Sociopath? Really???
Posted by Ragnell 9 years, 11 months ago to The Gulch: General
May I ask for input here? I very often hear Ayn Rand described as a sociopath by her detractors. This irks me no end. Can anyone enlighten me as to why this is the ad hominem attack of choice? How do you respond to this?
It's been years, but in college I took as many Philosophy courses as I could, and in the so-called "open discussion" classes, mentioning Ayn Rand once ensured that you were never called on again...pure fear.
Jan, maybe wouldn't get a good grade
Jan, hmmm - some possibilities here
I wish I had time to spend just reading and absorbing all this.
I wish this was taught in school.
What a great place to learn with amazing faculty, too.
The word has come to have a fuzzy meaning as someone who doesn't fit into a society in some sort of dangerous way.
I certainly think that Rand was more than aware of the various ills of society, even of the U.S. when compared to Soviet Russia. And, since she was vocal about what she observed and thought, she was indeed a student of society. Remember that she was the one who taught most of us to define your terms, so we will know what we are talking about. You might meet someone who uses the tern for his definition, and then ask him how that applies to Rand. It won't.
I usually am ruthless with such people, ending the discussion, such as it is, on my terms, by saying something on the order of "I see that you know nothing about either the word you are using or the person you are describing. Why am I still talking to you?"
N.B. my husband is continually concerned that I will cut myself on the razor edges of my tongue. I think it doesn't work that way.
If one of these theftists* tries it on me, I point out that his "heroes" (Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Che) all murdered millions, and ask if he really wants to call the kettle black!
* A word for leftists, coined by Robert Ringer in "Restoring The American Dream".
You might as well argue with a wall, which you could at least objectively bounce an idea off of.
If you just want to get whizzed-off, you might as well just hit your thumb with a hammer and get it over with.
Those brainwashed into self-sacrifice as a social good see anyone asserting "the virtue of selfishness" as a threat to their belief and therefore as evil. Their emotional programming shortcircuits their rational thought process, so they cannot see the continuum from masochistic self-abnegation and desire for maximum suffering that emulates Jesus's sacrifice for the whole human race, to the other extreme of sadistic exploitation and subjugation of others.
Altruists see only the two terminal points of this continuum and are not able to conceive of a rational alternative of neither sacrificing themselves nor accepting/demanding sacrifices from others. The fresh clean air that Ayn Rand provided for rational self-interest, respecting equal rights of others, basing relationships upon mutual benefit, is alien to those steeped in religious dogma and tribal indoctrination of the group owning the individual.
By this analysis, it becomes understandable that the passion to support the tribe will even lead their members to eager suicide for the alleged greater good. And anyone who asserts the rights of an individual to be non-negotiable in the face of collective demand will be labeled an outcast, apostate, traitor and sociopath.
This phenomenon of group rejection of the free radical can be seen everywhere, not just among altruists. Those whose memes don't match closely enough will be rejected, condemned, excommunicated or even executed lest they contaminate the rest of the flock. It is the war of ideas we see all around us.
All the misery and suffering of our species comes from conflicting ideas taking physical action even onto genocide and mutual assured destruction through wars. Such is the power of ideas, and why the world desperately needs John Galt's oath.
Seriously, I'm 74 years old. Don't argue with idiots,you won't change them. And some of the idiocity might rub off on you.
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