Posted by kevinw 9 years, 9 months ago to Politics
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I'm curious what experiences others have had with one or both of these organizations and what thoughts you may have as to whether they are helping or hurting the cause?

Several years ago as I was about to renew my yearly NRA membership I discovered that it was the 4th time in right at 3 years. I was getting notices to "renew early" each time about 6 to 8 months after the previous renewal and I assumed my yearly renewal date was not changing. Something was getting screwed up and I was about to just let it lapse but decided to do a lifetime membership instead. I could afford it, no big deal and it would stop the renewal notices. I wanted to support them because gun rights are important to me. I Still get renewal notices. Probably should call them but I just ignore the notices.

Some time later I was introduced to the NAGR by a friend and they had some interesting information so I donated some money to them. Holy Crap, the world was coming to an end. Every day two or three different emails about this gun grab and that politician is dangerous and we're doomed if I don't send some more money, and he's being sued for his donors list and please send more money to defend our privacy. I put up with that for a while. They still gave out some good information but one bit caught my attention. Something about a UN gun ban treaty. Whoa! Bad news. So I did some searching and came upon an article by who else? The NRA. Summed up, the NAGR was just a bunch of alarmists, The UN gun ban was just a whisper at the UN, no chance to go anywhere, no chance to get to the US and would never pass here anyway. Wheeewww! I gave up on the NAGR.

Maybe two years later come the headlines in the NRA emails, "STOP THE UN GUN BAN"... Shit.

Now I'm well aware that both of these organizations thrive with obamas and clintons in the white house and they didn't do too bad with bushes either. It's not too big of a stretch to say that it's not in the best interest of either of these two organizations to be successful for their cause. But they are doing something... Aren't they?

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  • Posted by gcarl615 9 years, 9 months ago
    I have not joined either of these organizations. This will sound paranoid, but I have always thought that when the Constitution is totally trashed( Something I believe none of us can prevent), the members of the NRA are the first ones the jack boot thugs will go looking for.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 9 months ago
      Hello gcarl615,
      I agree wholeheartedly. That consideration kept me out of the NRA for several years. But then I wondered where 2nd amendment rights would be without them. I joined the NRA just before their membership went over 3 million. Late 90's I think. There are, estimated, over 80 million lawful gun owners in this country. Where would our 2nd amendment rights be if they were all members. That's a lot of necks for those jack boots to cover.

      You know, somebody has to be on the front line. Otherwise there is no line.
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      • Posted by gcarl615 9 years, 9 months ago
        I also agree with your thinking here, I just can't bring myself to do it.
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        • Posted by 9 years, 9 months ago
          I can't blame you. I joined before "shrugging", as an option, was ever known to me. Can't say for sure now that I would make the same call although shrugging is still not a viable option for me at this point. Yet.
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          • Posted by gcarl615 9 years, 9 months ago
            I struggled for years to be able to shrug, while still being able to provide for my family in a decent way. Finally the company I worked for last was sold and everybody let go. By then the kids were grown and my wife and I altered our life style drastically and we semi shrugged. After she passed I found it easier since it was only me. Now I just do what ever trips my trigger and manage to non-support the looters.
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