You are never too old to learn something.

Posted by coaldigger 9 years, 9 months ago to Government
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While I totally support the right to bear arms, I have always thought that the second amendment was made obsolete when it became policy to maintain a standing army. Even the greater number of citizens did not seem to matter in the face of greater weaponry. Under the circumstances, I didn't appreciate why this was such an issue for some people. At a recent social event, I was talking to an Army officer that has spent significant time in Iraq and Afghanistan. After a guarded discussion of our withdrawals and the decisions of the Commander in Chief, I asked how the Army felt about this and was somewhat surprised at the answers. What I learned was that our all volunteer, highly educated armed service members are disappointed at what we have spent in blood and treasure for nothing in return. People that spent a lot of time in those countries got to know and like many of the good people there and are upset that they are being killed or imprisoned by their own government. They are disgusted by corrupt leaders that use force not to protect their people but to control them for their own gain. Seeing this in the raw makes them very weary of what may happen in the country they have sworn to serve.

I have become convinced that they would not fire on us and therefore our little pop guns are more important than I previously thought. I think the statists know this too and it is their motivation for militarizing the police because they are more corrupt and have not seen the impact of an all powerful state.

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  • Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 9 years, 9 months ago
    An interesting evening you had coaldigger. I hope you and he are right in the assessment of the military. The LEO's may depend a lot on your location. I've always looked at the 2nd Amendment much like the safety drills on airplanes...put on your own oxygen mask first. If you can't defend yourself you can't defend anyone else.
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