I Beat A Patent Troll And You Can Too

Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 6 months ago to Technology
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So, I responded to their demand that we pay up or shut down with this:

Without knowing anything about the legitimacy of either side of this particular patent battle, I found this story pretty amusing as well as a good Objectivist lesson.

"Dear Piece of Sh*t,

We are currently in the process of retaining counsel and investigating this matter. As a result, we will not be able to meet your Friday deadline. After reviewing this matter with our counsel, we will provide a prompt response.

I will pray tonight that karma is real, and that you are its worthy recipient,


While my wording may have been extreme, the message got through. Needless to say, we quickly found ourselves in federal court. They asked to settle, and I told them my offer was $0 and they would need to license their entire patent portfolio to all other startups, or we would go on the offensive and invalidate their entire intellectual property portfolio"
SOURCE URL: http://techcrunch.com/2015/03/23/i-beat-a-patent-troll-and-you-can-too/

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