I give up. Some people will never ever give up their illogical thinking..

Posted by $ prof611 9 years, 10 months ago to Philosophy
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The following is a Facebook post inspired by a discussion I had regarding the proper functions of a government. I eventually gave up trying to get this person to investigate Ayn Rand's philosophy before criticizing it. A few days later, she posted this:

"Here is proof on my theory that this woman is a sociopath. She actually states that altruism is evil, that individuals should only act on self centered agendas, and use other people to attain power in the world."

She linked to this article: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/08/14..., which has a real bias, calling Ayn Rand an "evil woman", and urging people to watch the videos.

I just viewed the first half of Johnny Carson's interview, and was impressed by Ayn's clear exposition of Objectivism. How could anyone think she is a sociopath? How could anyone view this video, and not come away with the desire to find out more about Objectivism?

So I give up. I am absolutely swearing off discussing Objectivism with altruistic leftists. It is just too discouraging. Some of them will never ever change - even in the face of reason! Our only hope is to convert those who either have no philosopy at all ( students ), or who already have a habit of thinking logically.

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  • Posted by khalling 9 years, 10 months ago
    never give up, prof. see it as a failed battle on their side for the war of ideas. The dailykos and others link to Rand 3-4x a week-why? those posts trend higher in google due to Rand's influence. She has tremendous reach due to truth, reason, logic and some killer fiction-AND there are three movies out there with tremendous influence driving thousands to reading AS. Keep it up with them-grin the whole time-cuz you know they can't stand her reach and influence-30 years after her death and forever in History.
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  • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 10 months ago
    Prof, if reason could sway them or was even a part of their world, they wouldn't be leftists to begin with. I haven't talked to leftists except to be polite for years! It's a good thing I have the Gulch
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  • Posted by mdant 9 years, 10 months ago
    In the past few years I have given up trying to help people see reason and logic because I finally figured out that most people in this world simply do not want to see it. In fact, they go out of their way to avoid having to see it because it does not feel as good as listing to lies about how everyone should be taken care of. It is like the opposite of rubbernecking as you pass by an accident. They get whiplash trying to avoid looking at reason.

    But with that said, I do have to say that Ayn Rand does say some things in that video that would be extremely hard for someone to understand that has not already read Atlas Shrugged. Particularly the way she says a man's highest morality is looking after himself. I wish she never used those terms and way of explaining it because I do not think it gives a true or complete picture. I whish she and other objectivists would instead concentrate on explaining that the entire world operates off of self interest and the only way of making sure a country is prosperous is to utilize a system that recognizes this and puts this fact to good to good productive use that makes the entire country better off. Systems like socialism and communism go against this reality and fail in two ways.

    1) They fail to properly incentivize hard work and therefore reduce overall productivity which makes the majority of people in the country poorer.
    2) The people that run these socialist systems are very much working in their own self interest and find ways to use politics to reap rewards for themselves and their friends that otherwise would have went to incentivize hard working productive people to do things that would have made the country richer and the entire citizenship have a higher standard of living.
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  • Posted by salta 9 years, 10 months ago
    I like to pick out phrases like "use other people to attain power", and point out that in the real world most people understand self-interest is served by cooperating with other people, not using them. It is our responsibility to break the mental link these people have between self-interest and dishonesty.
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  • Posted by Ibecame 9 years, 10 months ago
    What a coincidence. Hillary starts her campaign and suddenly there are a whole series of anti-Objectivsm and anti-Ayn Rand posts on the internet. Every year Forbes Magazine rates the top ten companies and for many years either at or near the top are "Internet Optimizing" companies whose sole product is to promote/demote things. It looks like our politicians and government have caught on to. I just finished a article from a old newsletter that Ayn published that discussed how governments and politicians feel threatened by segments of the population becoming "polarized". I would say that those of us interested in the writings of Any Rand and are focused on Objectivism and clear rational thinking are a "polarized" group. That might explain the attacks.
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  • Posted by MelissaA 9 years, 10 months ago
    I lost a friend I have had since early childhood because if a situation similar to this one, It was like talking to a brick wall! She finally realized she couldn't argue against what I was saying so she unfriended me and hasn't really spoken to me since
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