Squashing growth, $15.00 at a time
Posted by Non_mooching_artist 11 years ago to Business
Ok, so I'm a small business owner who is seeing business growing. I cannot continue to grow unless I hire some help. Great, right? Someone gets a job, business is good. Until WHAM!! $15.00 min wage?? Nope. Can't afford that AND obummercare. Scale back, but lose clients. Not as much business. Should I stay in business? Ripple effect; Hiring stagnates, so does the economy. In perpetuity, unless people wake up and look hard at who is supposedly representing them..
Said never by any politician or bureaucrat.
minimum wage is interference within the marketplace. it only harms
you have a right to sell your labor for whatever you want. a business has a right to offer you whatever they want. As long as the agreement is voluntary, the govt has no place getting involved.
if the government can decide your worth, you do not own yourself. If the government can decide what you have to offer for labor, then you are a slave
Precisely, but I rarely ever hear "why?" The reason is there is no incentive for improvement. The government exists whether it does a piss poor job or not. This is what happens in societies that move to socialism and communism...no incentive to improve or do a better job. It is a satanic idea to the core, not just some thought process of others who believe differently.
Bottom line is the sad truth that children in school have been (at least as long as it's been since I was in high school) ill-equipped to be enterpreneuers - or worse, developed to become serf-level capitalist hating wage slaves (and good communist party members...) - and in fact are conditioned and perhaps indoctrinated to that level of non-leadership-based lack of knowledge so they not only cannot succeed as an enterpreneuer, capitalist, or producer of wealth, but it is virtually impossible for them to do so, and as such, are conditioned to hate those who are not so inhibited.
Marx... Lenin... Engels... (and those who follow in your footsteps to continue your evil traditions)... Take your bows. You have succeeded in destroying our youth, and in doing so, the best and brightest we could have had to offer.
Schools are all for building self esteem, they think it's the answer to success...how they achieving this self esteem however is shallow and flimsy. It lacks the real basis of earning, productivity and worth...it's more based on effort celebrations than actual accomplishments. And don't get be started on the entitlement attitudes they breed.
All of these together combine to saw off the first few rungs of the ladder of opportunity. What small businessman is going to risk that the unskilled high-schooler is going to be worth $20+ per hour.
It won't happen all at once, but businesses will replace several lower-skilled workers with fewer higher-skilled workers. Current workers will have to show which pool they belong in.
I was given my yearly evaluation, which resulted in a 40 cent an hour raise.
Which could be comparatively wiped out by a raise to the minimum wage.
As the minimum wage raises what employers pay for low-skilled workers, they'll have to raise prices to cover the increase.
So my wage, which won't automatically go up proportionally to the raise in the minimum wage, will be able to buy less.