How did the Constitution get written?

Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 11 months ago to The Gulch: General
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The Constitution is an amazing document. It has survived a Civil War, two World Wars, recessions, a depression and countless politicians holding offices they were not qualified to hold. I still wonder sometimes how it ever got written in the first place. First, I wonder what it would look like if our current Congress wrote it? How long would that document be? Then I think of how the Founding Fathers were men of great intellect which in many ways must have made the task even harder. These were men of great intellect who had strong ideas and opinions and the ability to debate and defend their ideas. If Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison took three different positions on a subject how could I possibly figure out who I would support? Ultimately I think it must have come down to two things. They all had a mutual respect and affection for one another and the task at hand was so important that they would not allow themselves to fail. All the more reason the Constitution needs to be defended and protected and it's why I am so offended when anyone belittles or disrespects it. Just something I ponder when I let my mind out to wander.

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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 11 months ago
    I wonder if they thought it would work or wondered if it was a pipe dream. I wonder if they thought the Articles of Confederation were Step 1, and they would be followed by a series of steps increasing the power of the federal gov't. That's sort of what has happened by wider interpretation over the centuries.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 11 months ago
      I would guess that men like that would have had confidence in their final product. No doubt they feared what would happen over the years. As Ben Franklin said "We have given you a Republic, if you can keep it".
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