Lost in the clouds: Your private data has been indexed by Google | CSO Online
Posted by UncommonSense 9 years, 10 months ago to Technology
Sometimes, leaving the political domain seems like a great idea and instead dive back into information security only to find a story like this:
Do you have your router set for FTP? Well, Google may already grabbed your data for indexing & public availability.
The question is: how long was this known before this information was released to the public domain?
My router is not enabled for FTP, nor IPv6 or UPNP. Got security?
Do you have your router set for FTP? Well, Google may already grabbed your data for indexing & public availability.
The question is: how long was this known before this information was released to the public domain?
My router is not enabled for FTP, nor IPv6 or UPNP. Got security?