Am I Un-American
Posted by jnnrd54 9 years, 10 months ago to Philosophy
I'm new to the Gulch so forgive me if I am approaching this incorrectly.
Everything I see tells me in my gut this Country is rapidly going down the tubes. I have worked very hard for everything I have achieved and I'm seriously considering liquidating most of my assets and moving them to another country before the government takes everything. Is this just smart or unamerican?
Everything I see tells me in my gut this Country is rapidly going down the tubes. I have worked very hard for everything I have achieved and I'm seriously considering liquidating most of my assets and moving them to another country before the government takes everything. Is this just smart or unamerican?
No, it's not un-American to feel this way or act on it. My family's passports are all up to date. In my research I keep zeroing in on Chile. I think America is in very serious trouble. Frankly, it saddens me. The violations on liberty we're seeing regularly now cause great concern not just with me, but with many of my close friends.
A while back I researched placing money in a savings account in New Zealand. The interest rate was substantially higher than here, but so is the minimum deposit size for Americans (haha).
We are in what I call "travel light" mode. Gradually simplifying our possessions, researching other lands, and not really increasing our ties here - if anything, pruning them. Just...staying a bit agile until America decides which direction it's going to take.
You aren't leaving America. America has left you.
+1 for truth
I remember an old Pogo cartoon, where he says, "We have met the enemy and he is us!" Doesn't seem as funny any more.
The problem though, no matter what country one chooses to emigrate to, if you choose to live 'on the grid', the gov't can easily monitor you & your activities. Going 'off the grid' sounds like a great idea until one fully understands what it takes to 'live'. Hard choices to make either way.
Soovin edu.
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