How the Council on Foreign Relations Controls Republican Conservatives
Posted by UncommonSense 9 years, 10 months ago to Politics
This is an older article but information in it is still valid. This is for those who are getting excited over the upcoming General Election (your choice of CFR candidate A or B) and the candidates who are vying for your attention & support. Get informed & don't get deceived.
Evil is evil, and this describes why the lesser of two evils often actually causes more damage to individual liberty than what was perceived as the greater evil.
The first and second sentences are true, and one can only hope the third is too.
Excellent article. Thanks for posting it. It is Uncommon Sense.
Thanks for posting this. It makes clear that the standard political cleavages that dominate the MSM are a smokescreen hiding essential agreement on statist premises. I don't know enough about Goldwater to say if he was truly outside the consensus. I disagree with the article that Reagan was. He put CFR stalwarts Bush and Baker in his administration, and by the time he left office the government was bigger, more intrusive, and more indebted, long-standing aims of the CFR crowd. From the time he was governor, Reagan's anti-government rhetoric was more impressive than his actual, pro-government record.
It's a good idea to find out if they guy you think is being reasonable and rational when he pontificates on a news show is a CFR Charles Krauthammer. His agenda is probably not your agenda.