Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 9 years, 12 months ago to Philosophy
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Stop all the bible thumping in the Gulch. This site is to promote Objectivism and Ayn Rand, not a Sunday pulpit. It is your choice to believe/have faith in the supernatural. It is my choice not to. You aren't changing my mind and I'm not changing yours. Let us agree that you CANNOT be an Objectivist and believe in a deity. You may agree with many of the aspects of Objectivism, which is a good thing. Let us move on from this subject. I'm going to start using the 'marked as read' feature just to hide all the religious comments.

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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 12 months ago
    Hello RMP,
    I maintain, as did Jefferson "... it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg." However, regardless of my personal beliefs, this is a site dedicated to objectivism and thumping the Bible on the heads of those that do not believe when the only evidence of one's belief is faith without empirical evidence is bound to ruffle feathers. It is probably best for the sake of comity if we avoid the subject unless God performs a demonstrable miracle that can be recorded and demonstrated empirically. If it were substantial and demonstrable, that would force Objectivsts to re-examine their positions as it may no longer be in the realm of arbitrary. On the other hand I do not see how objectivists are harmed by believers that practice objectivist principles in this temporal existence so long as they recognize they will also not persuade objectivists without empirical evidence and should let it be. It has been abundantly clear that the true believers are not persuaded by the argument that lack of evidence is sufficient to dismiss their faith, though to objectivists faith is arbitrary and thus not fact. People will decide one way or the other in their own time.
    I know that years of investigating the best arguments and arguing this issue have, for me, produced no irrefutable evidence. I remain open to evidence, but until confronted with something that could not be explained as a result of the law of causality, I have no opinion I can substantiate to others. It is arbitrary; Therefore not objectivist.
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    • Posted by dbhalling 9 years, 12 months ago

      Jefferson is half right. He is completely right in the sphere of politics and in no case should that ever be forgotten. But when reason is abandoned in science we end up with AGW and the AGW advocates will argue that you are doing more than breaking their legs and picking their pockets, you are destroying the world.

      True freedom cannot be maintained by any ethical or epistemology system and certainly not by the christian version of these. You cannot build a house or rocket or an MRI or the greatest country in history on a foundation of quicksand. So these issues are important. But I will no more listen to CG spread lies and ignore reality than I will listen to the regionists. I will point out that I disagree vehemently with them and that they are not allowed to spread their lies on this site.
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      • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 12 months ago
        Hello DB,
        I completely understand. Faith is not science.
        I respect your wish to engage, your stamina and your adherence to your convictions.. I hope you are not discouraged by the progress you make.
        Perhaps you will even convert a few.
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        • Posted by dbhalling 9 years, 12 months ago
          Thanks, convert is not exactly the word I would use. I hope that some have enough interest in reason or hold onto enough of it to at least dig farther into the facts. I also want them to know that people do not agree with them. I want them to feel the dissonance and hopeful that will spur them to think more about these issues.
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          • Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 12 months ago
            Yes...they are used to thinking they're right and anyone who would even question their beliefs must be evil. They should think long and hard about what's being said. I was conditioned from birth...it's a difficult haul to unload.
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            • Posted by khalling 9 years, 11 months ago
              I was going to ask non-mooch, but since this thread went a little deeper, what about the blind acceptance and faith in say patriotism (respect for teh flag, saying the pledge of allegiance, supporting our troops, firefighters, police) ? plenty of those posts in here too
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              • Posted by kevinw 9 years, 11 months ago
                Has anybody pursued this line on any other posts you've seen? I have enjoyed pissing off some friends on facebook when those pledge of allegiance posts come around by telling them that a country that is worth pledging allegiance to needs no pledge of alllegiance. I have not, however, been able to stir up any debates.
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                • Posted by khalling 9 years, 11 months ago
                  well, put on your armor and go for it!
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                  • Posted by kevinw 9 years, 11 months ago
                    Ha ha h.. um... oh... you're serious... umm... yeah... bout that... see...

                    Actually, I was just realizing yesterday... I just have no idea how to create a post. Guess I'll have to figure it out. But it's been such a good excuse so far.
                    Edit; clarity
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                    • Posted by khalling 9 years, 11 months ago
                      alright, here's what you do. Up in the right hand corner is a button that says "start a discussion" click on it and a box will open. Give your post a title, copy and paste a URL if there is one and then frame up the discussion under the "Notes" section. If you want add a picture by clicking on the camera icon and then finding a picture saved in one of your files. ok-now you have no excuse :)
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  • Posted by dbhalling 9 years, 12 months ago
    Let's look at the differences.

    Metaphysics A=A or A is what god says it is right now

    Epistemology Reason (logic and evidence) vs. revealed truth

    Ethics Rational self interest vs Altruism.

    But try to pin them down on these realities and they shift like the sand. Not to mention their inane attempts to show the United States was found on christianity. It was not. The US was founded on reason and Natural Rights. Christians can take credit for the Dark Ages, the Inquisition, thousands of religious wars, poverty and ignorance.. However, since it was not revealed to be so in their stupid book, no amount of evidence will convince them of this.
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    • Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 12 months ago
      Lolol. Agreed. Perfect, Nice and tidy facts they can't stand and you're just being rude if you bring it up. I don't think they've ever addressed that, their thinking blinders won't let them go there.
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  • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 11 months ago
    Great post. I have been thinking about making a post like this myself. What I notice is that it is never the atheists who bring up the subject of faith, it is always the Christians. And the Christians proceed to beat everyone else relentlessly trying to prove they are true Objectivists and Christians.
    I will never understand this. I am not an atheist, and I accept that to be 100% Objectivist I would need to be atheist, because the principles of Objectivism do not include faith in anything without rational proof. But I am 100% engaged in the Gulch, and even believe if there is ever a real physical Gulch I will be a valued member.
    My point is that it's not the atheists who seem to keep injecting this argument into the discussion. Why can't the religionists keep religion out of the Gulch?
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    • Posted by dbhalling 9 years, 11 months ago
      In fairness to the christians, i brought up the issue with respect to Barry Goldwater. The religious right has destroyed the Republican Party, something that Rand predicted, and they have not advanced pro-freemarket policies one iota, but they have pushed many anti-freedom policies - medicare part B, Patriot Act, just to name two.
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  • Posted by Non_mooching_artist 9 years, 12 months ago
    I'm not a religious person and have not felt compelled to be so. My parents never had me baptized, leaving the choice to me, should I want to, as an informed adult. I have no problem if someone is. Just don't expect to sway me to that viewpoint. My minister uncle has tried for years to no avail. On this forum, it strikes a dissonant chord when discussing things from a viewpoint of logic. Then the discussion devolves into indignant name calling, pulpit thumping and generally heated diatribes, with nothing resolved or accomplished in any positive manner.

    I agree with RMP's request to refrain from arguing about religion because no one will have a satisfactory engagement. I think that there are a plethora of other sites on which to discuss religion and it's application to whatever the commenter thinks its value is. From an objective point of view, it just comes across as an irrational belief in an entity for which there is no proof. On that note, I will close. I enjoy the discourse here with many, but religion is something I will leave out of it.

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  • Posted by $ nickursis 9 years, 11 months ago
    I absolutely agree. I keep trying to tell the world, "Please, Please, go have your religion, believe in what you will, just stop ramming it down my throat". Doesn't seem to work. From an Objectivist view, I lean towards the Phd who wrote "We have Never been Alone", and who explained how all the great religions could be just aliens who had a butt ton of technology and who did a little genetic engineering to make some nice slave races. Break them up into their own little districts, then try to explain to the savages what to do and why, and you need an interface. Here come the priests. They tell you what to do, when to do it, and how. Sort of like today. No proof needed, "God" tells you what to do. His priest tells you what to do. These beings get rowdy and start fighting,so you have the wars of biblical times. Take this dude YVHY (Yahvee) who takes his boys out, gives them a whole bunch of rules and stuff, and gets pissed when they can't seem to follow them for a day or two. Then Marduke (another one of them) has his gang in the same place that YVHY wants to put his, and they have a little war. Sodom and Gomorrah ended up on the wrong side of an alien disagreement over some resources or whatever. There is enough factual (read legend, stories, history, writings) to at least make this whole idea as supportive as any other. Since no one can explain how "civilization" just popped up about 6-8 thousand years ago, from almost nothing, and started to slap together some damn big ziggurats, I am open to any theory that can take some facts from history and explain it. And in light of our current civilizations propensity to manipulate communications, twist facts to match their reality, and use their religion to justify all kinds of means things to others, I am OK with the alien idea. It fits a lot of facts and connects a lot of unrelated events. It explains why the Church has been able to get away with all kinds of "sin" for 2,000 years, and yet God doesn't seem to mind. And why a huge herd of neobarbarians can claim their God tells them to kill me, and "my God" says "love thy neighbor" etc, even as he stabs you. Religion is a tool used by the churches to manipulate people to do what serves them best. Some are good, no doubt, but I believe religion has done more damage to individuals than it has ever helped. Please don't weird out on me over the alien idea, I just offer it as an alternative to explain what facts are there..It doesn't matter, they hauled ass out of here a couple thousand years ago. And really, ever since then, the "priest" caste" has been riding our collective asses into the ground.
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    • Posted by JCLanier 9 years, 11 months ago
      Interesting statement.
      Count me in on your alien comments... I am too a proponent... like jump started by alien DNA in the course of evolution...
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      • Posted by $ nickursis 9 years, 11 months ago
        The book wasa very intresting, lavishly documented, referenced and backed up, thatbrings together a whole bunch of little things no one can explain, and connects discontinuities most people dismiss as unimportant, but it does make good sense. What better way to control people than to just have your own priests who tell the subjects what to do a "holy word". It is exactly what we see today in politics, who knows, religion may jsu be early politics and manipulation. It explains a lot, and addresses the whole Flood thing too. I could never figure the Noah thing and how he got 2 cockroaches and 2 mosquitos etc...
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  • Posted by coaldigger 9 years, 11 months ago
    In my mind, religion only exists in place of reason because of the fear of death. All the morality, all of the social ethics we need can be fulfilled by reason. The promise of life after death is too good for most of mankind to pass up. They are more than willing to suppress any parts of the reasoning process that will not allow them to have faith in their concept of heaven. This is the barrier that Objectivism has not been able to overcome and it is formidable indeed.
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    • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 11 months ago
      Coal digger, faith also exists because of the need to feel there is help available when we find ourselves in situations where we feel we have no control, especially when there are people aligned against us.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 12 months ago
    I don't excuse the religious sermonizing, but some of the religious discussion raises a question of the nature of values/morals that is interesting to me.

    Religious person: I believe in a god, but it only informs applies to spiritual and values issues. This spiritual view directs me toward using reason to understand the world and accept Objectivism.
    Atheist: By believing in gods, you're doing something irrational, contrary to Objectivism.
    Religious person: My religion is based on faith. It can't be irrational or rational. Those apply only to the real world, which I approach rationally. Religion concerns itself with values and spirit.
    Atheist: The very notion of "spirit" is irrational. Values should not rest stuff someone made up.

    If the religious person says religion has no effect whatsoever on anything in the real world, then I don't see a problem with it or any reason even to discuss it at all. As rockymountainpirate says, just move on.

    If they're saying religion is the foundation of their value system, values that affect how they interact with the real world, there's a reason to talk about it. Some people more knowledgeable about philosophy than I am have said values rest on reason, or something like that. I'm philosophically unsophisticated, so it feels to me like my values came from my parents and culture. That's an arbitrary source, so I can see a person from a religious background saying religion informs their values.

    Is there a non-fiction book by Rand or anyone that addresses the question of the source of our values?
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