Hi. My name is...Jon-Mike Reed
Posted by MIKEinLB68 11 years, 2 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
I'm very happy to have landed in the Gulch...I came by the Gulch by way of Eddie: "...we also serve who stand and wait." I may not be a person to build a railroad, but i can sure as heck help run one and be proud of my contribution. (... I commit a treasonable act of poetic licence and assume that someone from the Gulch eventually went out to collect Mr. Willers and bring him home. If Miss Ivy gets a place at the table, so too should Eddie.) It has been a while since I was happily introduced to the oddly sensible philosophy of accepting reality on its actual terms. The Trilogy's staggered release is teaching me patience that comes with the understanding that, "We've waited this long..." Congrats!
Yes, Hank Reardon's assistant, Gwen Ives, is a deserving character.
I am another admirer of the character of Eddie. Whether he survives out in the desert is a question that I think is deliberately left open by Rand, the message is that those who 'also serve' will get done by the collectivist/incompetent/leechers.
The only way I could see Ivy Starnes hanging out in the gulch is by the neck from a tall gibbet...
Learned a lot about the movie making business. Chat with other producers as they are filming live.
Hope to see you there or here in the Gulch.