I've verified the Releasing exercises work

Posted by MikeJoyous 11 years, 1 month ago to Education
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Hi friends:)
Well, I've used the various releasing exercises to help with depression and with some fears I've had all my life. I should add that I've seen too many therapists over the decades, including Branden off and on for over 30 years. So the releasing exercises, if done appropriately, can actually help folks a whole bunch!
So I would like to set up ye workshop. By phone first of all. If that works, fine. If not, then by web and video. If I still don't get the results I'm looking for--serious alleviation of stresses--then I'll set up live meetups in Los Angeles or Van Nuys area.
I still need some folks who would be interested in this work. One friend suggested that I charge for it. I'd like to do that, but in a way that has NO risk attached to it of any kind. I would do that by not requiring anyone to think about money for the first month of our working together. At the end of that month, they decide if they want to continue or not. If not, then they just say Goodbye and pay nothing at all. If Yes, then they pay for the next month. I'm also considering a cost of about $20/month or about the cost of a movie with popcorn and pop:) All this is tentative, folks. I'd sure appreciate your input on this. Best to all, Mike

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  • Posted by $ WillH 11 years, 1 month ago
    Forgive my lack of knowledge about mental health issues, but what are you releasing in this exercise?
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    • Posted by 11 years, 1 month ago
      HI Will:) I've been depressed since the age of 13, with a bundle of fears and repressed anger as well. All kinds of stuff, but I don't feel it would be appropriate to talk that personally on this kind of forum, Will. What surprises me, frankly, is the power of this releasing work. I mean, I've been raised, you might say, on the works of well-known psychologists. I thought the kind of problems I had necessitated deep therapy. I'm still somewhat inclined towards that, but I've actually gotten much serious help from this relatively uncomplicated technique. I think it would be good for us all to know about it and to use it.
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    • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 11 years, 1 month ago
      MikeJoyous can explain it better, perhaps, but you can find out way too much about it just via YouTube. "Releasing" is a method to let go of negative emotions - or I suppose reinforce good ones. The point is to clear your mind for thinking. As I mentioned above, it came up in another topic because Objectivism explains emotions as a consequence of thought. Yet, emotions when experienced can block rational thought. So, the question is how to put reason in the forefront.
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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 11 years, 1 month ago
    I TUed it back to 1. This technique does have its mystical proponents, but Mike is not one of them. The technique itself can be useful. We discussed this in another topic, "Be a Better Objectivist." It is worth investigating.
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    • Posted by 11 years, 1 month ago
      Hi again, Mike! Good to see ya here. I've missed you:) Anyways, the releasing technique was discovered by engineer, Lester Levinson. Then a student of his, Hale Dwoskin, became enthused over it, and eventually wrote a book called "The Sedona Method." The problem for me (and I suspect for many people in this forum) is that Dwoskin's book seems to glorifty the notion of wanting nothing as a person's way to escape the stresses of wanting. Very Buddhist, I believe. Actually, if you read Dwoskin's book quite carefully, you see that is not what he means. Carrington's book, alternatively, makes it quite plain that Buddhism is the last thing on her mind. She wants to diminish the stress that comes from wanting too deeply, but not in any way diminishing one's ability to get what one wants and needs!
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