Oregon is first state to adopt automatic voter registration

Posted by $ nickursis 9 years, 12 months ago to Government
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If they don't care enough to register (or are not smart enough) how does this help? Just another 300,000 votes to manipulate elections with. Welcome to Oregon logic.
SOURCE URL: http://www.katu.com/politics/Oregon-is-first-state-to-adopt-automatic-voter-registration--296472861.html

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  • Posted by terrycan 9 years, 12 months ago
    Hundreds of thousands of ballots floating around that the voter doesn't care about. What could go wrong?
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 12 months ago
      Everything , of course. It seems that is what they want, we have an UN-elected governor, who scammed her way in with a corrupt governor elected by a herd of sycophants who just want someone to continue to pay them their ridiculous retirements. Or Union groups using their members dues to buy influence take your pick. They don't call the oregonian the 'dead fish wrapper" for no reason.
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    • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years, 12 months ago
      Depends on your perspective. For those that wish to rig elections and get their guy in no mater what, everything could go right.

      For that that wish to have a society based upon the same rule of law for everyone... well that ship has all ready sailed until we have a new declaration that is issued with enough backing to have teeth.
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      • Posted by $ 9 years, 12 months ago
        Exactly! There is a reason more states are switching to mail in ballots, early elections and other rigs, it is easier to determine the outcome. And they bought it with "It's to make it easier for you". Voting should be hard, should require effort or it becomes an exercise in futility.
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  • Posted by ProfChuck 9 years, 12 months ago
    Anyone that has watched "Waters World" on Fox will be justifiably apprehensive of forced voting. If we insist on forcing imbeciles to vote the results can only be catastrophic.
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  • Posted by radicalbill 9 years, 12 months ago
    We need mandatory voter registration, that should be tied to tax returns, so when you file, you vote at that same time.

    All should be electronic and should last 30 days, so you can vote when you file.

    Living in a small town, I have to wait an hour to vote. In large cities, people wait from the time the polls open till they close, and still never make it in to vote.

    And this would solve that problem and maybe we could even solve gerrymandering of the districts.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 12 months ago
      bill, you just trade one problem for another. While we have seen that it is easy to rig a voting machine (there was a video last fall of a machine that rolled Democrat no matter what candidate was selected), the act of having to go to a poll means that only someone with a real reason will vote, not just pad the roles. When you reduce it down to just numbers, mail in ballots, or even the internet, the numbers just become an easy fix to manipulate to you own ends. Since most of us have NO trust in government at this time, any voting system is suspect, and the easier it is, the more likely to be corrupted.
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      • Posted by radicalbill 9 years, 12 months ago
        Watching other countries elections over the years, and talking to people who actually lived there and had to flee for their lives, and listening to them explain how what we see here is a complete sham, and then watching foreign TV and seeing how they report our elections as complete shams, I am convinced that our elections are rigged, and the only way to not have them rigged is to have them fully open to the public, so everyone can see who everyone voted for, and be able to do independent audits.

        Having mandatory voting is also a very good way to make sure we are getting a complete representation of everyone, not just the people that can get to the polls.

        If everyone voted, we would see a very different country than we now have.

        People complain that the laws are not what they want, but they don't vote, because they know the system is rigged.

        When you look at marijuana laws and you see now what states are passing laws to legalize it, it is only because of heavy lobbying by big pharma and the politicians wanting that tax money.

        It has nothing to do with what the people want.

        Notice how almost all the states are pushing for edibles only, meaning big tabbacco is out of the running.

        That is why they have not been lobbying, because they knew big pharma wanted this.

        Once the money starts rolling in, they will move to make it easier to get.

        I don't think they will have completely recreational use, at least not for another decade, but they will make it easy for people to get a medical card.

        Many people don't trust that the govt is not going to use this data against them, so there is still going to be a large illegal business, which is why the drug cartels are not cutting off people's heads, yet.

        The cartels are the ones that got the federal database of all controlled substance up and running.

        Notice how there were no bugs in that system.

        Now, they track the doctors, and scare the docs into not prescribing, to drive people back to the illegal drug trade.

        It is easy to see the strings that connect all these things when you step back and look objectively at the events playing out.

        Most people just don't look, they don't want to know, or they know and are scared.

        Watch CitizenFour, if you have not seen that movie yet. It is very scary, and all true.

        Makes everyone who sees it scared, and it should.

        Nothing is private any more. You have no personal freedom, only what you are allowed to have, which is not freedom.

        I have resigned myself to this, and I know I can't fight it. My days of being an idealist are over.

        I am just trying to live out the rest of my days with my failing health in peace, and hope that the chaos around me does not suck me in.
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 9 years, 12 months ago
    On first blush, it doesn't seem so bad to me. After all, getting a driver's license, in the first place, requires a person to know how to read and write. I know a number of "bottom feeders", in my community, who don't have licenses and aren't registered to vote. An action like this would make no difference, anyway.
    The thing that worries me is the "party line" way this law was passed. That tells me, on its own, that something is rotten in Denmark. I just haven't figured out what IT is.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 12 months ago
      "IT" is that the Democrats have ruled Oregon for a considerable period, and have purchased power with the taxpayer dollar with PERS the public retirement system. The system is so generous, it is only 16.9 billion in the hole (if all eligible people live to actuarial age). Every one of those have a vested interest in keeping them there, since the Republicans have tried (unsuccessfully) to defuse it. They also wrapped in the public unions, and have bought the illegal immigrants with drivers licenses, even though a citizen has to provide a certified birth certificate and 2 other pieces of id to get one. This takes that a stage further and gives those with no citizenship the right to vote by automatically enrolling them through a purposely flawed system. They are sneaky, crafty liars. That's why the just recently re-elected Governor had to resign after the criminal heat got too much for his girlfriends raiding of public money. In return for no prosecution (they blame it on needing to reform the Ethics Panel for the next 2 years), they got an unelected Governor for the next 3 who then can run for re-election as an incumbent and glide back into office, as she will be much more careful to hide her criminal acts. It is almost as if Oregon is the Democratic Party laboratory for sneaky, underhanded, lying tricks that they then fleet up to the House and Senate. That is why the Obamanation is now pushing his "Mandatory Voting Idea" the same way. It will work in Oregon, it will work in the country.
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  • Posted by MinorLiberator 9 years, 12 months ago
    Yes, dumb and potentially dangerous idea. Not necessarily as obviously illegal and unconstitutional as mandatory voting: merely registering a person does not force them to vote, but as others have pointed out, once "on the rolls", people who would not take the time to register and therefore couldn't vote would now be eligible. And they could be found and "incentivized" not only to vote, but maybe vote a certain way.

    To put it more formally: it stinks.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 12 months ago
      Oh, it's easier than that. We had a County Commissioner here who lost the election in Nov by 150 votes, who, mysteriously, on recount, won by 12. Mail in ballots are a wonderful thing, for the incumbents With no oversight any election outcome can be predicted 100% of the time, which is just what they want, and will have..
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      • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 9 years, 11 months ago
        Oh, that's nothing...here, in Washington, a Republican gubernatorial candidate won the general election by a "slim" margin, prompting the Dumbocrats to call for a recount.
        During the recount, the Republican won by an even slimmer majority and this gave the Liberals enough motivation to call for a third count.
        Well, low and behold, the Republican lost the final recount by a slim margin, but even with a 2 out of 3 win, gave it to his opponent.
        After a year's wrangling over the results, it was discovered that numerous votes were counted incorrectly, made by "dead" voters, or were mysteriously "found" during the recount. There was a great deal of noise made about "election reform", but the damage was already done and the entire incident was swept under the carpet.
        Every day, I consider the possibility of moving to Idaho when I retire...
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  • Posted by Bob44_ 9 years, 12 months ago
    Some years ago, I attended a Federal Elections Commission meeting in Oklahoma and an elections representative from Oregon made the claim that there was no election fraud in Oregon. His reasoning included the fact that Oregon mailed a ballot to every registered voter every election. I asked him who voted those ballots, because he had no way of knowing. Gathering discarded ballots from people who did not intend to vote, selling the unmarked ballots to people who would fraudulently mark the ballot or handing the unmarked ballot to a boss or union boss are all ways that make a joke of ballot security. I argued every way I could against motor voter registration and other measures that weakened the security of our election process. I obviously failed to stop the assault on election security and when you read that certain areas vote 120 percent of registered voters, you can see how fraud has been benefited and our fair elections compromised.
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    • Posted by $ jdg 9 years, 12 months ago
      If it were up to me, there would be NO mail ballots even for absentees. If you're going to be out of town on election day, you would go down to the registrar's office and vote in a booth there, up to (say) two months early. Simple. Nothing keeps an election honest like having to show up in person and vote where people can see that you're alone in that voting booth.
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      • Posted by $ 9 years, 12 months ago
        Great idea, but since it does not support vote manipulation, totally unworkable.
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        • Posted by Bob44_ 9 years, 12 months ago
          It is not only workable, but fair. The state of Louisiana actually allows election commissioners to take ballots to handicapped voters. There are requirements that actually protects the integrity of the ballots and ensures that the person voting is properly registered. I have not heard that the system has been compromised in any way. I will agree however, that any voting methods cannot always guarantee the honesty of everyone involved. Even at the voting precinct, fraud can occur. And I am not a liberal by any stretch, but we can still accommodate our handicapped voters and maintain ballot security. And yes, they can get picture id's.
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  • Posted by MinorLiberator 9 years, 12 months ago
    Once again, another stupid, probably illegal, idea, from The Left Coast of course. Next step, for those too stupid to register: Hey, no worries. We'll cast your vote for you...
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  • Posted by blackswan 9 years, 12 months ago
    How does that even work?!? What databases are they using to enable an "automatic" registration? And if you're in the database, didn't you have to register to get on it?
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    • Posted by Bob44_ 9 years, 12 months ago
      That's the problem. With mail-in registrations or other automatic means, there is no clue if the individuals are qualified or even if they are real people. That's the way liberals hijacked the election process.
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    • Posted by MinorLiberator 9 years, 12 months ago
      As I read it, it applies to anyone in the Motor Vehicle database. My experience is in Michigan, and that would also include people who went to the SecState for even a photo ID, not a driver's license. Also, in Michigan you could register to vote by checking a box when you got your driver's license. But checking that box was optional...
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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 12 months ago
    one more nail in the coffin of a state that likes to smoke dope. this is what happens when legislators do that, but then again they have taken a page out of the 0 program which he started when he was in grade school.
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  • Posted by qjdb 9 years, 12 months ago
    Interesting the negativity surrounding this.

    I'm in Canada, so forgive me if I don't get the way your voting works, etc. And as the article says, I am automatically registered to vote through our version of the DMV.

    Is it a bad thing that people are registered to vote automatically? I'm thinking that isn't necessarily the problem.

    I'm thinking that the automatic registration <<coupled>> with the mail-in voting is the problem, right? Because then, as terrycan said, there are an extra 300,000 extra ballots floating around.

    Am I correct in making this as the connection?
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    • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years, 12 months ago
      To really understand the kind of problems this causes you have to look at what some of the behaviors campaign teams have.

      In our last presidential election as the day went on the Obama campaign was (in states that were close) sending out vans to pick up people who had been found not to have voted. Haul them in to vote and then take them home. They had goodies for them to eat and forms to sign up to get a free phone (if they were on welfare) all the while reminding these people that the phone and the treats were because Obama had done so much for them. Then these people voted and were taken back home.

      I do not know if it really made a difference and technically they never said who to vote for to the people they hauled in. However it does not take much imagination to figure that the vast majority of these people probably voted for the guy they just got told was responsible for their phone, the ride and the food, even though it was all paid for by the tax payers and the campaign contributors.

      This will simply enable a bit more of this type of election fraud to occur.
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      • Posted by Bob44_ 9 years, 12 months ago
        As much as you may dislike the idea of giving people rides to the polls, I know of no state that makes that practice illegal, nor should it be. How a person chooses to get to the polls is their business. Yes candidates use this practice to get out their vote. That's the reason for these phone banks, to identify a vote and then make certain that the voter gets to the polls. Every political outfit in the country targets voters this way. Millions are spent to do this. We do maintain certain freedoms and we have to be careful to protect our freedoms and not think that adding more laws will protect our rights. Overzealous protectors of freedom, if not careful, actually can diminish freedom.
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        • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years, 11 months ago
          My point was not that this is wrong, bur rather that forced registration would expand both the amount spent on this activity and the effectiveness of this activity. My point was that forced registration to vote would not make money less of a factor as Obama suggested, but more of a factor. In part from this practice which would be worth spending far more money on.

          To be clear, I personally do not care for the practice, but then I think that we should have to pass a basic citizenship test to be able to register to vote as well. The required testing would make this practice far less effective than it is today and cause campaigns to spend far less money on the practice.

          It is a symptom of the problem that voting is a "right" rather than a "privilege" that is earned in some way. A move further towards the view of it being a right is a move in the wrong direction. It is in fact a privilege that many who use it today should not be qualified to exercise the privilege of the vote.
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          • Posted by Bob44_ 9 years, 11 months ago
            If you remember your history, the senate used to be an appointive position, appointed by the state and representative was elected. I agree with you. I merely wanted to point out the problems of losing ballot integrity in systems like in Oregon and any other automatic registration proposal.
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            • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years, 11 months ago

              Exactly, and the change to the senate removed state representation from the federal government creating Taxation without representation.

              It was the disbanding of the voice of the Burgesses that caused the Boston Tea Party. Effectively the equivalent of removing appointed state representatives from congress and causing them to feel they were taxed without representation. Funny how it was met with major push back from the colonies, but 120 years later the same basic concept (to silence the state) is met with applause as it was advertised to eliminate big businesses influence over government.

              The only way to eliminate bug businesses influence over government is to not pass laws which make is necessary for business to attempt to influence government.

              Yes you hit a nerve with that one, does every time I think about it.
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      • Posted by qjdb 9 years, 12 months ago
        Yeah, I had heard of the 'bamaphone crap.

        Personally, I think your guys' Electoral College stuff is freaking bizarre, haha. I am much more familiar with our system, obviously.
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        • Posted by Bob44_ 9 years, 11 months ago
          The electoral college system helps smaller states compete with NY, CA, IL, MA and other populace states. Otherwise the population centers would dictate to the rest of America. They almost do it now. We had a civil war over the same types of issues. Southern armies didn't fight for slavery, they fought against the federal government and northern industries.
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    • Posted by $ jlc 9 years, 12 months ago
      It confuses me too, qjdb. It is possible that Canada does not have the problem yet that the US has because of the quantity of illegal immigrants here. But it would seem to me to be clear that if you had a population of X and you had votes cast of 2X you should declare the election fraudulent and invalid. If you send out X ballots, and half of the people do not vote but the other half vote twice (so the numbers work out)...then the state is getting what the people who care to vote, vote in favor of.

      I do not think that the process of using automatic registration (which I would confine to citizens) and mail in ballots is flawed per se. I think that the people of Oregon actually want a socialist government.

      Pity, that.

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  • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 12 months ago
    Is it time to write off Oregon the way that President Thompson, Wesley Mouch et al. wrote off Minnesota?
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 12 months ago
      Oh NO! Oreogn is the lead test case for the next step in The Plan. Think of it, anyone who has an interface with the DMV gets registered automatically. They do NOT have to prove citizenship if they are illegal, as Oregon will very kindly give them a license. (Even though a REAL citizen needs their ORIGINAL (or a certified copy that cost 55.00) and 2 other pieces of ID to get one). So now Oregon will AUTOMATICALLY register every illegal immigrant to vote (Democratic of course), thus loading the elctions in their favor. As if the PERS (state retirees) and Unions were not enough to get them re-elected! The dumb asses voted in (for the fourth time) a corrupt jerk, in the face of overwhelmingly negative evidence of corruption, just so he could stay around long enough to bail out and give the governorship to an UNELECTED Democrat. Probably the most skillful handing over of power from one caught criminal to an uncaught criminal ever. Better than Bill and Hillary.
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      • Posted by dukem 9 years, 12 months ago
        I've been living in Oregon for eleven years, abandoning California for greener pastures (I thought). Now seeking other places due to this kind of leftist crap. As with other coastal western states, Oregon is really two states culturally and politically, divided vertically by mountain ranges. East of the mountains are the producers, and west of the mountains are the moochers and looters, as described in various other Gulch postings. I am in Bend, on the eastern slopes, and Californians are flooding into this formerly small peaceful town, bringing with them all the garbage from California. I'm now looking at Colorado's western slope or southwestern Utah. You can run, but you can't hide. Damn.
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        • Posted by $ 9 years, 12 months ago
          Wait a minute! I live on the West side (Little town in the Coast Range, west of Salem), and there are Non Liberal Progressive humans here. Its Multnomah and Washington Counties that are the blame, they elect the govenator, and elected the last baboon, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that he was a lying criminal. I think that was just to get another 8 years of a Dem, maybe 12, since the first 3 may not count. But there are some counties here that vote 90% non-Democrat. Just the 2 Freeloader Counties and we have suggested they secede and form their own Imperial Empire we can ignore. But they won't, there are too many PERS addicts in them.
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        • Posted by Flootus5 9 years, 12 months ago
          It's sad. Oregon is such a beautiful state, both east and west of the Cascades.

          Analogous with Nevada and California, we on the east side thank the stars for the Sierra Nevada. Not only a rain shadow effect, but a people shadow.

          150+ years ago, the emigrants saw themselves crossing this god forsaken desert, a place of dread and hardship. Now it is the best refuge from a different kind of horror.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 12 months ago
      Sometimes I think AR underestimated the ability of our corrupt system and put Thompson and Mouch in a better light than reality shows today. I am so disgusted with this crap.
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      • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 12 months ago
        AR didn't underestimate the ability of our corrupt system. She just didn't think anyone would believe it if she made it any more farfetched.
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        • Posted by $ 9 years, 12 months ago
          Man, it is really sad. The only good thing is the article I just posted where a Judge is mighty pissed off at the fact the BeHolder Justice Dept actually LIED to him. Maybe something good can happen yet...
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          • Posted by XenokRoy 9 years, 12 months ago
            Until enough people ready to stat this

            "when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.--Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government." - Declaration of Independence

            Only replace colonies with states.

            Until we have enough saying that to end what is currently our ruling body and appoint a new guard, nothing good will come. It will be anything from a removal of life, liberty and/or the pursuit of property or at best we may stay where we are at.

            We will not move forward in any direction but down at this point. Until we reach the same net zero in attitude and in freedom that any other society has left and the world order takes over. Unless enough people grab onto that statement and lawfully (natural law) removes those in power to appoint a new guard, I do not believe anything will really change other than a slow progression to totalitarianism.

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            • Posted by $ 9 years, 12 months ago
              I sent this to Best of. The Declaration Of Independence was written by Thomas Jefferson, who, as a Federalist, was much aligned to what the Democratic Party would like to think of itself, yet even he was committed to personal freedom (though he owned 650 slaves (approx) in his lifetime). A little hypocritical but then, that seems par for politicians even then. I am reading a fascinating History called "1812 The Navy's War" bt George C. Daughin (got it at Hamilton Books .com for 5.00) and it is richly detailed in a lot of the reasons why things today have turned out the way they did.
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