How did Iowa's Avian Flu outbreak get so bad?

Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 9 years, 11 months ago to News
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More states are seeing outbreaks. Millions of birds are being euthanized.

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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 11 months ago
    Cram a hundred thousand any form of life into one cage? What do you expect? Duuuhhhhh. So two pithy comments.

    Liberals - OMG HOW could the Government let this HAPPEN?. Wait a minute thats for the next Prez. OMG HOW Could Ben make this happen he's not even President yet?

    From the rest of the Left over wings - It's a plot against Hillary for getting that $100,000 in pork belly futures correct. (It was one of the Chicken and Egg corporatists that set that deal up for her.

    From Michelle Antoinette. Let them eat ethanol.

    From the right wing of the left. It's a plot against ham production of Mexico. (Most of it is made from turkey meat.)

    this could go on a long timie before we got to the libertarians or the animal lovers. but it won''t
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  • Posted by waytodude 9 years, 11 months ago
    It's spring the birds migrate spread the disease. Last fall birds migrate spread the disease. Any one living on a farm anymore? As far as farmers being subsidized defends on many factors. Corn and bean farmers have all kinds of subsidizes. Animal farmers get little. Unlike corn and bean farmers animal farmers have to wait almost a year unless Congress acts. I raise cattle and we get very little help from the government which is the way it should be. My sector of the animal industry does little lobbying and what is done I don't much agree with so they don't get my money. Back yard chicken is easy, pet pigs I hear are the new cool thing, veal calf don't take up much room. Remember name it something tasty so can eat it later and not feel bad. Chickens named drumstick, pig named bacon, calf named ribeye you get the hint.
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 9 years, 11 months ago
    While I have no proof or even evidence to support my thought. I seem to remember recently an article about recent changes to laws for poultry in California that would also greatly affect egg prices.

    Now I am not saying that this is a conspiracy but I will say that it seems convenient for someone who might not be affected to making a killing on the soon to be skyrocketing egg prices.
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  • Posted by Scoutmom 9 years, 11 months ago
    I've been watching this for a while. So far, the only place that's been consistently reporting on it is a morning news report on YouTube called "The News In Two Minutes" from Full Spectrum Survival.

    I think it would be prudent to get your Thanksgiving frozen turkey now. I'm also looking at canned chicken for food storage. Supplies available now would have been processed before this started.

    The question I have is: what are they really doing with the culled birds? I can't imagine such an asset - no matter how tainted - would be wasted. Watch your pet food in coming months. Chicken by-product indeed. Hopefully the ridiculous processing that takes most of the nutrients out will kill the virus as well.
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