The Nutmeg Curtain: Papa Possum's satire for the month of April

Posted by Eudaimonia 9 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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Papa Possum's satire for the month of April is "The Nutmeg Curtain",
a message to those still stranded in The People's Republic of Connecticut.

"The Nutmeg Curtain" - a new work from Papa Possum.

Enjoy, or not.


The Nutmeg Curtain
(Qui transtulit, sustinet.)

A bold communique to those
who opted to remain,
who valued less their Liberty
than where they called their home -
look to the words upon your flag,
their meaning ascertain,
“Qui transtulit, sustinet,” large
above your state house dome.

Official words now needing men
to translate and explain,
yet time is now when meaning new
is what should be inferred.
The meaning is still, “He who has
transplanted, does sustain,”
but the direction is not *to*,
now *from*'s the better word.

So belongings, pack what you can,
leave bank your deed and key,
post large an “Out of Business” sign -
you soon must anyway -
tell those you trust you're fleeing for
a shot at Liberty,
then slip the nutmeg curtain, leave
the marxists their decay.

Flee elections decided by
a bag of ballots found.
Flee Codevilla's ruling class
and their one party reign.
Flee elite state house masterminds
who think you Doodle crowned
and mock online as you plea for
each Right which they disdain.

Flee their belief that you exist
for their omelettes, an egg,
for social justice tinkering
on which you foot the bill -
a piggy bank to tax and fine
and fee until you beg,
then scorn and cow with guilt and sin
when you bring up Free Will

Flee tragedies turned politic
by those who seek control.
Flee marxism's death spiral which
you know must come to pass.
Think on John Galt and what he'd do:
find that strength in your soul -
then slip the nutmeg curtain, leave
the marxists their morass.

A bold communique to those
who opted to remain:
slip the nutmeg curtain -
“He who has transplanted, does sustain.”

The Nutmeg Curtain, Copyright © 2015 Papa Possum


Hear the audio stream here: http://papapossum.blogspot.com/2015/04/t...

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  • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 10 months ago
    I don't think I've said it before, but congrats on your transplanting Eud.
    If I remember correctly, The Free State Project had Wyoming as one of the last three states to vote on for their transplants, against NH and Mont. NH was chosen, but the vast majority of Free staters are youth. Maybe they've got the energy for that state so surrounded by the Marxists, even eastern Canada.
    The state logo, great choice for your satire!
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