I missed this site.

Posted by CircuitGuy 10 years, 11 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
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I stopped checking this site b/c like any libertarian group it has more than its share of jerks. Add on top of that the Internet Jerkwad effect, and you get some real jerks.

When I came back it didn't seem quite as bad. There are jerks in any group, only slightly more among libertarians.

Also, if forced to chose to choose between Democrats and Republicans, most people have a favorite even if they do not approve of the two-party duopoly. That means they're reading some "OMG, [politician's name] is the problem!!" I'm sure it isn't. We have a systemic problem of too much gov't, and the two-party blame game is part of the problem.

I sometimes wonder if we create a Gulch, Seastead, space colony, etc founded on libertarian principles, if we'll find ourselves back in the same place. Some people will think it's okay to expand if the policy really does punish evil-doers or help people. For now, though, I'll blame the two-party system for that.

Now I'm reading this site again, so I signed back up for a "producer" account.

I still have hopes that people reject the duopoly because neither one works. The trouble is I sense the economy is on fire again, doing really well. Maybe people will wrongly think President Obama is the reason. That's fine b/c I'd like to see someone like him elected next time, but I'd much much rather see some step toward questioning the size and power of gov't. Maybe the economy isn't as good as I think it is, and someone like Ron Paul but slightly more moderate and slightly more telegenic will appear. If Ron Paul had been nominated, he would have been my first Republican vote, even though I disagree with him on abortion and monetary policy. We desperately need a dose of libertarianism and some public discussion of the bi-partisan consensus that gov't should be a big chunk of GDP.

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  • Posted by khalling 10 years, 11 months ago
    Cg, I am curious as to what part of RP 's monetary policy stances you disagree with? I was going to assume the dismantling of the Fed - but would like to know for discussion.
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    • Posted by 10 years, 11 months ago
      I think the Federal Reserve system has done a decent job. Having a committee empowered to make free-market operations to influence the money supply is better than using some arbitrary medium of exchange that may gain or lose value on its own due to supply and demand forces.
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      • Posted by khalling 10 years, 11 months ago
        since the Fed came into power, the value of the dollar has dropped by 98%. They are culpable in creating the depression, outrageous inflation in the 70s and ultimately that black box is responsible for transferring the wealth from the productive to the politically powerful. Consider reading straightlinelogic's book, "The Golden Pinnacle."
        nice to see you back and producing! ;)
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        • Posted by 10 years, 11 months ago
          The Fed aims to have the currency lose around 3% of its value a year, which works out to it losing something like 98% over hundred years. My understanding is they did screw up during the Depression by too loose policy.
          I also agree they did a bad job in the 70s b/c inflation went well beyond its target rate at the same time unemployment was high. They did a good job, however, of tightening the money supply, which was politically unpopular, bringing inflation back to the target. Since then, inflation and unemployment have been around the target values.
          The economy is people finding ways to help one another. A stable medium of exchange, which we've had all my adult life, is very helpful to that, but it's not as central as some people believe. All the value is created when someone does work or creates a structure that does work that provides value to others.
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          • Posted by khalling 10 years, 11 months ago
            but currency is what they receive in exchange for the value they provide. sitting in their bank account as money is printed loses its value. you saw the effects of it in 2008. the real estate bubble was only a symptom not the underlying cause of people losing 30-50% of their retirement overnight.
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            • Posted by 10 years, 11 months ago
              Currency isn't a good way to store value. It only eliminates the need for mutual coincidence of wants (i.e. barter). Over the long run, people store value in things that produce something: land that can be rented, factories that produce stuff.

              I do not understand fully the cause of the RE bubble, although I think it started in that tacit gov't guarantee of some MBSs. Even that doesn't fully explain it.

              Not everyone participated in the RE bubble and poor retirement investing. My wife and I increased our wealth, and would have done so even if we had real jobs. We would have done it working Mexican Peso or any reasonable medium of exchange. Creating value has little to do with the what you trade with.
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  • Posted by $ dhinet 10 years, 10 months ago
    Hi Guy, As I mentioned before today is the final day of filming. Starts at 12:00 PST (3:00EST). This will be very entertaining, as they are out in the mountains with great scenery. The filming today is open to producers only, so you are all set. The filming today is scheduled to be non stop for 5 or more hours.
    Hope to see you in the Gulch.
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  • Posted by $ dhinet 10 years, 10 months ago
    Hi Guy, welcome to the Gulch, Glad you made it! Don't forget to watch the final day of filming (for us Producers Only), Friday 2/14. It has been a hoot.
    Learned a lot about the movie making business. Chat with other producers as they are filming live.
    Hope to see you there or here in the Gulch.
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