism, but how to bring society back from the brink in an onbjectivist, not socialistic, manner. That we had so many remain that deep into the broadcast gives me REAL (**not** obamist) hope. Thaks to all those who put this on, and we hope that this is but the first of many!
That and the capitalization issues brought up - any ideas put forth require a sufficient amount of capital to start off, let alone bring to fruition.
I won't talk about the disneyland thing... ;)
Unfortunately my current battle to the death with a wicked cold took precedence.
Some details would be nice.
I missed the seminar because I was passed out.
Yes, I'm still sleeping it off.
I'm hoping that today is the last of it and it's not going to be with me another week by moving from my head to my chest.
Thanks for the concern.