Wisconsin’s Shame
Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 11 months ago to Politics
Wisconsin’s Shame
People are being terrorized by Police at the behest of political enemies.
What is next the ‘Night of Long Knives”?!?! This is outrageous.
It is along the same lines as the Lois Lerner targeting only more intrusive and terrifying physically.
Dare not to speak out or support the wrong politicians...
National Review article: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/41...
People are being terrorized by Police at the behest of political enemies.
What is next the ‘Night of Long Knives”?!?! This is outrageous.
It is along the same lines as the Lois Lerner targeting only more intrusive and terrifying physically.
Dare not to speak out or support the wrong politicians...
National Review article: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/41...
The irony in this paragraph though is that Nixon was just as much a progressive (eg US fascist) as anyone in the democratic party. Minimum wage. Price controls. The EPA. ....
Nixon was not a liberty loving conservative.
Yes, they come in all stripes don't they? Nixon had an enemies list too. His dirty deeds were considerable and he was forced from office. I remember it well. "I am not a crook." Yet his actions seem lame by comparison to today's operatives and there seems to be no accountability. Hillary Clinton had a hand in the Nixon impeachment inquiry. She apparently learned that one should burn the tapes, or in today's world, wipe the server....
What a world...
Here is a link to one of the interviews. There has been more since then.
Thank you for the link. Great interview. Outrageous example of tyranny, plain and simple. Heads should roll. Where is the justice department? Where is the coverage in the MSM that this deserves. I see it is getting some now, but I believe it should be front page, lead stories everywhere. Our nation... Hell in a hand-basket...
They're out there watching the backs of such perps as Obama and Hillary Clinton.
O'Keefe suggests Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson could be involved. I hope he's wrong. I have met her several times. She offered to preside over my marriage. She went to both my grandparents' funerals. She really seems like a bright, upstanding person who would respect the spirit and letter of the law. People who worked with her daily spoke very highly of her. I would be very disappointed if she supported these raids. I will tactfully mention it next time I see her.
The point O'Keefe makes at the end about there being no chance for jail time is powerful. The reason for breaking into someone's house like that is maybe they have key evidence of a murder or something, and they might get away or destroy the evidence. If they had probably cause to suspect a murder, I would support the raids. The alleged crime, though, is something on par with reckless driving.
Thanks for posting the radio segment.
What? Please, tell me more.
- Ayn Rand
One city at a time, cherry picking the apparent leaders and blacking out the media, that's doable. Thank God we still have the internet! Whoops, the government just gave themselves the power to regulate that last week.
Can you imagine...?!?
Recall what Ragnar says to Henry Rearden: he never attacked nor plundered a naval vessel, because a navy exists to protect from force those who pay for its provision and maintenance. But recall also his decision to dispense lethal justice against the Project F guards. What does anyone suppose he would do in this case?
If this is what we have to contend with, all bets are off.
Very good, but too few of us even know of "Kristallnacht."
Most millennials don't even know who Reagan was...
"Those who don't know history are destined to repeat it." - Edmund Burke
What a nightmare. I don't know how many Constitutional rights were violated. Wisconsin is one of the most liberal voting states in America. How they ever got a Republican governor is a miracle.
Just my thoughts. No real predictions.
puter (trouble with headphones, and limited time
allowed), but if something like what is described
(written) has occurred, it does seem like Governor Scott Walker
would do something about it. Has he said any-