The FEC shrugs...
Posted by MinorLiberator 9 years, 9 months ago to Politics
First, apologies for using an exalted term in connection with a Federal bureaucracy. But sarcasm and irony intended.
Interesting article. I wish more agencies would 'fess up and say they just can't do their jobs. (Fat chance, I know).
But if they've given up on trying to control free speech by controlling campaign spending, that's good news to me.
Interesting article. I wish more agencies would 'fess up and say they just can't do their jobs. (Fat chance, I know).
But if they've given up on trying to control free speech by controlling campaign spending, that's good news to me.
This is the nature of any laws allowing the government to overstep its bounds.They cannot be grounded in reality.
Sounds like we're being set up for some hand picked enforcement with the excuse that "we just couldn't get to them all".
I never going to vote for evil lesser or greater assuming that soon to be archaic historical memory of a system is still a Freedom In Name Only.
Republican or Democrat I'm going to vote for the Constitution and turn my back on.
Why would a government bureaucracy 'fess up? Because they want more money to expand the choke hold they have on the nation. If it works for one they will all soon be in line except those being down sized by by the left out of nothing more than a healthy dose of well deserved fear.
The government should not be deciding who is entitled to speak on a subject.
When you can't use reason just buy your way into power. Which is another point where I agree with you, it worked didn't it?