Posted by RogerMalcolm 11 years, 2 months ago to News
I came across this information myself about two years back when doing research while working on a documentary about the survivors of the Waco, TX siege by the ATF and FBI. I looked up something about children on the FBI's own website and it listed both the Waco siege and The Black Panther Party for Self Defense. I had studied the Black Panthers and Huey P. Newton in high school and found the connection quite interesting. I tried to tell as many people as I could about it but no one seemed to care or think what I had discovered was relevant. I mean why should little ol' me know something important that they didn't already know, right? Well, evidently it is as this has been published shedding new light on the subject. I love activists! They inspire me.
I hope it helps to change others viewpoint in regards to Snowden.
Thanks for the post.
Well hmmmmmm.
These burglars had big cajones...
People will realize their own humanity is more important than what they've come to understand or have taken for granted. They just need leaders with integrity and conviction to empower and enlighten them. Eventually more and more will become those leaders.
“I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. Tis the business of little minds to shrink, but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death.” - Thomas Paine
You do not know what you're talking about.
I think for myself.
He is a traitor because he gave aid and comfort to our enemies. He is a hero for bringing to light that the NSA was violating citizen's 4th Amendment-protected rights.
Benedict Arnold was a hero before he was driven into treason; if not for him we probably would not have won our independence. As the sides were somewhat ambiguous, and as he was sorely abused for his contributions, even his treason was not entirely black and white.
You may disagree with me. That doesn't mean I don't have independent thought. All it means is that you're wrong.