Hi. My name is Ed.
Director of advocacy and a senior scholar at The Atlas Society. Formerly with the Cato Institute, the Joint Economic Committee of Congress, and the Heritage Foundation. Ph.D. in political philosophy, I've taught in universities in the U.S. and Germany. My books include "The Republican Party's Civil War: Will Freedom Win?", "Space: The Free-Market Frontier," two books on postal service privatization, one on free trade, and one on secular ethics.
I have followed you often through the Cato Institute and the Atlas Society.
Welcome home.
Welcome to our virtual Gulch.
It is an honor to have you here.
I look forward to depth of discussion that you bring to the table.
And I also look forward to the new initiatives The Atlas Society has slated next (I loved your Crony Awards).
BTW: We met in Las Vegas for the premiere, I was the guy with the beard.
Rick (Eudaimonia)