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Honestly, I retreated from politics for a while. I did read Greg Gutfeld's "Not Cool" (enjoyable as ever) and Sharyl Attkisson's "Stonewalled" recently, but both just reiterate existing concerns.
Rand Paul's formal entry into the race has me excited to catch up and see how the GOP is evolving in real time (maybe I have a man-crush on him).
I have been looking at how badly Australia has become as a signatory to various UN policies.
The LIMA DECLARATION (1975) was created to transfer 25% of the world's industrial capacity to developing countries by 2000.
I have discovered that Australia has lost 98% of its industrial capacity since signing that treaty/agreement.
The Washington machine that gobbles up our freedoms and invades every nook and cranny of our lives must be stopped.
We borrow a million dollars a minute. This vast accumulation of debt threatens not just our economy, but our security. We can wake up now and do the right thing. Quit spending money we don’t have.
We need to go boldly forth under the banner of liberty that clutches the Constitution in one hand and the Bill of Rights in the other.
My plan includes economic freedom zones to allow impoverished areas like Detroit, West Louisville, Eastern Kentucky to prosper by leaving more money in the pockets of the people who live there.
Currently some $3 trillion comes into the U.S. Treasury. Couldn’t the country just survive on $3 trillion?
The problem we have today was caused by a government that governs selectively, only some rules apply to some groups of people. We need true economic freedom for all, not just Detroit, West Louisville or Eastern Kentucky.
As Wonky says, when it works some of it will be replicated.