A win for Private Property rights......for now.

Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 9 years, 11 months ago to Legislation
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There is a long history on this issue. Part of it dealing with U.N. Agenda 21 who has told the tribe they can have all their land back. This is in an area that on the Agenda 21 maps shows no human habitation.

The tribe threatened that if the compact was not approved they would file up to 10,000 water claims. Tribes in other areas are watching this closely.
SOURCE URL: http://www.valleyjournal.net/Article/12611/Water-compact-dammed-by-speaker-of-house-after-testimony-tsunami

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  • Posted by MinorLiberator 9 years, 11 months ago
    Any little win is a good win...like New Mexico standing up against Asset Forfeiture.

    I'm relatively new to the Gulch and had never heard of "UN Agenda 21". First I Googled it and didn't like what I found...and then I searched The Gulch and see it's been discussed before (not surprised).

    I'd like to believe I'm no "conspiracy theorist" (although I've met many people who consider anyone who takes "Atlas" seriously as being in that category), but if (admittedly self-described) "Liberal Democrats" are concerned...makes me wonder...


    Not the top issue to be concerned with at the moment, but IMO something to be aware of...
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 11 months ago
      It's happening subtly in many places and you probably aren't even aware it's going on. The grants your community receives for beautification projects, or to expand the park etc. could very well be part of it. The sustainable community stuff is also part of it. It's insidious and done in the name of the common good.
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      • Posted by MinorLiberator 9 years, 11 months ago
        The bitter irony, not lost on most people here, is what its promoters consider "sustainable" is exactly the opposite, and is what's killing jobs, water supplies in California (another thread today), and in smaller "advanced" countries (so far) entire economies.

        Even more bitter is that the huge, competing and modernizing economies who don't buy into this crap, best example: China, will continue to grow (and "pollute") their way into the future..."sustainability" be damned...
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