Journey to the Center of the Earth A possible place for Galts Gulch?

Posted by Itheliving 9 years, 11 months ago to Movies
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Journey to the Center of the Earth / BluRay edition Not rated but would be PG for scary scenes of hungry Dimetrodons threatening to have Arlene Dahl for dinner.
When I first saw this film in theaters I was 12 years old. Now I am older. But I never tire of watching it despite the 129 minute running time. One of Jules Verne’s most famous stories, this big budget film got a studio green light after the success of Disney’s 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and the Oscar winning Around the World in 80 Days. JV died in 1905 and never got to receive the glory as one of the most filmed and successful story tellers of all time.
JTTCOTE has been remade many times but this version is still the most fun and most spectacular to view. A lot of it has to do with the stellar cast which included James Mason, the gorgeous Arlene Dahl and the very beautiful Diane Baker. Singer Pat Boone plays the young student who signs on for the trip. Peter Ronson, in his only film role, a 6 ft. 4 in. Icelander was good as the muscle man who insists his duck Gertrude make the trip with the crew. Pat Boone sings a couple of songs which show off his voice but do little to move the story forward. Diane B. is his young love who is forced to stay at home. Lucky her.
The movie was made on location in Edinburgh, Scotland as well as Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico, Leo Carrillo State Beach in Malibu, Ca. and Lone Pine Ca. which stands in for Iceland.
The story follows Mason as the Edinburgh Professor, his devoted student Boone and the other characters as they attempt to reach the Center of the Earth. Actor David Thayer is the bad buy in hot pursuit to beat them out of the glory. Along the way they encounter earthquakes, floods, salt slides and large rolling rocks. And the Dimetrodones. These are small lizards that double as giant man eating lizards stuck where there are not many men to eat. A giant underground ocean must be crossed and the Lost city of Atlantis awaits. Wow. What could be more fun.
This new release is the 1st 4K digitally restored version ever. It brings back the fantastic matte paintings, the cave sets, and all of the glory of all the money spent to bring the film to the big screen. There is also a score by Bernard Herrmann whose Scartaris/Sunrise cue is among the greatest all time triumphs of film music and visual image. I have many releases of the music that have become available in the last 56 years. The complete Herrmann score is featured on an isolated track. Other extra’s include commentary by Diane Baker and others and the original theatrical trailer. The release is from Twilight Time and limited to 5000 units. A special thanks to Cooga Mooga Productions.
Rated 4.0 out of 4.0 for the depth of this film.

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  • Posted by term2 9 years, 11 months ago
    Its a little HOT down there. Maybe dry heat, but intense heat nonetheless. I still think that hiding in plain sight is a better option. That is pretty much what John Galt did for most of the year. He didnt live as well as he could have, however, if he wasnt so intent on being with Dagny. There are enough of us to live in a virtual social gulch, where we live as close as we can to each other, trade with each other as much as possible, probably have a "dude ranch" or something to go to for vacations where somehow people were screened as in Atlantis in AS. I am not going to live long enough to see the collapse and rebuilding of America. Its too far gone now, and needs to collapse fully before it will rebuild. Look at how long Venezuela has been declining and the people there STILL havent revolted.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 11 months ago
    Another famous pioneer science fiction writer, H.G.Wells, wrote "First Men In The Moon," another fun movie of my childhood.
    Since seeing that flick, old dino has been inside three or four caves in a park, including Carlsbad.
    The advantages of a Gulch inside the Moon instead of Earth are--
    1. No neighbors outside as yet
    2. No earthquakes
    3. No lava, magma, hell, kingdom of Lord Hades, giant three-headed dogs, et als
    4. No stinking bat guano--no scary bats either.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 11 months ago
      The same company Twilight Time has that movie also on Bluray.!/
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  • Posted by khalling 9 years, 11 months ago
    I, maybe you can help me with this. at around the same age, saw the movie but it was on TV. WLS? sunday afternoons-family classics? tried to google-perhaps I am making it up. it was the big treat after church. lots of Charlie chans, young edisons, sherlocks, and yes, journey to the center of the earth. actually I performed wiki duty for my dad while watching. I had to thumb through the classic and point out Hollywood errors. I was abused
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  • Posted by teri-amborn 9 years, 11 months ago
    Actually, Lone Pine, California wouldn't be a bad place for a "Gulch".
    Escape to the mountains is an easy jaunt and we could cut the water supply to LA from Owens Lake and reclaim the fertile Owens Valley into the pardise that it once was.
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  • Posted by RobertFl 9 years, 11 months ago
    Back when movies were actually entertaining for the whole family.
    I enjoy watching movies of this era on AMC.
    I watched around the world in 80 days a month or so ago.
    Timeless classics.
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