Public boarding school—the way to solve educational ills?--Does This Proposal Remind You Of Hitler's and Stalin's State Schools?

Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 8 months ago to Education
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From the article: Note: Why is this being published in a Physics and Science Newsletter, instead of the normal media?

"Buffalo's chronically struggling school system is considering an idea gaining momentum in other cities: public boarding schools that put round-the-clock attention on students and away from such daunting problems as poverty, troubled homes and truancy.
Supporters say such a dramatic step is necessary to get some students into an atmosphere that promotes learning, and worth the costs, estimated at $20,000 to $25,000 per student per year.
"We have teachers and union leaders telling us, 'The problem is with the homes; these kids are in dysfunctional homes,'" said Buffalo school board member Carl Paladino.
He envisions a charter boarding school in Buffalo where students as young as first or second grade would be assured proper meals, uniforms, after-school tutoring and activities."

Get's the students "away from such daunting problems as" parents and family, as well. Of course, we're already paying for a large percentage of the support anyway through welfare, so let's just take it to the next logical step. Just imagine the type of citizens the state can produce with this program.
SOURCE URL: http://phys.org/news/2015-04-boarding-schoolthe-ills.html

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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 8 months ago
    If the government has control, what could go wrong?.... everything. If parents are neglectful or endangering their children, that is one thing and the state may have some small interest, but even that must be extremely limited. If they must pull a child from their parents and send them to a different school then that is an indictment of the parents as well as the local public school system. Why would it be likely to be better at another state run school? Send them to a private institution. I don't trust the government to indoctrinate.. er, um educate children. Close the Department of Education and let it be a local matter. People that want better education for their children should vote with their feet and move to a better district. Let the market work. Those that don't value education for their children may be hopeless, no matter how much taxpayer money is spent, or wasted. We must change the minds of people by demonstration of prosperity by example. A desire to learn is the most crucial aspect. One can learn anything with basic reading skills and desire. We must get back to the basics the 'three Rs" and instill desire as the first priorities.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 9 years, 8 months ago
    How atrociously disgusting! Yes, it does remind me
    of the Communist and Fascist situations. If they do
    it, I hope the kids run away, vandalize the place,
    and burn it down.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 9 years, 8 months ago
    Sounds like Mao to me. He wanted kids under government influence as early as possible, to keep parents from passing on their ideas. Are we sure the unions won't also be part of the project in Buffalo, more union jobs? Teachers have done a great job of indoctrinating kids into being against parental values, and an equally lousy job of teaching academics. Kids will not learn until they learn respect, for others and themselves - teachers have pretty much short circuited that idea, then complain when they can't control them either. More government schooling will create hostile sheep, not psychologically healthy.
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  • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 8 months ago
    There is a big problem in most of the statistics on single parent homes and children. In virtually all of these overviews, no distinction is made between causes due to low economic condition and causes due to single-parent family. Indeed, one study (http://www.clasp.org/resources-and-publi...) that normalized the economic conditions showed that, "When controlling for other differences in family characteristics, such as race, level of parents’ education, family size, and residential location, McLanahan and Sandefur found little difference in outcomes for children according to whether the single-parent families were a result of non-marital births or divorce. However, children of widowed parents do better than children of other types of single-parent families with similar characteristic."

    There is no 'putting Humpty Dumpty back together again' with respect to enduring marriages. As long as both members of the relationship have the ability to support themselves, you are going to get a higher rate of divorce than in a society where half of the family was economically dependent.

    Another thing is that I was a day student at a prestigious Catholic boarding school. We day students noticed that the boarders did not have any trouble getting drugs (from their politician or actor families, probably). The dorm had a problem with drugs (mostly pot; some cocaine I think). Anecdotes from other people in boarding schools recount similar experiences. As Wm is fond of saying, "If you can't keep drugs out of prisons, how do you expect to keep them out of the rest of society?"...in this instance, boarding schools.

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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 8 months ago
    Sounds like desperation. As I see it, one aspect is the way we tip-toe around calling the situation what it is for fear of being called a racist. There is a predominance of single parent homes in the Black community. Fathers are not in the home. Some are fathering children with several wives. The onus is on the Black parents who refuse to deal with this situation through some misguided appearance of what manhood is. Not only are men not put down for their bad behavior, they are applauded for it as if it were a desirable thing. Until the Black community starts promoting two parent families and holding up that as the right thing to do, they are getting what they deserve, namely, a generation of uneducated, poor people, who think the only way they can make it in the world is by being criminals. The only thing that Buffalo's "solution" will do is turn education into a punishment, like reform school of old.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 8 months ago
      Herb, I think education's already a punishment there. As to their families and poverty, as long as we put the blame where it belongs, I have no problem in talking about the problem. LBJ and his progressive ilk started the inner city projects and subsidized housing, all centralized, to move families on welfare where they were given incentives by the government to become exactly what they've become. If a father's in the home, they don't qualify for Aid and assistance and all the other goodies, the more children they have the more money they get, on and on. And they're all concentrated into one or two neighborhoods which gets their children out of suburban schools and they overwhelm the inner city schools.

      By throwing racism into the argument, those wanting these boarding schools, will have an argument to go out and find white, latino, indian, and asian children to pull into the web the web as well and take more children for indoctrination.

      It's all a progressive socialist's wet dream.
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  • Posted by Ranter 9 years, 8 months ago
    I have no problem with public or private boarding schools if the curriculum stresses true learning and not fake gender or race advocacy. The problem with Hitler's schools (and the equivalent Soviet schools) was that they taught the politics of the ruling party.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 8 months ago
      You think our's wouldn't?
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      • Posted by Ranter 9 years, 8 months ago
        When I was in public school, oh, so long ago, the schools taught the basic subject matter. They taught how our political system worked, but they did not teach a political ideology, other than what would be required for a constitutional republic with a democratic base. If public schools still did the same, I would not have a problem with public boarding schools. Since public schools no longer teach subject matter, but ideology, I would favor abolishing the public school system entirely. A voucher system that gave all students vouchers, and in which the only funding for public schools came from the vouchers, would hasten the end -- or the reformation -- of the public school system by applying the principles of the free market to it.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 8 months ago
    Little known sociology fact: the #1 indicator of success in schooling is not money, teacher quality, or availability of technology, but simple parental involvement. You want good kids at school? You start with good parents: married couples devoted to each other and their families.

    Schooling starts at home. It always has and always will. You want better kids, stop encouraging behaviors that destroy family. You're not going to solve the problem by taking the kids away from their families and support structures.
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  • Posted by Sunjock13 9 years, 8 months ago
    Vee have vays to make dem learn!!!! You know, no matter HOW well intentioned someone is about raising my kids, AND no matter how much YOU may dislike how I raise them (excepting physical Abuse) it is NOT your "choice" on how children should be indoctrinated (afterall, that IS what education and conditioning manifest). My rights as a parent are proctected by SEVERAL of the 1st 10 Amendments to the Constitution and we have John Adams to thank for being such a visionary... BUT we MUST defend those rights or they will slowly evaporate like the experience of the residents of the "Animal Farm".
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  • Posted by khalling 9 years, 8 months ago
    At least it 's a charter school. What I want to know is why are the unions involved in pushing this?
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    • Posted by 9 years, 8 months ago
      Well, it looks like a lot of the charter money comes from the state and district. For the unions in NY, its bound to mean jobs, lot's of jobs if you include the boarding and tutors and its about as collectivist and socialist as you can get.

      I don't mind the idea of charter and private schools where the parents have choices and the NEA isn't involved, but this doesn't sound as if its going to be about choice. I don't think this is going to turn out good, and I'm pretty confident that AS and AR won't be on their reading list.
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  • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years, 8 months ago
    Not surprising in the least.

    People fail to take care of there kids and want someone else (this time around; science and government) to do it for them.
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  • Posted by Bob44_ 9 years, 8 months ago
    I thought we already had boarding schools for troubled teens. I understand that they call it reform school and when they grow up, prison. Boarding school is another way to milk the public that don't have troubled youth.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 8 months ago
    This reminds me 20 years ago when Newt Gingrich (and I think Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation) proposed orphanages for poor children in single-parent homes.

    I think people proposing this are responding to the issue of kids from dysfunctional families sending their kids to school without meals or proper clothing. Then the teachers need to make up for a bad home life to educate them.

    I don't have an answer to the problem because I see the logic in getting these kids to a stable environment and hopefully breaking the cycle of poverty. But I'm loath to expand gov't in any way. Many people rise to the occasion when left alone but lean on gov't programs if they can. I also question if gov't run boarding schools with a bunch of troubled kids segregated from the rest of society would be any better than kids growing up in troubled homes.
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    • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 8 months ago
      I've been advocating for a long time that AFDC (aka TANF) be abolished, or at least strictly time-limited to a few months per household. After that, if you can't support your kids, they should be taken away (for neglect) and placed with foster parents. This would achieve two things: it would give those kids a future (by getting them out of the welfare cycle and giving them good role models), and it would remove the incentive for useless people to reproduce (because they'd no longer be paid for doing it). The latter is the important benefit; 30% of all births in the US today are out-of-wedlock, it's certainly because of the subsidy, and guess where Obama got his voter base!

      (Of course the problem I'm trying to solve is not kids coming to school without meals or proper clothing. It's kids coming to school who don't bother to learn, and don't want to let others learn either, because they and/or their parents have the "Al Sharpton attitude" (whitey owes us a free living). Then when they don't get everything they want, either as teens or so-called adults, they make the kind of trouble that is going on in Baltimore right now.)

      And no, Zen, I'm not a "progressive" or socialist. If you have a better alternative, I'd love to hear it.

      As far as the proposal in this article: obviously state-run parenting is going to be worse than foster parents or just about anything privately run. But it is probably better for the kids than leaving them with a welfare mother.
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      • Posted by 9 years, 8 months ago
        Taking children away from parents is not an answer, because once you give statist an excuse for one group of kids, they'll use that to expand it to others. The answer lies in your suggestions for AFDC, but that's not enough. I've forgotten the real numbers, but there exists at least dozens of programs for welfare and dozens more in the works. While I find a lot of fault with those on the dole, I find more fault with those that put the damn thing in place and allow it to stay in place and even grow.

        I agree that the problem to be solved is not school lunches and proper clothing--it's a family that values education and achievement, but we won't get that by giving authority or responsibility to government or trying to 'solve the problem'. We must take power and money away from government, not give to. I'm sorry for those children, but they and their conditions of life are not my responsibility. If we can get government out of our lives and out of our pockets, nature and reality of being human will take care of those children. They don't deserve charity, nor altruism, nor someone to take care of them. They are no more nor no less human than am I and my children; they simply need to face the same rules of reality that I had to, growing up. And succeed or fail as all humans must.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 8 months ago
        Yes. I agree with most all of what you say. Some more thoughts:.
        - I'm concerned about Zenphamy's slippery slope wrt taking away children. I just don't have an answer on this.
        - Maybe our end goal is not alms for kids w/o meals or clothing, but achieving the goals you talk about mean *someone* being the parent and providing those things.
        - It's not just a racial thing. This cycle exists in all races. Maybe in the past it was racial, but from what I've seen it's individuals making bad choices, or rather operating on a bad autopilot and doing things that result in problems without even any conscious decision-making process.
        - The large philosophical thing that will reduce the stupid rioting behavior like in Baltimore is for people to feel like part of "We the People," with gov't not a source of alms with an alphabet soup of programs for their mom, and not something jailing their fathers for non-forcible drug offenses. The more intrusive gov't is, the more it feels like a thing offering a carrots and sticks trying to manipulate people. Even people who can't articulate that don't like this.
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