Detroit council president, clerk seek pay raise

Posted by $ splumb 9 years, 9 months ago to Politics
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This is just so bloody typical of Detroit. Through greed and corruption, they drove the city into bankruptcy. Now that it has just emerged from bankruptcy, they want a raise for their fine leadership. They were put on the sidelines while the emergency manager was there, so they were basically making 76 large for doing nothing. They're not referred to as the "city clowncil" for nothing.
And mark my words, they'll get reelected.
And if you dare criticize them, you're a racist.
It's how things roll in the D.

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  • Posted by SaltyDog 9 years, 9 months ago
    This story demonstrates one of the major underlying problems in labor relations today. How does the fact that you haven't gotten a raise in ten years translate into the city should pay you more? What added value have you brought? Is the city any less bankrupt due to your efforts? Or do we all deserve raises due to our continued ability to fog a mirror?

    I had a similar discussion with some folks on a musicians website that I visit occasionally. I should state at the outset that it has a somewhat liberal bent to it for the most part.

    In any event, the consensus of opinion was that the minimum wage should be indexed to the cost of living at a particular location. I apparently ruffled some feathers when I maintained that as a business owner, I need to make money. First and foremost, I should be one of, if not the highest paid individuals in the organization. The simple arithmetic is this: if I'm paying you $10/hour, your efforts should generate at least $10.01 per hour, or failing that, free up my time enough so that I can generate said amount. $9.99/hour means that it costs me money to know you. As you might imagine, I was everything from heartless to a greedy bastard.

    I can live with that, but what I can't live with is for example paying a burger flipper $15/hour plus bennies. Further, if I were a McDonald's franchise holder, i don't have the discretion to raise prices as I see fit. So what's an entrepeneur to do other than go on strike?
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  • Posted by SaltyDog 9 years, 9 months ago
    City clerk is severely underpaid at $73K, huh?

    I think that she should teach them all a lesson and resign forthwith! Why I'm sure that she'll be able to get double that paltry amount in a matter of minutes!

    Yeah, that's the ticket!
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  • Posted by Ben_C 9 years, 9 months ago
    Agree with splumb. Dan Gilbert may have a thing or two to say about city government now that he owns most of the city. His capitalsim speaks for itself. City council should be careful what they ask for - they just might get it.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 9 months ago
      It makes me wonder if the old "pay to play" scheme is still in place.
      If you wanted to do business in the D, you had to grease a lot of palms.
      Right up until the Kwamster wound up in a federal pen.
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      • Posted by Ben_C 9 years, 9 months ago
        To a degree - yes, but not to the extent of Mr "I'll never let Detroit down" Kilpatrick or his dad. It is more "I'll make you look good and get you reelected if you get me some tax breaks on this property and back off on the regulations when I develop it" dialog. It really went down hill when Coleman Young took over. Dennis Archer was a ray of hope but realized Detroit had no chance and bailed.
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