Obama Wants All Americans to Learn Code

Posted by $ Mimi 11 years, 3 months ago to Education
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I don’t think any big push to teach students to write code is going to save that crappy website at this late date. Poor misguided fool.

SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XvmhE1J9PY

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  • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
    The problem is that "writing code" today is generally seen as slapping together some HTML, and javascript with some java incantations sprinkled over the top.

    Which is like licking the frosting bowl and thinking you know how to make a cake.

    Much of what it takes to do GOOD design isn't even taught anymore. Ask the average CoSci type to write in assembler or tinker with machine code and you get that "deer in the headlights" look. They don't REALLY understand what they're doing at ll. Code optimization? What's that? Optimizing for size? Speed? What's this "code profiling" thingie?

    Nah! None of that's important. Just plug in the java and let 'er rip. Who cares if the memory usage is order n^3 and the execution algorithm is n^2? I've interviewed "computer" grads who didn't know how to find the little-o of a simple algorithm. Worse, they didn't seem to understand why they should care. I guess computers these days are just infinitely fast and have infinite memory.

    That's apparently what the Obamacare developers thought.

    Anyone here who remembers "flipping bits"?

    As usual, this f**king MORON has no idea what he's talking about. There are lots and lots of people who will NEVER be able to develop code. The only thing good about this video is how much older Obama looks. Maybe he'll die.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 10 years, 11 months ago
      I have been saying the same thing you wrote for a long time. Who needs good US programmers when big employers will just hire 10 programmers in India for less than cost of living for 1 in the US?
      A partner at Deloitte and Touche hired me as a systems design consultant repeatedly because I could cut run times on simulations by orders of magnitude. Only important to Wall Street and the military now, and I can't ethically work for either. (I have found other productive uses for my time )that also doesn't require me to be an unpaid support guy for Microsoft ;^)
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      • Posted by BambiB 10 years, 11 months ago
        Now that you raise the H1B issue - did you see the recent busts where a bunch of Indians were rounded up doing scut work in restaurants? Officially, they were "H1B computer programmers". ;-)

        Re H-1B's generally… (found on line)

        Are you a technically-skilled worker?
        Are you looking for a job?

        Good luck with that.


        Lou Dobbs explains how American College Students are being cheated by H-1B. The H-1B visa program was originally set up to allow foreigners to fill American jobs for which no qualified Americans could be found. But American tech companies like Microsoft and Oracle have used the program as a way to import cheaper labor while laying off thousands of American workers. They are IMPORTING OUTSOURCING. But it's worse than that! Companies are GAMING THE SYSTEM to avoid hiring Americans!!!

        Companies are intentially giving American jobs to foreigners.

        They could NOT do this without the H-1B program.

        Congress is in charge of the H-1B program.

        Obama and Congrees spent $900 billion to "stimulate" the economy

        When all they had to do was cut back the H-1B program to create hundreds of thousands of jobs for Americans.
        The H-1B program provides for up to 65,000 foreigners to come to the USA and take American jobs.

        But the "limit" is a LIE.
        IN truth, the H-1B program is used to import more than a quarter MILLION foreigners a year to take American jobs. The number is effectively UNLIMITED and FAR from 'temporary'. The initial visa is good for 3 years - and can be easily renewed for another 3 years. Then the foreign worker can apply for citizenship, which typically takes 2 years to process. Even if they are rejected for citizenship, they are here for EIGHT YEARS. And if they get citizenship, they're here FOREVER.

        Note: The links didn't survive a copy/paste, so I've preserved them here:


        The one where the company has hired consultants to teach them how to get around the immigration law is quite instructive.
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        • Posted by $ 10 years, 11 months ago
          It happens in the health industry too. Unqualified foreign workers get in on H-1b visas to fill nursing, and tech jobs, but their papers are forged. I ran into a situation about five years ago when I went to visit a relative on a psych ward and nobody on the nursing staff's evening shift could speak english. How is a patient suppose to get care if they can’t communicate with the staff? The staff couldn’t even communicate efficiently with each other because they were from different African nations and regions of India They are flooding the system. It will only get worse with Obamacare.
          What they need to do is freeze the program, verify the original paperwork, and retest the ones that are here.
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          • Posted by BambiB 10 years, 11 months ago
            They also need to make penalties for fraud much, much tougher. Like the death penalty. No waiting on death row.

            Any other country on earth would see 20 million criminal aliens for what it is - an invasion.

            When a country is invaded, there are two responses: Fight or surrender. Fighting means killing the invaders. Surrender means bending over and asking, "May I have another, please?"

            Guess which one most politicians are for?
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            • Posted by $ 10 years, 11 months ago
              Death penalty? That’s a bit drastic, perhaps no re-entry ever? It really isn’t an invasion if they crossed a welcome mat.
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              • Posted by BambiB 10 years, 11 months ago
                I don't think a death penalty for re-entering a country you've been told to stay out of is at all excessive. Under my proposal, by that point, you've been caught, you've spent two years in prison, you've lost everything you own and you've been deported with a warning that if you ever return, you will be executed. You think THAT sounds like a "welcome mat"?? What the hell is your "no trespassing" sign?
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                • Posted by $ 10 years, 11 months ago
                  I must have misread you because I thought you meant we should execute in response to someone crossing the border for the first time, not someone recrossing the border. Hmm...I don’t know. I think there should be something like six months of hard labor before sending them home. The hard labor should be to pick up the trash along the border. I read the trash is accumulating at an insane rate because no one is cleaning it up now. But that wouldn’t work for the children who come across the border. That little girl from Ecuador who recently died along the route comes to mind. Her parents are here illegally living in New York. If you or I did that--left our kids in another state while we went to work some place else then sent for them later, arranging for them to travel alone we would be in jail for neglect. Maybe it’s time to stop treating foreigners like they are somehow incapable of being held to the same standard of responsible behavior.
                  I think we could do more to discourage people from coming. I’m not talking about penalizing businesses for hiring. One thing I would like to do is make English the official language. Do you remember the guy a couple years ago in Chicago who put a sign in the window of his restaurant requesting his customers to order in English? It blew me away that he caught flack from the mayor for his sign. If we can’t get the simple common sense approaches approved I don’t think we will get approval for the firing squad. Sorry, Bambib.(I’m joking about the firing squad, btw.)
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                  • Posted by BambiB 10 years, 11 months ago
                    Just to clarify: 20 million people illegally entering a country is not an "immigration problem". It's an invasion. The proper way to repel an invasion is with force - deadly force. So I say shoot a few AS THEY ARE CROSSING THE BORDER. Video the kills. Transmit the video 24/7/365 to Mexico. You will probably only have to shoot half a dozen to stop the invasion because the rest will get the idea… if you want to come to America, do it the right way.

                    Next, 2 years hard labor (living in a tent city) if you remain or illegally enter after the deadline. I'm not talking about a mandatory sentence for someone who makes a mistake on their paperwork, or overstays their visa by a month. I'm talking about people who KNOW they're committing a criminal act when they enter, or continue in a criminal status for a long period of time. Sorry, but the "DREAM" kiddies who have been soaking up the free benefits for the last decade have to go. We don't let the kids of bank robbers keep the loot. Kids who came with their criminal parents shouldn't get to keep residence.

                    The firing squads would be for repeat offenders… but no need to waste ammo. A needle works as well.

                    Yeah, I know the odds of being able to do any of this are approximately nil. It's part of the pussification of America.
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                    • Posted by $ 10 years, 11 months ago
                      I wouldn’t want to live in a country that put people to work shooting families that crossed the border. When the invaders are dead in what direction will the guns point?
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                      • Posted by BambiB 10 years, 11 months ago
                        I believe you, Mimi. Most women aren't willing to do what's necessary to preserve America. They want all the benefits - but they don't want to pay the price. They, like you, would much rather throw open the doors to millions of invaders so those invaders can drive America to the level of Sudan or Afghanistan than stop them.

                        Tell you what, Mimi… if you're not willing to stop them - can we at least let them come live with your in your home? I mean, if you're willing to let criminals enter the country, if you don't care about the invasion, the least you can do is be first in line to bear the consequences of your choice.

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    • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 11 years, 3 months ago
      Re BambiB topmost post - Well, that was always a problem with "hackers" (or some of them). For a presentation on documentation for developers to a Ruby on Rails group here in Austin, I cited Joseph Weizenbaum's "Computer Power and Human Reason." He likened (some) programmers to the compulsive gambler of Dostoevsky.They superstitiously believe that one more subroutine will fix their program when the real problem is that they started coding without any understanding of the substantive field they were working in.

      OTOH, in "Hackers: Heroes of the Computer Revolution" by Steven Levy and in Tracy Kidder's "The Soul of a New Machine" the hacking heroes were those who insisted on Doing The Right Thing. Compromises in quality were anathema to them.

      So, just to say, slapping code together is an old problem but not really the norm. I have made one or two computer user group meetings a week here in Austin - Cloud and Ruby, mostly, but several others, also - and I see a general concern for doing the right thing. I will grant, though, that you are not totally amiss and I will place the moral burden on management - or the lack of it.
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    • Posted by DavRPeters 11 years, 3 months ago
      Ever since programmers began to call themselves programmer analysts (and the companies that hired them thought they were getting a deal), the quality of software went down. Once they were subject to supervision again, the quality went up.
      Way too many sites are not properly supervised even today.
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      • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
        It's not just "sites".

        "Web" "programming" is EASY code.

        Try embedded systems with real-time processing. Do it in C. Now do parts of the C program in assembler because C isn't fast enough. Now start thinking about how much power the mpu is using. OOOps! You only have 2K of RAM to work with. OOPS! You only have a 2mWh per week power budget!! OOPS! Your program is 14K… that's 6K TOO BIG!

        Now we're talking programming.

        Pasting some HTML and javascript into a text file is like watching a movie about war… compared to REAL war.
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      • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 11 years, 3 months ago
        See my comments directly above. The problem - if it is only "the" or "a" problem - has been known and addressed (or not) over time, depending on the life cycle of the organization. Mature organizations tend to have strong project management. That does put a damper on creativity and outside the box thinking. So, trade-offs must be considered. I have been through "value engineering" and "total quality" and "capability maturity" and "life cycle management" and "Agile/Scrum" and worked a lot of unmanaged projects in between. I think that it comes down to (1) people and (2) culture. People are primary; but culture counts. And I have been on Big Organization projects where ANNOUNCING success was take as a substitute for the reality. ... but we all have, right?

        When I started, you (the programmer) wrote code on a green form and had it reviewed (by a programmer analyst) before it went to the keypunchers. Programs still failed often and it was the programmer's job to debug it.

        Earlier this year, I spoke to a local Ruby on Rails group on "Documentation for Developers" and I put up a couple of slides of Visio tools, and also resurrected Warnier-Orr and Nassi-Shneiderman. My point was that it does not matter too much which tools you use, only that you DO NOT DESIGN IN CODE. Do not start programming until you know what you are doing.
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        • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
          >> Do not start programming until you know what you are doing.

          For some "developers" that would mean never starting. ;-)

          I have had the experience of coding as part of design. It's not always a bad thing. Mostly I've done it to help nail down thought processes, a sort of fleshing out of the design. In those cases, it's almost code-as-design-tool and I don't expect the code to be anywhere close to "final".
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 11 years, 3 months ago
    I have no problem with that. I have pressed myself to learn my entire life. It has been a great adventure. Yeah, people need to learn. Good for the liar and chief.

    If he really wanted America to offer proactive learners more opportunity to earn more and provide for their families he'd roll back the tax burden on corporations and individuals.
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  • Posted by Argo 11 years, 3 months ago
    I really think this is just pandering to the education system. I would argue that it is nonsense to push for expanding the curriculum for computer science to the masses. If considered in an historic perspective many changes in technology have impacted the world and America, but we all didn't need to become electricians to use television, or engineers to use automobiles, or operate turbines to use light bulbs. The market will provide the computer science geeks we need to benefit from the new technologies, if the government will let it.
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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 11 years, 3 months ago
    See if more Americans would have learned to code, the Obamacare website project would have been coded by Americans. But since we are all so F***ing uneducated, he had to give the job to a Canadian company. Does anyone know if coding is part of Common Core?
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    • Posted by UncommonSense 11 years, 3 months ago
      Coding isn't a part of kommon kore (spelling it correctly doesn't matter anymore, only HOW you arrived at the answer, that's what counts), however, since you bring it up, the idea of learning the kids learning computer science after having been indoctrinated for over 12 years in the publik shcool system of kk, is as likely to happen as either of us winning the next megamillions.
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    • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 11 years, 3 months ago
      You need to understand what Common Core is and is not. This is the link for the Standards for mathematical modeling in high school.

      Whether the school has computers or not is not considered. Only the outcome, the ability to create mathematical models of realworld events.

      That said, we have plenty of programmers here in America. The decision to give the award to CGI Federal was political. But you can read all about that yourself by putting "obamacare canadian company" in a search engine. Also, just because the company is "Canadian" does not mean that the work was not done here. I have worked for Kawasaki, Honda, Zeiss, and Capgemini and never been to Japan, Germany, or France. CGI has about 100 offices all over the USA.
      See here - http://www.cgi.com/
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 11 years, 3 months ago
    I wholeheartedly agree with everything he said in this video.

    I think maybe it's even a good thing for a gov't leader to say. As a politician, he can't "create jobs", but a teenager or anyone else who knows how to code and has passion for solving problems can!

    Way to go, President Obama, on this statement!
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    • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
      He might have more credibility if he had the slightest clue what he was talking about.

      Oh wait. It's O-Bomb-Ya!

      Like water off a duck's back is credibility to O-Bomb-Ya!
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  • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 11 years, 3 months ago
    December 9 was Grace Hopper's Birthday. The Google Doodle calculated her age on a big computer. Bing's background was a Babbage Engine. This has been National Computer Science Education Week. http://csedweek.org/

    This video calling for programmers from http://Code.org came out Feb. 26, 2013:

    I took a class in Ruby on Rails last year; and all of us were experienced programmers; but only some of us had ever seen the Command Line. That said, it is not true that the command-line interface is "real" programming" and dragging icons is not. After all, Assembler was invented to obviate programming in binary... which was better than flipping physical switches.

    I believe that the bottom line is that as informatics continues to evolve - as did steam engines and radio; both of which are still with us - division of labor will create new opportunities while bringing new applications for older work. (See "The Economy of Cities" by Jane Jacobs.)
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  • Posted by whiskysmuggler 11 years, 3 months ago
    I have to agree with BO this time. Probably one of the safest statements he has made.
    Computers have been integrated in our everyday lives.
    When I was a youngster a computer (a small one) would occupy an entire room. The floppy discs were tape reels 20 inches in diameter and the room had to be temperature controlled. All programming was done in 'machine language'. All 1's and 0's. You needed to be very knowledgeable in math. Writing was tedious, testing was mandatory and results were not always good. Finding errors sometimes took longer to find than rewriting the entire program. Newer assembly languages made writing testing and running code much easier. Still one needs a good math foundation.
    I personally don't consider building a web page or site coding, but it is probably the simplest of any computer 'coding' that I can think of.
    Still we will need more people in the field and there are many avenues to pursue. Not all of these are Science or Coding.
    Giving BO a little credit. He did not pull a gaff like Al Gore who claimed to have invented the internet.
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    • Posted by $ 11 years, 3 months ago
      It’s the damn Federal Health Care website that makes this story so ripe for fodder. But I do agree with you. This video was actually part of a promotional campaign directed at middle-schoolers. It’s quite benign.
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      • Posted by BambiB 11 years, 3 months ago
        Except that Obama has done so much that's criminal, anti-constitutional and anti-American, his endorsement has a negative association.

        It's as if Jeffrey Dahmer were to prompte a brand of Bar-B-Que sauce, Aileen Wuornos were to hawk a brand of perfume or Jane Toppan were to recommend people going into medicine as a profession.

        Obama is the least appropriate spokesman for this topic, first because he has no credibility among critical thinkers, and second because he knows nothing about the subject. It's having a moron who operates by way of lies and sleaze making recommendations to sentient beings.

        Timothy Cook would be orders of magnitude more appropriate as spokesman for technology training.
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      • Posted by whiskysmuggler 11 years, 3 months ago
        The Affordable Care Act is a nightmare. The blatant
        misappropriation of funds for the implementation of the web site is unforgivable. I believe that a better web site could have been created and up and running with a group of high school hackers (term to refer to individuals who like to tinker with computers 'hardware and software'. The entire site consist of HTML, Java script and some PHP. They probably would have done the entire job for say a paid college tuition, promise of future employment and maybe
        a decent set of wheels with a bonus of free health care for ten years. In all that should have saved Sebelius $598,000,000.00 +.
        But hell, this administration is redistributing the wealth. Going from taxpayers to foreign cronies.
        How great is that. Everyone who is living within the borders of the US is paying for this.
        What I cannot wrap my feeble mind around is
        "How is it that no one is filing Racketeering charges against this administration?"
        What is RICO Law...
        In order to make it easier to prosecute organized crime, in 1970 Congress passed the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations law (RICO). Under RICO, it is a federal crime to participate in or make money from racketeering (organized, illegal activity). The law permits both criminal prosecutions, which can result in imprisonment and forfeiture (government seizure) of ill-gotten gains; and civil lawsuits, in which those harmed financially by the illegal activity can sue the perpetrators for damages.

        The federal law targets not only organized crime, such as the Mafia, but also otherwise legitimate businesses or associations engaged in criminal activity. Federal prosecutors have used RICO to reduce organized crime and to fight white-collar crime, fraud, and political corruption. RICO allows prosecutors to bring all of an organization’s different criminal acts together in a single prosecution.
        Read more...http://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/crime-penalties/federal/rico-offenses.htm
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  • Posted by plusaf 11 years, 3 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Thanks for the memories...
    I cut my teeth on WATFOR at RPI on an IBM 360/45 and even got into some pseudoassembler for debugging.
    "My first computer" was a teletype in 1969 or so running 2400 baud to a "Tymshare" time-sharing system. I was using it to determine the intersection points of multiple histograms' peaks.
    Then my department went to an HP2100A with CORE MEMORY (Google that...) When you turned off the power switch (key) everything stayed in the magnetic memory and "booting the system the next day" was as fast as the power supplies came up and you could hit the "Run" button.
    And when we upgraded it from 32k to 64k, that one memory board cost us more than my first house and about six times as much as my first car.

    Talk about the "good old days"?
    Oh, and my wife did some programming on a computer that you can now see in the Smithsonian.

    Lucky kids...
    But I taught myself html and have had lots of web fun at work and since. Technology is fun!

    Now, if BHO had made a pitch for "Critical Thinking," I'd be on board with that..

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    • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 11 years, 3 months ago
      Imagine if An Wang had gotten the 1 cent per bit royalties that he wanted for his patent. I think that the global annual production is only $100 trillion or so.

      It is not just that the world moves faster than the planner can grasp, but it takes directions that they could not anticipate. When Yaron Brook spoke here in Austin at UT last week, one of the students in the audience made the unsurprising statement that they are being trained for careers that do not exist yet.

      Your pointer to "Critical thinking" was absolutely correct. While technical skills are important, other talents are their foundations.
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    • Posted by Eudaimonia 11 years, 3 months ago
      The first computer I learned on was a PDP 11 in 1981 or 1982.
      It also had teletypes and punchtape.

      The second computer I learned on (believe it or not) was a VAX in 1983 - 1984.
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      • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 3 months ago
        Back in the 80s/early 90s when I was on Compuserve, I'd be chatting with some fellow Amiga enthusiasts, and periodically one of them would say to himself:

        Vaxine: compile complete. Rick, do something!
        I once asked him who Vaxine was and what that was all about. He had a Vax computer doing compiles, and wrote a script for it to notify him on the network when it finished a compile so he could resume work.

        Dr Van Allen (of the radiation belts) thought my dad was a genius.

        At the time, my dad was young, and took a stab at selling calculators (big, noisy mechanical beasts as expensive and big as a desktop computer today, and a lot heavier). One of the places in his territory was the U of Iowa. I gather Van Allen was working or visiting there at the time.
        Anyways, so Van Allen was working on a program and was stuck. My dad didn't know jack about programming, but Van Allen walked him through the instructions, and afterwards my dad asked if it ever ran a certain piece of the code. Apparently Van Allen had inserted a "go to" or "return"- type statement prior to that section of code so it never got executed, which was the problem he was having. He went around to his colleagues bragging about how my father had "solved" his problem. Which I guess says a lot about Van Allen's character.

        EDIT: doh, left out the point of the story. Obama talking about everyone and anyone becoming coders is what reminded me of the story....
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      • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 11 years, 3 months ago
        I knew both machines and had a lot of time on a VAX. My first internet email address was on a VAX at Lansing Community College. In addition to the VAX 11/780, they acquired a microVAX and I wrote the technician's manual for that. I was teaching technical writing there and for a directed study in computer science, I wrote a graphics-based tutorial (in Fortran) that demonstrated three different sorting algorithms.
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  • Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years, 3 months ago
    I actually agree with Obama on this particular point. Computer science is the future of not just American industry, but global industry. And if you don't get on board with that, and don't learn the technical skills necessary to succeed in the future, you're going to be left behind.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 3 months ago
      There is WAY more to "computer science" than coding.
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      • Posted by Rozar 11 years, 3 months ago
        I'm so sick of this argument. Do you expect him to make an hour long video going over every single piece of information one needs to know to be good at computer science? Is that the only way to make this video valuable? It's the dumbest thing I've ever heard to say that something is invalid because it failed to examine every conceivable detail that might effect the outcome.
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        • Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years, 3 months ago
          I agree. I don't get why people are picking on this video. If you want to criticize Obama, then criticize him for something that's actually legitimate.
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      • Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years, 3 months ago
        That's very true. What's your point?
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        • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 3 months ago
          It's like saying military service is important, so everyone should learn to drive a tank.
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          • Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years, 3 months ago
            Except Obama didn't say that computer science only involved programming, or that everyone should become a programmer. He just said that computer science skills are going to be important in the future, which is completely true (heck, it's already true today). He mentioned programming, sure, but he did NOT say that programming was everything, or that computer science involved nothing else, and to interpret it that way is to inject into his message a meaning which simply wasn't there.

            Saying computer science is essential != saying everyone should learn how to program.

            Seriously... -_-
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            • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 3 months ago
              But he just SAID that everyone should learn to code, which equals "everyone should learn how to program". Which is saying that "Computer science = programming".

              You want to get into the game development business? You don't have to learn to program at all. You can get a job as a 3d modeler, as a texture artist, 2d artist, animator, musician, composer, set designer, writer, director, accountant, marketer...

              The computer science industry is much broader than just writing code, and encompasses everything from game development to database development to chip manufacturing to hardware repair and maintenance, to customer support... on and on.
              What he was doing with this video is what he does with everything; try to make himself the Dalai Lama, the messiah, the benevolent lord and master who knows everything and should control and direct every aspect of American life...
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            • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 3 months ago
              And, in point of fact, computer science skills are becoming less and less important as time marches on. Because the computers are doing more for the average Joe.

              As time goes on, computer science will become (once again) a limited and esoteric field, with lots of "programmers" who do nothing more than point, click and drag icons in order to design "apps" and "web sites", while the real coders will become highly specialized with far less disseminated knowledge than was available in the 80s and 90s to non specialists.
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            • Posted by LetsShrug 11 years, 3 months ago
              Maph, I can appreciate you wanting to defend your guy...no wait...what am I saying..no I cannot... anyway, what's with the love affair with bo? What is it you like about him exactly? Don't take this the wrong way or anything, but HE'S NOT YOUR FRIEND.
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              • Posted by $ Maphesdus 11 years, 3 months ago
                Obama isn't "my guy." The presidential candidate who I liked most during the 2012 election was actually Gary Johnson. Sadly, he never had a chance of winning, even if his policies were the best.

                As for why I'm defending Obama here, it's because he just happened to say something that was true. I'm well aware that Obama has many faulty policies, but that doesn't mean he's always wrong about everything.
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                • Posted by $ 11 years, 3 months ago
                  I don’t think he had anything to do with what was put on the teleprompter for him to read. The only thing I’ve seen this guy do is get a crowd going at a rally. He didn’t write or add his name to any laws as a Senator. He often just voted ‘present’. He supposely taught at the university level but have you seen anyone come forward to say”Yeah, he was my teacher” Was he was funny, engaging, or informative or what? We don’t know. We know he listed as being the President of Harvard Law Review, but since he failed to wrtie any editorials for the paper we know nothing about how that went. This is the first President in modern history who has managed to keep his college transcripts a complete secret. I’m not comfortable trying to find valid reasons why I should trust him when every fact screams don’t, This is the problem with voting for a President possessing a cult of personality. I don’t see anything wrong with the video and the content, but I do see something wrong with the leader of the free world constantly making appearances in info-mercials as some sort of believable celebrity-brand. What exactly is his area of expertise and how is that a value to us? (I’m throwing the questions out there, Maph. I’m not expecting you to have the answers. I don’t.)
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            • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 3 months ago
              He said everyone should learn to code... programming is a very small subset of computer science. I mean, does he really need to make yet another public statement demonstrating his ignorance of yet another subject?
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    • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 11 years, 3 months ago
      Mostly, it is the past, not the future. I mean that the basic skills of computer programming are well known and deeply ingrained in our society, like any other literacy. It is like civil engineering, really, something very common and basic. The future is with life sciences.

      Technical skills are important at some level, depending on what you do for a living. But the brain surgeon does not need to know how to write a computer program - though it might be helpful for some kinds of work.In fact, considering the state of the art in surgery, it is not computers but ROBOTS that you need to know how to program. Robots are increasingly common. But, "programming" chemicals is also important. It just depends.

      Consider the automobile and how few people know - or need to know - how to build and repair one. I could point to civil engineering as a basic requirement of any person who wants to live well in a city. Yet, millions live well in cities without knowing civil engineering.
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    • Posted by $ 11 years, 3 months ago
      Oh, I am in total agreement with you. It’s just that Barry has been developing his own website for about three years now...maybe you have heard of it? [EG]
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  • Posted by khalling 11 years, 3 months ago
    fuching amazing. Does the President have any idea how to write code? This is your chance! this week! don't selfie-learn appies!
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    • Posted by Bobhummel 11 years, 3 months ago
      As is always the case with looters like BHO, he can't do anything except demand that the producers make his wishes come true. He wants his POS website to work so therefore it will work perfectly ...if only the people with the brains to make it work,who actually know what they are doing and making a productive living would stop objecting to his statist policies and get on board and fix it. It is all our fault that his shit doesn't work. This is simply placing "a wish" above "it is". HE takes his emotion as a cause and he uses his emotions as a tool for perceiving reality. Statist morons like BHO say "I want it, therefore it is. This total disregard for reality and logic will be the destruction of our society.
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      • Posted by $ MikeMarotta 11 years, 3 months ago
        I agree that the ACA is a perfect example of the muscle mystic mentality. They think (if "think" is the right word) that possessing machines or some other material product will give them the power to produce.
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  • Posted by $ stargeezer 11 years, 3 months ago
    When I first saw this I thought he had suddenly turned into a real leader and was urging the populace to study a very useful subject - Morse Code.

    Then I discover that he's just pushing more governmental handouts to the end of making a already nerdy generation into a even more out of touch, basement dwelling trollers.

    I should have known.
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  • Posted by Danno 11 years, 3 months ago
    So BO wants to change the way everything works (anti-union stance) and though against robots wants everyone to learn to code presumably to increase efficiency (again anti-union). I thought BO shilled for the Union?
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  • Posted by teri-amborn 11 years, 3 months ago
    My very dear friend writes code and has been writing it for a LONG time.

    She says that these days, memory is so cheap that code has become very sloppy and potentially dangerous because of hackers.

    Perhaps President Obama has this in mind?
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  • Posted by exindigo 11 years, 3 months ago
    He's asking people to become HACKERS! We get more Hackers, we can attack China's Hackers and all the Muslim Hackers and our Hackers will be better than any other country's hackers. Go Hack yourself a smartphone, Done just play the game, hack into it. Don't just work with apps, hack the source and create your own from hacked code. See how simple it all is?
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  • Posted by jimslag 11 years, 3 months ago
    I guess he learned about bad coding the hard way with ObamaCare. He wants us to learn so we can not only buy it but fix the website also. I like that 3 people in Silicon Valley did over a weekend and got it right. It's called healthcare sherpa or something like that. I guess what we got is what you get with crony capitalism.
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  • Posted by lucasmoten 11 years, 3 months ago
    This is an instance where being an antagonist can make one appear foolish. President Obama's call to action in this segment is a positive one, and highly favorable compared to the approach taken by Michelle with regards to nutrition.
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 3 months ago
      The *idea* is good... except we need young people to enter *all* the sciences, not just comp sci. Where he looked silly was in trying to incite people to become coders.
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  • Posted by fairbro 11 years, 3 months ago
    Obama gave this job to QSSI - a minority-owned firm. Firms owned by white males were not allowed to bid.

    QSSI is the remnants of a company called American Management Systems (you can see this info on Wikipedia) which also ripped off the taxpayers for $90 million, producing gobbledegook code. AMS was also minority-owned, before they filed for bankruptcy and reformed into QSSI.

    When I was working in Northern Virginia for the Pentagon, we had to help the contractors, all of them black, who didn't know their ass from a hole in the ground when it came to programming.

    Instead of utilizing us (the civilian government employees) who had degrees in computer science, we had to hire contractors, all minority, under Section 8-a. I once helped this high school dropout who posed in a job requiring a minimum of a university-degree as a computer scientist. I also repaired the crap code produced by another incompetent who was a psychologist posing as a computer professional.

    One time a company owner bragged to me, "I got this contract, because I am Hispanic. If your country is so stupid to give it to me because I am not white, I will take it."
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    • Posted by $ 11 years, 3 months ago
      “... Firms owned by white males were not allowed to bid.”

      Link, please.
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      • -1
        Posted by fairbro 11 years, 3 months ago
        Do your own F-cking research, jackass
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        • Posted by $ 11 years, 3 months ago
          I would have had I made the statement, but I didn’t; you did. No source? Fine. No credibility.
          Btw, I didn’t point you up or down. If you don’t stop with the personal attacks no one here is going to want to read what you write. Isn’t that the whole point of joining an online community? Especially this one that reflects on rational thought.
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        • Posted by Hiraghm 11 years, 3 months ago
          She wasn't being a jackass, merely asking for confirmation of your assertion.

          It's a pretty bold assertion that firms owned by white males were not allowed to bid. It's one I find believable in today's social climate, but without some sort of objective evidence that it actually happened, it's just rumor. And if there's documentation that it *did* happen, that's one helluva weapon to wield against the administration.
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