Propoganda and the Hate Factor

Posted by TruthFreedom1 11 years, 1 month ago to Politics
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So true but best outright straightforward explanation of our Corporate elitist I've heard yet.

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  • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 1 month ago
    Question: do they pay you well to come troll here, or are you an unpaid intern?
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    • Posted by Lucky 11 years, 1 month ago
      Hi H, I ask this question to those phone callers who tell me my computer needs attention.
      While the concealment of being paid is deplorable, there is a worse motivation - (false) altruism. This is where a person acts to further ideals but the arguments are emotional or simply not thought thru. This often for those of the new religion in its various guises of equality, fairness, and environmentalism.
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      • Posted by 11 years, 1 month ago
        Maybe your the trolls. (false) altruism? Interesting perspective from a person who appears to be in denial of his own ego. Hey is that a new one... (false) egotism? I'm no troll. I may be altruistic in the true sense of the word but I am not falsely altruistic. There is nothing more objective than science. It is designed that way, otherwise it would be useless. Truth never goes away but silently waits hidden to appear when you least expect it.
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        • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 1 month ago
          (false) Altruism I would interpret as meaning, pretending to be arguing out of altruism (bad enough as it is), but in reality to aggrandize oneself... like Phillip Rearden and Friends of Global Whatever in ASp1.

          (lol... there's a charity I might start... "Friends of Global Whatever"... our motto will be, "Apathy... meh, who needs it?")
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        • Posted by Lucky 11 years, 1 month ago
          "Truth never goes away but silently waits hidden to appear when you least expect it"..
          Yes indeed, like heat.
          The climate change alarmist industry has explained the missing heat which has not shown in global surface air temperature increases since 1997. It has gone under water into the oceans. It has almost surfaced under the Arctic where it is melting the ice and spreading it around thus accounting for the increase in area covered by ice this year compared with last year. In the Antarctic, the heat has gone into the deep oceans where, it has drawn away heat from the land causing lower surface temperatures. It will suddenly surface, and say Boo!
          Confession, the last sentence comes from Monckton.
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          • Posted by 11 years, 1 month ago
            And Monckton has what for credentials?
            Christopher Monckton is a non-scientist AGW denier, who has had articles published in The Guardian and in a non-peer-reviewed newsletter of the American Physical Society (whose Council subsequently disagreed with Monckton's conclusions) claiming that global warming is neither man-made nor likely to be catastrophic. Monckton has made various false claims in the past such as that he is a member of the British House of Lords, a Nobel Prize winner, inventor of a cure for HIV, winner of a defamation case against George Monbiot and writer of a peer-reviewed article. Great rep this guy has. Is this were you are getting your information from?
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            • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 1 month ago
              I dunno... but Albert Einstein was a patent clerk.
              Are you interested in accolades from the powers that be, or clear, researched, and considered opinions? I would suggest the latter is a hallmark of science.
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            • Posted by Lucky 11 years, 1 month ago
              'Truth " could not resist, nor can I, so -
              His passport says 'The holder is The Right Honourable Christopher Walter, Viscount Monckton of Brenchley', he is a member of the House of Lords.

              β€œThe House of Lords Act 1999 debarred all but 92 of the 650 Hereditary Peers, including my father, from sitting or voting, and purported to – but did not – remove membership of the Upper House. Letters Patent granting peerages, and consequently membership, are the personal gift of the Monarch. Only a specific law can annul a grant. The 1999 Act was a general law. The then Government, realizing this defect, took three maladroit steps: it wrote asking expelled Peers to return their Letters Patent (though that does not annul them); in 2009 it withdrew the passes admitting expelled Peers to the House (and implying they were members); and it told the enquiry clerks to deny they were members: but a written Parliamentary Answer by the Lord President of the Council admits that general legislation cannot annul Letters Patent, so I am The Viscount Monckton of Brenchley (as my passport shows), a member of the Upper House but without the right to sit or vote, and I have never pretended otherwise.” source-

              There are statements every day from climate change economists, accountants, consultants, analysts, advocates, believers, scare mongers, actresses, and so on, none of them know as much about the so-called science of climate change as Monckton. Further, he knows more than the supposedly scientifically qualified but posturing frauds behind the scam.

              For Monckton's reply to critic Professor John Abraham, and outcome, see-
              I recommend this reply as it answers many questions about his knowledge and ability to defend it. This reply tho' now a few years old still stands exemplary for demolishing climate change alarmism as it is based on evidence rather than slander of the kind used against him personally and those targeted by the offensive appellation 'denier'.
              Warning to 'Truth '- Monckton is nearly always right.
              Warning to most others- he is a conservative and a Christian, ah well nobody's perfect.
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        • Posted by khalling 11 years, 1 month ago
          I would be happy to discuss the subject of immigration but this article is full of emotion and cites no facts just opinion. I only know how the author feels at the end and no data to support his assertions. I did Learn that the author doesn't care for the Frazier Institute which I hold in high esteem. Mostly for the work on economic freedom studies as well as data on state run healthcare. the article conveniently wants to ignore that when a country gives things away for free it is attractive to others. Immigration will likely spike. Someone has to pay for it. Immigrants can help but really a system that pays out to half of the population that is not paying in is doomed. We are experiencing this in the States. Have you seen the atlas shrugged movies? I say egoism.
          There was no science in the article linked to consider.
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          • Posted by 11 years, 1 month ago
            It is an opinion piece. Your right about that and the writer obviously has strong opinions about the influence of corporations over government. And yes I agree that a government which over provides for a citizenry will be attractive to those who wish to emigrate from their home country for whatever reason. That being said I still feel that corporations should have a much tighter leash through the Lobbying Acts of our respective countries and political donations should be limited to a dollar amount. I don't know enough about the Frasier Institute to have an opinion. I do know that corporate interference is corrupting our governments and thus setting the propagandist agenda. (Monsanto is a perfect example) Now this is a much more civil conversation. Most think tanks such as the Frasier institute are funded from somewhere, and that somewhere has an ideology or an agenda, which is fine but it and the others should be limited in their power to influence over governments and their citizenry.
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            • Posted by khalling 11 years, 1 month ago
              The Frasier Institute has done many publications on crony corporations. They support free market capitalism and personal freedoms. They would never lobby for crony relationships with the government. In fact they they track it worldwide and it is one of the metrics in determining economic freedom. btw, Canada ranks higher than the US currently.

              I am happy to address the Monsanto issue if you post on it. There are two parts to that debate. 1. genetically modified seed and patents
              2. the cronyism factor of the US govt granting one company(!) special rights under the law. Outrageous!

              but to this topic, I think you have it backwards. People promote laws and regulations that government pass. They also support policies which grow govt intentionally or not. The larger the govt, the more powerful it is. The more powerful it is, the more corporations and individuals want to get in bed with it so that they can increase their power.
              If the govt is small and limited, there is no purpose to giving millions in donations, or lobbying. To what end? You would know from the outset that a limited govt would all-powerful. However, if government can change it's limits everytime the majority rules on anything, even if you constrain the corporations (the crony ones), you will just keep those corporations looking for ways to set up non profits or NGOs to fund the lobbyists and the lobbyists will most certainly have a job influencing govt and gathering a majority of voters. Attack the real problem.
              Influence over citizens-hmm, this is interesting to me, because in the US, the public school system has over the last 40 years taken on the agenda of the socialists, which in turn have great influence over our children -pre through 12th grade. Do you see those influences harmful as well? Because the govt controls most of our schools, it has a vested interest in teaching more govt is good and vilifying the private sector as evil. I wonder if it is the same in Canada?
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              • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 1 month ago
                Well said (as usual). There oughta be a law giving jail time to anyone who says, "there oughta be a law"...

                I find it significant that progressives almost *always* want to immediately go to the broadest level of government to implement their proposed laws.
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              • Posted by 11 years, 1 month ago
                Here is a list from Huff Post of the 12 worst cronyist and unethical corporations Globally. Oil, Mining and GMO. Who would have thought. ;)
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                • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 1 month ago
                  With the political environment in Washington for the past 2 decades... how could any corporation that *wasn't* cronyist compete?

                  And Huff Post? Really? C'mon...
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                  • Posted by 11 years, 1 month ago
                    Governments should be operating for the people, but currently both of our governments are functioning under the opposite premise. Cronyism is insidious. I am not against being able to Lobby the Government, I am against Lobbyists and their employers who manipulate the policy makers through cronyism. Cronyism takes the attention of Government from the people and places it on Corporations which of course helps them create more wealth. Which of course puts more money into the governments coffers. Government policy to truly be fair must consider all the viewpoints without the influence of corporate funding / kickbacks. Government must become much smaller if this is to happen: This is a good read and not to long:
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              • Posted by 11 years, 1 month ago
                I am running out of time and will respond in more detail later; but quickly.
                Education - Yes it is the same. Curriculum is largely in favor of government. I always wondered why finance or money management was not a core piece of the curriculum? May be different down there.
                Lobbying I will address later and I will post regarding Monsanto. Which yes is very outrageous.
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