Democratic Dementia - Global Warming

Posted by Ben_C 9 years, 11 months ago to Politics
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Just when I thought I had heard it all.....now this.
SOURCE URL: http://lastresistance.com/10827/california-dem-warns-of-global-warming-induced-prostitution/

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  • Posted by ProfChuck 9 years, 11 months ago
    Politicians will go to any length to increase their power and anthropogenic global climate change is no exception. To a politician it makes no difference if man made climate change is a real problem or not. It provides a political advantage through fear mongering and that is all that matters. To the extent that climate change is real the worst possible approach would be to assume that increased government restrictions would address the problem. Government is universally incompetent when it comes to such things. Like the space program private enterprise is far better equipped to deal with such problems.
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    • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 9 years, 11 months ago
      If history is any guide, if it gets a few degrees warmer it will be a net positive for people. Warmer times have historically been tied to prosperity and expansion, cooler times to famine and diseases. Far more people die of the cold than the heat.

      So why do no "Global Warming" articles discuss the benefits?

      Actually why are so few people talking about how the increased CO2 is a boon to vegitation ant the entire planet is getting greener?

      Of course, if you follow solar cycles, we are likely to be getting cooler in the next couple decades -- which will be a real problem (famine, disease, people freezing because the can't afford energy which 'necessarily skyrocketed'.)
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      • Posted by ProfChuck 9 years, 11 months ago
        It is interesting that only recently has vegetation response to CO2 increase been included in climate models. Most of the models are static with the hidden assumption that the biosphere will not respond to changing conditions. Vegetation growth provides a natural and dynamic carbon sink, a fact that has been ignored until recently. When that is taken into account the CO2 increase in the atmosphere is much less significant. However, that is not mentioned by the climate alarmists because it weakens their arguments.
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  • Posted by term2 9 years, 11 months ago
    I am tired of hearing pretty much everything from government these days. There are so many hidden agendas that one cant really believe anything. As to so called global warming or global cooling- I am not going to be around or too close to the oceans to be affected really one way or another. And no matter what we do now, I dont believe it will make any difference. The earth has been warming and cooling for millenia all by itself.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 11 months ago
    Lee's science fiction should have included the notion that everyone will be naked or near-naked like equatorial savages because it will be so hot.
    Whoa! Someone could make a pron flick about that.
    I'm suddenly reminded of that Flesh Gordon flick that a naughty dino saw back during the 70s.
    Now I'm thinking of that Voyage To The Bottom of the Sea flick about the sky catching on fire. Forgot the reason but I smell a smoking remake
    with global warming as the PC theme.
    Think I need to go before my ancient mind triggers another hot memory..
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  • Posted by cjferraris 9 years, 11 months ago
    After years of denying that there is no man-made global warning, I'm beginning to change my mind. Before you think I'm crazy, consider this: Before the 20th century, for the most part, we lived in smaller towns with unpaved roads and a largely agricultural society. During the 20th century, we brought forth megacities with their miles of asphalt, decreased numbers of individual farms, electric lighting etc. to the point that the earth is developing "hot spots" that is did not have before. A good example is Las Vegas, if you live in town, during the summer at night, it's a good 20 degrees warmer than if you're out in the middle of the desert. If we didn't congregate into these asphalt jungles, perhaps weather patterns would not be so unstable.

    Speaking of congregation in small areas, it seems that liberals seem to infest the urban areas and I think THAT is the CO2 pollution that is contributing to global warming.
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    • Posted by $ WilliamShipley 9 years, 11 months ago
      There are "hot spots" around cities, and that is messing with the monitoring stations because what were once rural stations are now within developed areas.

      But that's a very very small part of the surface of the earth and doesn't really affect the temperature of the planet as a whole.
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      • Posted by cjferraris 9 years, 11 months ago
        I agree, however, once you take into account of those stations, it tends to tell me that they are using corrupted data to force their agenda. Most of those monitoring stations weren't even set up right until the last few years, if I'm not mistaken.
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    • Posted by khalling 9 years, 11 months ago
      I will let the other two commenters stand on the science-but what's kinda interesting here is the push back to agrarian society. Why not new technologies that reduce the heat from lights and asphalt? If one looked at the 19th century development of urban areas in perspective-they would look "mega" too. Our population is increased-because we don't starve by growing all of our own food. We get all efficient in capitalism. The onset of the information age is actually sending people FROM the cities. Do you suggest some sort of law like the Europeans have where no one can build in the country? Housing is substandard and over-priced, lacking in intrinsic value, even though property values increase. I am eminded of Boulder CO. We call it crossing the "moat" Horrendous traffic that can enter and exit from one major road. No building allowed in many areas outside the city limit. So people sit on the highways, wasting gas in traffic jams- but Boulder gets its own special little community. Madison WI has instituted county plans to limit development of farms. so if you are a farmer, you can't sell your farm to a developer. In fact, there are waiting lists of potential buyers who promise not to "develop" older homesteads. ridiculous
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      • Posted by 9 years, 11 months ago
        Its called Agenda 21. After all, central planners with the UN know best.
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        • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 11 months ago
          Agenda 21 is better known these days as "smart growth" or "sustainable communities". It is a mandate that all non-agricultural land use from now on must be as densely packed as possible; thus urban growth boundaries are enacted, no one is allowed to build outside them, and then most of the ordinary homes inside them are condemned, demolished, and replaced with dense-pack apartments (and no parking). The eventual plan is that only the super-rich, like Al Gore, are allowed to have large homes or backyards or cars. The rest of us peons must cram into Soviet-style apartment blocks and ride the bus to work.

          All in the name of the eco-nut-invented phony emergency of the week.

          Now you'll all know it when you see it.

          Unlike the so-called environmental threats, though, these EPA policies do pose a grave threat to the continued existence of capitalism, and with it civilization. That's the real goal: these are the people who consider Man a "cancer upon the earth." See http://green-agenda.com. They ought to begin by killing themselves.
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    • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 11 months ago
      Urban hot spots are well documented.

      Are you sure that you do not mean 'Hydrogen Sulfide' and not 'CO2'? It seems to me more apt for their liberal output.
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  • Posted by waytodude 9 years, 10 months ago
    I guess I can see where they could get confused. The hotter it gets the less clothing one would want to wear no clothes means your doing something wrong.
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  • Posted by Temlakos 9 years, 11 months ago
    They admit, when they say that, that their system is bound to fail.

    In any case, I caught them red-handed back in 2009. "I've just completed Mike's Nature trick...to hide the decline."
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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 11 months ago
    a california resident wants to shoot gay people. the expression that california ids loaded with fruits and nut especially the nuts is as true today as it was when the expression came into vogue.

    the planet hasn't warmed for 3000 years not the past 20. but it is now cooling.

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