Expanding the frontiers of releasing
Posted by MikeJoyous 11 years, 1 month ago to Education
Well, folks, I think I made an original contribution to Dr. Carrington's work--so I wrote her about it to ask her. I've had depression, sadness, and feeling like a weak child my whole life. From age 8. I had the notion that since I had the problem for many years, it might take many years of super-therapy to get rid of it. If possible:( Anyways, I tried letting go of the *all* the sadness, then hostile negativity, and finally child-weakness I had my whole life. After about 30 minutes of this work, I felt calmer and brighter than in a long time. When I looked deeper into my feelings, I discovered that I felt *strong*. Me strong?? I don't think I felt that way in my entire life! In any case, I intend to have that workshop I planned here ready in about 1 month. If any of you folks are interested, please email me at mikerael50@yahoo.com Best to all, and a magical year ahead for all of us, Mike