NBC's Rossen lies about Tannerite Targets, sued for libel

Posted by Non_mooching_artist 9 years, 11 months ago to Business
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The inflammatory and agenda driven scare tactics are the m.o. of the liberal msm, however this time, it comes back and smacks this behemoth on the rear.
This company was built from the ground up by a man who started working at age 6 for his disabled grandfather who made beautiful wood stocks for rifles, Winchester being one of the illustrious manufacturers to use them.
This story was slanted to be inflammatory and to stoke the fears of those who are completely ignorant of the firearms industry. The result is that this man's business, which he created from his mind an effort, is being threatened because of libelous "reporting" by NBC reporter Rossen. So the livelihoods of not only the owner, but his 36 employees is in jeopardy because the stability of the targets has been completely distorted and misrepresented in a clearly biased report.
NBC should have their bottoms handed to them, sliced and diced after this is done. Hopefully the company will survive to enjoy its victory.
SOURCE URL: http://bearingarms.com/tannerite-sues-nbc-news-libel-slander/?utm_source=thdaily&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl&newsletterad=

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