Freedom? Where?

Posted by tasine 9 years, 11 months ago to Government
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I wrote this article this morning. It will appeal to some, others will not like it at all. Please try it out and let me know your assessment of it.

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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 9 years, 11 months ago
    Sadly there is far too much truth in this. I would disagree with the "sucker-punched" analogy. I would add that we've been overburdened with responsibilities (bills, schools, job stability, etc) to the point where two parents must work, kids are neglected to the point of being educated by the state, and government activity is largely ignored because adults have no time to immerse themselves in a subject to fully understand it and vote appropriately. This is by design and its called usurpation.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
      RE the "sucker-punched" comment, I see government as having caused all the issues you raise: bills, schools, no time left to immerse one's self in politics when jobs and other responsibilities use up all your time. Everything is more expensive predominantly because of government regulations and laws pertaining to commercer. Government is sticking its snout into areas OUTSIDE ITS REALM OF rule, and causing pain and damage to both commerce and the the consumer - and they do it by telling us how DANGEROUS are UNREGULATED SHIPPING, BUILDING, MANUFACTURING, HIGHWAYS, RAILROADS, PLANES, ETC.

      When writing the laws of the land or regulations, they are, I believe, deliberately written in such a way as to force study upon those who want to read them as opposed to writing them clearly with simple understanding. They do not WANT us reading the laws because we may find a LOT OF unconstitutional stuff within them.

      Take welfare: the goal is SUPPOSEDLY to help people. What it DOES, on the other hand, is insure the recipients's failure in life. Once on welfare it is hard, and sometimes undesireable, to get off of. Those receiving welfare checks are DEPENDENT on government; ergo contribute to the growing bloated government, all in the name of HELPING PEOPLE.

      I could go on and on but don't want to lose you in a briar bush of words. ;-)
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    • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 10 months ago
      I maintain that the deliberate inflation caused by the Fed is the reason that both parents have to work in order to provide for their children the way one parent working could do 50 years ago. I find this heartbreaking, as I wish so much that the mother's decision to work or not work (outside the home) was a decision she made, not something she was forced to do.
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      • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
        You betcha! I totally agree with your every word. I will add that the decision to even have the Fed handling our money since 1913 was a monumental horrid decision made solely by politicians.
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 11 months ago
    Greetings tasine,
    We were supposed to be self governed but the politicians no longer fear the people. They have usurped much. I understand your frustration with the abuse of language, but believe we require a minimal amount of governance. But no more than Rand proposed... certainly no more than our nation was founded on.
    "I love my country, but I fear my government."
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    • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
      I read and re-read your comment, a good one, by the way, to make us think. However, with all due respect, I diisagree with your assessment that politicians no longer fear the people. I personally think they fear us more now than ever before. My rationale for my thinking that is that they now have provided good reasons for the people to rise up against them. They lie, cheat, steal, denigrate, dis the Constitution, insist they are above the law, etc. - and they get very defensive when we complain about what they are (or are NOT) doing because they fear that we may INSIST that they stop and desist doing their dastardly deeds, and CONTROL is their manna from their "heaven". Therefore, the laws get more and more restrictive about what we are and are not allowed to to, say, build, think. Eventually they hope to be ruling money making robots, and RULING is what it is all about for them. They cannot rule without FORCE, and FORCE denies and is the opposite of LIBERTY.
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      • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 10 months ago
        An interesting interpretation of recent events... If I understand your premise they are doing what all tyrants do when faced with opposition. They are raising the stakes and employing more force in order to quash dissent. This may be true, but we (the masses generally) are apparently too timid to rise up in any meaningful way. Those of us that value Liberty and have not been distracted and bought off by Bread and Circuses are afraid. They may be afraid too, but not so afraid that they will not stand their ground... they are yet so cocksure and brazen that they are willing to raise the stakes with more oppression. It would seem that they will not give up their usurpation of power without a major uprising. This is a tragic circumstance because people once moved to the streets often breed violence. I do not wish to see it come to violence. I fear Jefferson may have been right... "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson
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        • Posted by 9 years, 10 months ago
          Every fiber of my being agrees with your thinking re the give and take of those who demand to rule and those who prefer no one to rule. My thinking is that blood shed will be unavoidable. I can see no other way. The political right, while we may be a majority of the population, the political left controls almost everything because they are dominant in these areas with microphones: politics, unions, education, entertainment industry, media. The educators get us at the most impressionable ages, and the others mold us as we grow up and age. Some people fall for it, most possibly do not, but it doesn't matter because the leftist babble rambles on and on and on regardless of facts. When the left cannot win the simple way: by threatening force, they switch to the less simple way: DOING FORCE. They can do their FORCE via courts, via fines, via, lawsuits, via street gangs. Bear in mind many lawyers and many judges are also leftists. Many juries are filled with leftists. There are all sorts of force, and the political left is unafraid to use ALL of them. The political right, however, is a bit wavering about using ANY level of force in that, unlike the leftists, he has two things going against him: the media's deprecation and the court's socialist tendencies. One other problem the right has is the sense that FORCE is anti-freedom, and that "bad" too often beats out "good", not physically and not intellectually, but that morality has become a nasty word amongst many in our society. I fear that if something doesn't happen soon to turn things around, our country will cease to exist.
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