Boehner has declared war on Tea Party

Posted by stargeezer 11 years ago to Government
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Yesterday, House Speaker John Boehner declared all-out war on the Tea Party.
In an angry rant he railed against “outside groups” like Tea Party Patriots saying “they’re using our members and they’re using the American people for their own goals.”

The last time we checked, we are the American people. The Tea Party is made up of patriotic Americans – like you – from all across this country and the last hope for reining in this out-of-control government and protecting our Constitution. We are the last hope that our nation has as the country slips into a self absorbed fit of adolescent like, hormone fed tantrum leading to self destruction.

The one voice calling for any moderation and calling for a return to the values and to the laws that this nation was founded on.

Things like standing on the exact reading of the Bill of Rights, forcing judges to render judgments based on existing law, not legislating from the bench. They were never given the power to write law, only to enforce the laws as they are. The executive branch is empowered to insure the nation is properly managed, to be the Commander in Chief, and to manage and implement the passed legislation from congress - not to be a king.

Congress hold the pure strings is a old saying and a true one. The houses job includes making and passing a budget. The senate is suppose to act on the budget, not ignore them - Harry Reid! The senate is suppose to pass on the presidents appointments to judges benches "after careful examination" - not rubber stamp each after determining that they were "liberal" enough.

Most importantly Mr. Boehner, YOU were sent there to represent us. If that job is too hard for you or you just want to do your own thing, perhaps "we the people" need to visit with you.

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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 11 years ago
    Time for a new speaker... Those still protecting the old guard, the establishment types, have got to go. Is he too pragmatic, when it comes to upholding principles? If so, then we need more representatives that stand on principle as well as a new speaker..
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  • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years ago
    The establishment Republicans (and the Democrats, but I repeat myself) keep saying how compromise is necessary to get things done, but two things are never addressed:

    1) The things they get done... I don't want done.

    2) it's always the conservatives who have to compromise. The Democrats get what they want, the establishment Republicans get what they want, but conservatives never get what they want... by "compromising".

    " In any compromise between food and poison, it is only death that can win. In any compromise between good and evil, it is only evil that can profit. "

    " The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it."
    - Ayn Rand
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    • Posted by $ 11 years ago
      Dead on. The ONLY time the word "compromise" is uttered, is when repubs are being forced to cave in to the left. Compromise needs to become one of the seven words you can't say in polite company (boy, is THAT concept ever gone).
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      • Posted by airfredd22 11 years ago
        The problem with the Republicans is that they never seem to operate from a position of strength. first of all, they have the worst public relations management and apparently have no knowledge of their own history. they can't manage to get the African- American vote because the Republicans are either too lazy or too ignorant to teach the history of their own party in order to set the record straight nor do they expose the Democrats for the bigots they have been throughout their history. Let's start reminding them of which party voted in favor of the Civil rights Bill and who was unanimously elected the KKK Exalted Cyclops of his chapter. True, in his later years he denounced his allegiance to the KKK, but should the public know of his history when every misdeed of republicans is brought up at every opportunity. The latest example would be Mitt Romney's placing of his dog in a kennel on top of his car in his younger days. Ask yourself, which of these two examples should carry more weight?

        Speaker Boehners outburst against the Tea party and any other group he might have been referring to is an outrage and should be cause on its own to recall him as speaker of the House. Not to mention his ineffective job performance along the way.

        Fred Speckmann
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  • Posted by Retired24-navy 11 years ago
    Its time for the people, whether tea party or not, to stand up to the Congress, with less that 12% approval and King Obama woth less than 40% approval, to stand up and be counted against the tyranny of this country. Over 300 years we fought a revolution against this over taxation and no representation; its time for a new revolution at the ballot box. RE-Elect No-One. We need as citizens to run ALL the bums out of DC and retake our country. We did it once and now is time to do it again, before its too last and we implode on ourselves.
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    • Posted by Danno 11 years ago
      Americans can no longer think for themselves on account of Public School Brain Washing. The leaders just have scare the crap out the populace then pass whatever legislation they want, e.g. TARP.
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  • Posted by lostsierra 11 years ago
    My wife and I are Tea Party Patriot members and have been since the gitgo. We do demonstrations. My wife was interviewed and on the evening news for one demo. Our eldest boy was also interviewed on TV at a demo. I have been the subject of a BBC story. Our youngest' turn is next. He's a fine little rebel, told me the other day the education system sucked big time. He's in 7th grade and getting As and A+s.
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  • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years ago
    "Outside groups".... not "individuals who demand to be heard, who's fight is based on the principles of our founders." He's a bo butt kisser.... like all the maybe 3 of them who have a clue about freedom.
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  • Posted by dwcarmi 11 years ago
    If it wasn't for the Tea Party, Boehner wouldn't be the Speaker. Apparently he's to ingrained in the establishment to realize that. How soon they forget that they work at our pleasure not the other way around. It seems that the House isn't the only part of Congress that needs it's eyes opened. Senate minority leader McConnell thinks that the new Senators are meant to work for him instead of the people too. Ted Cruz was applauded by the people for his stand to try and defund ObamaCare, bur the minority leader slammed the junior Senators for wasting time and efforts. It's time to take our government back.
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    • Posted by airfredd22 11 years ago
      You are correct in your analysis, especially when it comes to Sen. McConnell and his attitude towards junior senators. First of all, they are all equal once they are elected, the entire concept of seniority is absurd and brings to mind the "Peter Principle," by tom Peters. this of course would also explain our present President.

      Fred Speckmann
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 11 years ago
    Being from Boehner's state, I have to say I am very disappointed in him. He has let Obama run roughshod over Congress ever since he became Speaker. It is not the Tea Party that is the problem, it is the progression of the Republican leadership toward one world government, only without declaring it as the goal as Democrats do. None of them are out for the citizens or the Constitution.
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  • Posted by $ Mimi 11 years ago
    If they can pass this budget deal it puts the White House in a very precarious position. The Republicans don’t have to give Obama any more money for Obamacare. Obama is going to need more bail-out money before the end of next year if the roll out proves to be as disastrous as it is alluding to. There is a certain dollar figure already assigned to buttressing the insurance companies. They are going to need more. Lots more. It’s just a matter of time. They tried to cover all their needs in the twisted language of the law, but they under-estitmated the extent of the bail-out need. If this budget passes the Senate, there is no more leverage to force the hand of Congress. It means the further unraveling of ObamaCare. I don’t want the Tea Party to fight this, and I certainly don’t want them threatening ten to twelve seats held by Republicans in the Senate during the 2014 elections. The very existence of who we are hangs in the balance of who controls the Senate and the Congress next time around. Add seats, fine, but remember the outcome of the last New Hampshire Senate race-- when a Tea Party darling upset a Republican favorite in the primary only to fail miserably, losing control of the Senate for all of us. We could have stopped ObamaCare back in 2010.
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    • Posted by airfredd22 11 years ago
      the problem is that the various Tea Party's failed in finding enough men like Ted Cruz and Mike Lee. I believe that there are more Ronald Reagan's out there, we just need to find the, Men and women with real conviction and the ability to speak on the stump without a teleprompter. it's easy to speak extemporaniously if you are speaking the truth from the heart. Never vote for a candidate using anything more than a bullet point card to speak on the stump.

      Fred Speckmann
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    • Posted by khalling 11 years ago
      Everyone needs to vet their candidates for sure but there has got to be a strong message sent to Congress. Its the only thing they understand. What good is a runoff vote after all?
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      • Posted by $ Mimi 11 years ago
        Then the Tea party needs to form it’s own convention.
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        • Posted by $ 11 years ago
          You know Mimi, that's one of the things we have avoided in a effort to not compete with good people that choose not to align themselves with us.

          Then there is the incredible expense of being a force in politics. The Tea Party started in a kitchen as some friends gathered for a dinner, then moved to the living room the next week with more friends, then on to a nearby church the next week. It never was intended to field candidates as so many third party groups try to. One of the reasons they usually fail is that they can't raise the money needed in order to be effective. It's not always because they are screwballs.

          Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see it, but The Tea Party is an idea, a concept. That if the powers that be don't wake up and see what we regular folks KNOW, that America is in trouble, that we are tired of being dismissed because "big brother knows better" that we do how to run our lives. That we are tired of laws and regulations being passed onto us by condescending "rulers" guiding and protecting us.

          There will be another "Tea Party"
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  • -6
    Posted by Boborobdos 11 years ago
    "The Tea Party is made up of patriotic Americans – like you.."

    Not me. The Tea Party only seems to be loyal to the top 1% of corporeality. Either that or they are really dumb and they are being exploited by the 1%.
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    • Posted by lostsierra 11 years ago
      Either this or that? BS, Have been in the Party since the beginning and neither of your alternatives are remotely close to the truth. Get real and over come your silly ignorance.
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      • -4
        Posted by Boborobdos 11 years ago
        Seems like the Tea Party is out to crush most of us.

        What from the 1% doesn't it support?
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        • Posted by $ 11 years ago
          And what from the 49.999% who are mooching off the rest of us do you find so "inspiring"????
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          • -3
            Posted by Boborobdos 11 years ago
            Ahhhhh yes, the Romney sentiment. Do you mean folks like retirees like those in Detroit who are screwed, like those who worked for Kodak and are screwed? What about retired military? What about disabled? Guess you are attempting to lump government workers into it to. Like the folks who removed the snow... Like the guy on the ambulanceWOOOOOPS that went private a few years ago and rates are up almost six times...
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            • Posted by $ 11 years ago
              There are only a few groups of people to blame for Detroit - and guess what? They are all Dems, every one of them. Those guys did it to themselves.

              IF you had ever read Atlas Shrugged, you would understand what happened there. Detroit is a not so shinning example of where BO wants to take the rest of the country. Unbridled liberalism, working people all taxed as much as they can stand and still eat - that money "redistributed" to "the needy" (with them getting their take first) with workers promised more in pensions than they "earned" working. Where the biggest and fastest growing industry was government. And the second fastest was the union the really ran the town the "United Auto Workers" - the union that destroyed the industry that built that once great city.

              Oh yeah, Liberalism and Dems are great for america. You can keep both.
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    • Posted by Wonky 11 years ago
      Perhaps some sort of evidence supporting your claim might give it credibility. Good luck finding that evidence.
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      • Posted by Boborobdos 11 years ago
        Follow the MONEY...

        "Billionaire David Koch Finances the Tea Party"

        "For example, in a recent investigative report in the New Yorker magazine, Jane Mayer details the links between billionaire industrialists David and Charles Koch and the tea party movement. She writes:

        "By giving money to 'educate,' fund, and organize Tea Party protesters, they have helped turn their private agenda into a mass movement. Bruce Bartlett, a conservative economist and a historian, who once worked at the National Center for Policy Analysis, a Dallas-based think tank that the Kochs fund, said,..."

        " Three heavy hitters rule. You’ve heard of one of them, Rupert Murdoch. The other two, the brothers David and Charles Koch,"

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        • Posted by $ 11 years ago
          And who do Bill Gates, Ted Turner, and don't forget the bumbling fool Bloomberg give their money to and for what purposes - taking our guns, corrupting the educational process, censoring AND editing what news you receive and don't forget, they are all sweating over the possibility of getting THEIR hands on 1/6 of the economy in the form of healthcare.

          Or is your real problem a bad case of Class warfare??? Perhaps READING Atlas Shrugged instead of using it for TP would help you.
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          • Posted by Rocky_Road 11 years ago
            You left out the clean-up hitter: George Soros.
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            • Posted by $ 11 years ago
              Sorry about that. Yes that guy has no problem using his money to setup a liberal government here, but somehow the libs always are sooo worried over what the Koch Bros are giving and to whom.

              Strictly two dimensional thinkers. What flows their way is all fair, but money going to the other side is evil and hate money. Unfairly taking advantage of them.

              Get over it. This next election is so very lost for the left and the person to thank for it is sitting in the White House.
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