You don't own your business

Posted by AmericanGreatness 9 years, 11 months ago to Politics
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The issue getting all the attention is religion, but what's getting lost in the this debate is the property rights.

What right does the government, or anyone for that matter, have to tell a business owner who he/she must serve. A business owner should be able to deny service to anyone for any reason, period.

If the business is negatively impacted, the business owner must decide if his decision not to serve is worth the loss business. If the government can demand I serve a customer against my wishes, I don't really own my business, I merely manage it for the government.

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  • Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 10 months ago
    That's what I said too. In AZ they tried to pass a bill of some kind regarding this, but it was worded as a religious right and I didn't understand why they weren't focused on the individual rights of a business owner instead. And how anyone can think that a business owner should be legally forced to serve anyone is insane to me. You're right, if you can't make business decisions (right or wrong) for your own business, then you don't own it... It's just another way to kill businesses, to go after those who DARE to be self reliant and not dependent on the gov. These easily offended people who enjoy being lumped into a protected class or special group are being used as pawns in this game of liberty killings. Forced association. I'm pretty sure that's covered in the bill of rights.
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    • Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 10 months ago
      I wonder what would happen if a Muslim owned a catering business and I asked them to do my pig roast? What if an African American owned a facility the KKK wanted to rent and they said no? The debate seems to revolve only around Catholics denying services. There have to be other examples. As a business owner I have asked customers to leave because of foul language, belligerent behavior and intoxication. Did I discriminate...sure...should I be allowed to...definitely.
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      • Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 10 months ago
        I hate that 'discriminate' is a bad word. And I hate that a person's feeeeelings can be used as a tool to overrule my thinking ability to judge, to notice, and to question in my own rational self interest. When the mobs have pull we are left with nothing but obligations to serve them. Wake up America!
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        • Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 10 months ago
          This always reminds me that we don't own property in Pennsylvania. We have to pay property tax and if we don't the property can be taken. Property tax is basically rent we pay to the government.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 10 months ago
        "Did I discriminate...sure...should I be allowed to...definitely."

        Changing from passive to active voice, you said "should the gov't allow me to discriminate?" Another way to say that is "should we allow the gov't to force us to serve customers we don't want to serve?" or "do we have a natural right to choose when to sell something and when not to?"
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 10 months ago
    Yes. I'm appalled by the reaction from people I know. They act as if the gov't "letting" citizens do something is tantamount to gov't support. It's so wrongheaded.

    From a practical standpoint, who wants to force these religious nuts and rednecks do business with them? Do they want to pay money to someone who doesn't want them as a customer. I assume it will go both ways. These bigots can make us do business with them. So you've got people who don't like one another forced to do business, thanks to gov't.

    It makes no flipping sense when most of us are out here looking for more customers.

    Please just leave the rednecks alone.
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