Oregon Becomes First State To Implement Per-Mile Road Tax

Posted by $ nickursis 9 years, 11 months ago to Government
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First into Bondage! Oregon leads the way! We have never seen a tax we didn't like! A holes.
I drive 1736 miles a month to work, @ 38 mpg I spend $13.70 a month. Were I stupid enough to do this rip off, (at the low, low price of 1.5cents per rutted, potholed mile next to beautiful bike lanes built with gas tax money) I would "give" or "donate" to the State of ineptitude 26.04. Only a 100% tax increase? I get a high mileage car because I do not want to cdonate to gas price manipulating oil companies, so now I get to give Oregon the equivelant of 60 cents a gallon in Road Tax because I don't "waste" enough gas for them? But now I can pay an additional 30 cents a gallon for eco friendly fuel that some Dumbocrap thought I "needed" to use so we could "support the alternate fuel industry" that gave so frickin much to them the last election they stole? DO NOT, DO NOT allow your state to go down this road, unless you own a 5 gallon a mile PU or something.
SOURCE URL: http://www.truthandaction.net/oregon-first-state-implement-per-mile-road-tax/

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  • Posted by term2 9 years, 11 months ago
    No new taxes. Why don't they just raise the existing tax? No new bureaucracy required. Or is the purpose of this TO create another bureaucracy
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  • Posted by Skycaptain 9 years, 11 months ago
    So essentially after taxing the heck out of everyone to build the roads they have now effectively turned all the roads in Oregon into Toll Roads.Only in the Peoples Republic of Oregon. This is a really bad idea.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 11 months ago
    I will avoid Oregon as if it had seven different contagious plagues. I have a mini van for utility purposes, but when it comes to a sedan, I get the most powerful engine I can afford. I like a super pick-up, an easy highway merge, and the rumble of a powerful engine. Screw the mileage. If it's not fun to drive, I'll stay home. You can drive a woosie car if you want, but watch out, I may puke on your Juke.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 11 months ago
    Shh! In Alabama we have a GOP second term governor who has out of the blue gone RINO and wants to raise taxes.
    That political Benedict Arnold is meeting resistance, thank goodness.
    He does not need to catch wind of this idea,
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  • Posted by dukem 9 years, 11 months ago
    I live in what used to be called the "sane" side of the Cascades in Oregon (Bend, specifically) and our city is considering - in addition to all the idiocy coming from the west side of the mountains (except for Nickursis, of course) - a five cent per gallon gas tax, just in the city, to get extra income from tourists (and coincidentally residents). It will help pay for road repairs that have not been done to any great degree for about 7 years, but by God our bike lanes are growing, and car lanes are regularly converted to bike lanes. It's a lot of fun driving and biking in the winter snows here with our enhanced transportation system. The other great debate is about plopping a large state college campus in the middle of town in a gravel and pumice pit, the argument being that most students will bike to school. One could sell tickets to watch the results! (Oops, better not give them any ideas!)
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  • Posted by evlwhtguy 9 years, 11 months ago
    As an added bonus, think about all the wonderful government workers we will have to hire to administer this.

    As a side note here, this sounds like a typical government big business government welfare program. Only large corporations have the wherewithal to keep the records required and think about it...they also use large vehicles that burn loads of gas...they will come out ahead on this. Government will als come out ahead, they can write themselves an exemption from the tax and use the rebate to get the gas tax money back. In the meantine the average citizen driving his 1997 corolla gets to pay for all the roads.
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    • Posted by zzdragon 9 years, 11 months ago
      Here's how it will work. everyone has a cell phone with a camera. Every year on 1-1 you take a photo of your lic plate and the odo and send them all the money you have along with the photos.
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      • Posted by nudeswimmer 9 years, 11 months ago
        So just exactly how much of 1.5 cents will end up as asphalt? Essentially none of it by the time you pay for the infrastructure and wages to administer the project. Just another welfare for the govt tax.
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