High Profile Prosecutions and Conflicts of Interest

Posted by Poplicola 9 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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With six officers being so heavily charged in the death of Freddie Gray at such an early stage in the investigation of the incident something seems seriously amiss.

Not even considering some of the allegations of specific potential conflicts in this particular case we have considerable cause for concern particularly for the ability of the Officers to receive a fair trial and of any Officers to do their jobs without fear of falling victim to a politically motivated prosecution.

Thus in this case and in any similar incidents especially in an environment of ongoing rioting, I would have much rather seen both a Coroner's Inquest and a Grand Jury review of the evidence after sufficient time had passed for a *thorough* investigation of the facts. This is because there is a very high danger that a Prosecutor with political ambitions in a highly visible case like this would have a grave conflict of interest.

Indeed, it is disturbingly common for would-be politicians to seek careers as Prosecutors in the explicit hope of landing a high profile case to pander to the mob, and gain name recognition by taking down someone famous, fanning the flames of racial and class warfare, or otherwise abusing their office to further the interests of their political party.

Perhaps the inherent conflicts of interest are so great and so pervasive, that the Founders should have disqualified Prosecutors from seeking higher office --- at least for sufficient time for any notoriety gained by grandstanding for the cameras to have worn off.

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