The Propaganda of Obamacare Propagated by Pandering Press

Posted by Non_mooching_artist 11 years ago to Philosophy
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This is interesting, in that it asks people to take a stand. Make it be known this is unacceptable. Otherwise, the common good wins. (And everyone loses)

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  • Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years ago
    "We now live in the world that the Holy Bible said would one day come, truth is an offense."
    Excuse me, but where in the Bible does it say this, exactly? Forgive me, but I'm always skeptical whenever people try to invoke the Bible to support their argument, especially when they fail to provide a verse.

    Also, the author of the article is wrong when he says that the left wing includes Nazism and Fascism. It does not. Those are part of the right wing. The mistake these people make is assuming that because the Nazis were National Socialists, that automatically makes them Liberals. This is untrue, because it is based on the assumption that Socialism is an ideology which is exclusive to the Left. While that might be true in modern, 21st century America, it was not true in central Europe during the early 20th century. Lodwig von Mises explicitly points this out in his book where he says that back then, Socialism was accepted by central Europeans on BOTH ends of the political spectrum. The mistake is in assuming that the central European Left/Right dichotomy was exactly the same as the American Left/Right dichotomy. When we realize that the political dichotomies look different in each nation, the argument that Hitler and the Nazis were supposedly Liberals becomes rather weak. Hitler even openly proclaimed that part of his plan was to wipe out Classical Liberalism (though back then it was just called Liberalism), which was very different from modern Liberalism. Classical Liberalism was actually closer to what is today called Libertarianism, while modern Liberalism has morphed into Progressivism. When talking about history, it's important to keep in mind the fact that language and words change meaning over time, especially when going across cultures and across continents.

    Don't get me wrong, I think the ACA is a bad idea, but the author of this article does need to do a better job of fact-checking his history.
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    • Posted by 11 years ago
      I usually dismiss anything when the author claims that the basis for claims comes from a secular source. The thing I wanted to impress was the message behind the words. That is what must be taken away from this. Because the Hillarys of this world will keep browbeating with the words, "But what about the children?", in order to ride the guilt wave right to the shores of total control. Of every aspect of our lives. Nothing will be autonomous choice.
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  • Posted by MattFranke 11 years ago
    I swear over half the ads on radio, both AM and FM are funded at least in part by government money. The amount of propaganda in our lives is staggering, to say the least.
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